Panzer Grenadier Battles on April 26th:
Afrika Korps #28 - "Meet Me at the Pass" Edelweiss: Expanded #13 - Spring Offensive
Army Group South Ukraine #1 - A Meaningless Day First Axis #20 - End Game in Italy
Army Group South Ukraine #4 - Beyond the Prut Parachutes Over Crete #39 - Corinith
Edelweiss #10 - Spring Offensive Road to Berlin #71 - Horst Wessel's Last Verse
Edelweiss IV #19 - Spring Offensive

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 5,928
Authors 206
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 64.98%

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  • - Found 5876 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 5876 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 15 AARs for game filter
  • - 15 AARs passed all filters selected

Secret Weapons (15 AARs)
2024-02-05 Juiceman English SeWp001 4/5 Secret Weapons #1 - Flight of the Valkyries
2012-01-26 PatC English SeWp003 4/5 Behind the Beachs or The other "Hells Highway"
2024-02-08 Juiceman English SeWp004 3/5 Secret Weapons #4 - Stinging Hummingbird
2010-07-30 Zouave English SeWp008 2/5 Black Day of the 1st Cav
2011-06-08 JayTownsend English SeWp008 2/5 Secret Weapons, scenario # 8: Red Dragons
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English SeWp011 3/5 Secret Weapons scenario #11 Mirror, Mirror!
2018-01-01 Retiredgrunt17 English SeWp012 5/5 Giant Was Indeed, a Mouse
2011-06-05 JayTownsend English SeWp014 4/5 Secret Weapons, scenario #14: Maus Hunt
2011-06-07 JayTownsend English SeWp015 5/5 Secret Weapons, scenario # 15: Tank Battles
2012-01-09 JayTownsend English SeWp018 3/5 Secret Weapons, scenario #18: Through the Desert
2018-01-16 Retiredgrunt17 English SeWp020 5/5 Bully!
2011-06-08 Poor Yorek English SeWp023 2/5 Centurians trash Guards
2011-09-30 JayTownsend English SeWp023 3/5 Secret Weapons, scenario #23: Mandate Defense
2018-01-12 Retiredgrunt17 English SeWp026 5/5 Dust Off, Dust On
2012-02-28 JayTownsend English SeWp031 3/5 Secret Weapons, scenario #31: Bitter Woods
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