Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Quality has a quantity all its own
Author J6A
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2019-04-11
Language English
Scenario FitS010

This is a neat little meeting engagement scenario and a good one to teach the armor rules. The Germans have a mixed tank/infantry force, including a PZII unit which, if its smart, will spend the game hiding (or, perhaps be sacrificed to set up a crossfire), while the Soviets have 6 tank units, including a couple of KV-1s. Historically, a tank duel erupted at 800=1000 meters (4-5 hexes) in this one, with the Soviets getting the better of it. A smart German player will probably want the duel to happen at longer range because his guns have longer range, and there's just not a lot of cover on the 2 maps.

The Germans also have a 5-2 initiative advantage at the start of this one, meaning they will control the tempo of the scenario. In this one, I moved the PZIIIs into the 1 hex woods and onto the 3 hex hill where they had time to dig in while I used the PZIVEs to flank and sent the Infantry loaded SPW251 to the east flank, too. After unloading, they scurried to hide in the woods so the Soviets couldn't chase them down for easy kills.

The Soviets had the slow KV-1s come up the road, while the T-34As came through the fields to hit the German flank. This proved to be the Soviets undoing. I accidentally moved the KV1s 4 hexes from the PZIVEs, meaning the short 75s were in normal AT range. I should have left them at 5, where the KV-1s would be normal strength while the PZIVEs were halved. With the German initiative advantage, crossfires quickly led to 2 dead KV-1 steps. Plus, infantry started to move into assault positions and the KV-1s were too slow to retreat from them (especially the disrupted one). The KV=1s did get some revenge when a boxcars vaporized a platoon of PZIVEs. The T-34s were having more trouble than they should have with the force in the woods, and then I had to send some to reinforce the KV-1s. However, the German infantry caught up and tied up some of the tanks in an assault, and ultimately outrolled the Soviets and were able to take the upper hand, even with the restriction on allowed column shifts. Eventually, the Soviets tried to pull back, and the last KV-1 step was lost leaving the assault, More crossfires took out some T-34As, and the Germans, ahead on the victory conditions, fell back and dared the remaining Soviets to attack. As this was only 1 1/2 platoons, the Soviets declined to advance, knowing the odds were against them.

This is a 22 turn scenario, and I called it after 9. The German range advantage and initiative advantage were tough for the Soviets to overcome. Roughly 14 shots per turn is going to beat 6 shots per turn when a good chunk of those 14 shots are at +2 for crossfire. In retrospect, I should have not moved the KV-1s as aggressively, and should have sent them away from the marauding infantry so they wouldn't get caught in assaults. While they have the DF values to hurt the infantry, every DF shot they take is an AT shot they aren't taking.

Even with competent Soviet play (i.e., not mine), I can see this as a scenario that can be played in 2 hours or less. I'd definitely like to try it FtF sometime.

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