Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

2011 Q3 News Archive

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All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.

Comments are still active on each and every post no matter how old. Should you choose to continue an old discussion the subscription system remains active and previous posters will be notified as usual.

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Plays &amp; AARs 2.0 is inching closer...

All AARs now have a language datapoint.

At this time you cannot change the language, and all AARs are automatically set to English. The new Play & AAR system will fully-enable this feature. In the meantime, our multilingual friends like Ifig must continue to be patient.

We're getting there! :-) And it'll be worth the wait...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Hi everyone, doing some tweaks on the database and need to unscramble some date errors. Please do not add new records or AARs as long as this message is up.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 9

"Death from above!" screamed Townsend-san, except in Japanese, not English, as he samurai'd his way through the 10 scenario tour of Nihon Silk in record time.

JayTownsend, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Nihon Silk
(news archives) ~ Shad
2011-09-14 03:53

Surely this was earned with all his play-testing his own scenario pack ? Narcism the crowd yells !

2011-09-14 04:19
2011-09-14 04:19
2011-09-14 05:02

Give the credit where the credit is due, he went and replayed all the scenarios as-published. The scenarios he turned in are not exactly the same.

2011-10-09 04:41

i swear i cant open a scenario without seeing that this bloke played it first. L E G E N D

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September Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

caryn is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

davidthedad is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

beast013 is promoted 1 rank from Staff Sergeant insignia to Sergeant First Class insignia

Matt W is promoted 1 rank from First Sergeant insignia to Sergeant Major insignia

I'm on a business trip at the moment, so I have no witty comments this month. See you in October.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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PG-HQ is going Multilingual

Panzer Grenadier is enjoyed around the world. I know this both from our server's traffic logs and from the fact that we have members posting AARs in languages besides English.

I think that's great!

PG-HQ, as part of the coming Play & AAR System upgrade, will be adding language to the AAR form.

Why? Because we want people to write AARs in any language they please, and we want other speakers of the same language to find those AARs as easily as possible!

To that end, I've assembled a list of likely languages based on our site traffic. Please carefully read the list below. If your language(s) of choice is not listed, let me know!

Possible PG-HQ AAR Languages:

  • Català
  • Čeština
  • Cymraeg
  • Dansk
  • Deutsch
  • Eesti Keel
  • English
  • Español
  • Euskera
  • Fārsī
  • Français
  • Hrvatski
  • Italiano
  • Latviešu
  • Lietuvių Kalba
  • Magyar
  • Nederlands
  • Norske
  • Polski
  • Português
  • Română
  • Slovenčina
  • Slovenščina
  • Srpski
  • Suomi
  • Svenska
  • Türkçe
  • Ελληνικά
  • Русский
  • Српскохрватски
  • Українська
  • 中文
  • 日本語
  • 한국어

Likewise notify me if you see any errors in the above. I've tried to list each language's name in its own language but I only speak a few of those...

(news archives) ~ Shad
2011-08-28 05:22


2011-08-31 11:54

Ok, ça marche pour moi, je ferai l'effort d'en faire un.

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Upgrade Bug Status

FIXED: password reset tool

FIXED: Want to Play toggle on scenario page

RE-FIXED: password reset tool --- My sincere apologies to the person repeatedly trying in vain to reset your password. It should be doable now.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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The Bounty System is Temporarily Disabled

Warning: the Bounty System has been temporarily disabled.

Bit of a task-order error on my part - I upgraded the Bounty System code to support our new Play & AAR System, but that hasn't been completed yet.

The Bounty Timer has been frozen. You can continue to add plays and AARs as usual, but you will not receive any points at this time. You will also not "lose out" on any points. All backlogged points will be automatically awarded once the new Play & AAR system is installed.

In the meantime, you will see messages like "you have been awarded --- points".

I expect to finish the upgrade in about two weeks, but certainly no later than the end of September. If you would like to wire me many thousands of dollars so I can quit my day job, I can finish it tomorrow! ;-)

Sorry for the trouble!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Gradual Upgrades

Over the next few days I'll be upgrading site infrastructure. I've tested it as much as I could, but there are certain to be some lingering bugs. If you get the Fiery Death notice, be calm!

All crash reports are emailed to me automatically, and I will resolve them as quickly as possible.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 8

Hedgerow hell? No, just a walk in the park for our most battle-hardened soldier.

mike perryman left nothing in his wake but burnt, twisted tanks and weeping mothers as he drove straight towards the heart of Germany.

mike perryman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Airborne - Introductory Edition
(news archives) ~ Shad
2011-08-23 21:13

Only 10 to go for Afrika Korps, Mike.

Then you'll dethrone Matt W and become the new Tour of Duty King according to longest tour completed! :-)

2011-08-24 13:25

Are you guys watching beast and EFDx? I have a feeling any Kingship is likely to be short lived...

2011-08-24 13:26

Congrats Mike!!!

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New Basic Search

As part of a long series of largely invisible changes to the underlying framework of Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the scenario search tool has been overhauled.


  • greatly increased the site's protection against attacks
  • streamlined basic search interface
  • search results can now be bookmarked (example: all unplayed Breakout scenarios)
  • search results can be sorted on-the-fly

Eventually there will be Advanced and Unit-based Searches to go with the Basic Search, so if a particular search criteria you enjoy is not included do not despair... just be patient!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 7

Often ignored but never forgotten, Matt W led his small band of Slovakian soldiers first against the worst the Soviet Union had to offer, and later against the last remnants of the Third Reich.

In completing this 30 scenario tour of duty, you have set a new record for others to look up to.

Matt W, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

First Axis: Slovakia at War, 1939-1945
(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 6

It was a brutal, deadly campaign... conducted across creeks and rivers, forests and jungles, and most memorably - in caves. But his victory was inevitable, and driddle01 bravely lead his Marines against the best the Emperor could throw at him. Guadalcanal belonged to the Allies.

driddle01, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Semper Fi! Guadalcanal
(news archives) ~ Shad
2011-08-21 17:33

Awesome ribbon and even more awesome campaign. Congrats!!

2011-08-21 21:32

Congratulations! That's a long, tough campaign.

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Grief from The Man

The monthly promotions went up late, and I still owe driddle a Guadalcanal medal, because the people in charge of my country of residence decided to drop the ban hammer on PG-HQ's IP address for reasons known only to them.

As far as I know, I'm the only member who regularly accesses the site from China, so I was the only person inconvenienced... but when the Site Admin can't do admin things, everyone gets dinged.

Our hosting provider in Texas graciously relocated us as a one time deal. In the meantime, I will work on getting a more reliable (VPN) connection so I can do my job here whether or not Big Brother wants me to...

My apologies to anyone who was inconvenienced. This sort of nonsense comes with the territory where I live...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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August Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

10leopard2 is promoted 2 ranks from Recruit insignia to Private First Class insignia

Gibet is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

Michael Murphy is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

beast013 is promoted 2 ranks from Corporal insignia to Staff Sergeant insignia

waynebaumber is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant insignia to First Sergeant insignia

JayTownsend is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major insignia to Second Lieutenant insignia

mike perryman is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major insignia to Second Lieutenant insignia

A glorious month for PG, as Jay and Mike have simultaneously broken through to the LT level! Gold bars!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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PG-HQ just came back online from a server crash. We use shared hosting, which is 1/15th the cost of renting our own dedicated server, but which exposes us to the potential idiocy of anyone else sharing space on the same server with us.

Sometime during the night, another site on the server did something to bring the whole box to its knees, taking us with it. But we're back now!

My apologies!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Janitorial Upgrade

My little trooper is just about 3 months old now, and I'm slowly getting my life back into a tenuous sort of balance... and that means coding again, albeit slowly.

Frequent PG-HQ users have probably all experienced a bug or three by now. The notices and warnings issued were naked messages from our server, and contained sensitive software information that a malicious visitor could use to develop attacks.

To resolve this problem, I've just installed a new error handler. From now on, if you uncover a bug I will be automatically emailed the full report and you will see:

The PG-HQ Engine has apparently died a fiery death. The Site Admin has been automatically notified via a distress email. Please proceed to the escape pods.

(news archives) ~ Shad
2011-07-22 20:58

I figured those error messages were Fog of War rolls for the website :-)

2011-07-23 05:08

To be honest, it's something we really should have launched with... but as a totally green programmer I wasn't aware such a thing even existed.

The tipping point was when I discovered we had been revealing some pretty sensitive server information for months to a handful of users who had recorded plays for games not in their collections. This crashed one of the modules on the My PG-HQ Home tab.

...and since I play (nearly) all my games solo, and therefore own everything I play, I had no idea the crash was even happening. It also had never occurred to me to test for that sort of situation.

But now, no matter what happens - I see the bug immediately and no one else! ^_^

(knock on wood)

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One Improved Toy, One New Toy

Improved Toy!

A few weeks ago, an astute Panzer Grenadier fan pointed out that the print view version of our Annotated Rules did not have the table of contents. This same enthusiast also wondered aloud if we might be able to design a rule index of sorts, to better help the confused grognard navigate the system's ruleset.

Well, the auto-index is really more trouble than it's worth - but we've solved the former problem for you. I present to you:

The Gratuitous Table of Contents!

New Toy!

Unifying our Player Finder and Want to Play functionality is the new Matchmaker Tool. This tool automatically tells you who else on the Player Finder wants to play the same scenarios you do, and allows you to email them a challenge at the touch of a button.

Panzer Grenadier Headquarters is committed to uniting the Panzer Grenadier player base under one banner, and improving the ease with which one of our members can find and play another is a core pillar of that strategy.

Game on!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2011-07-03 07:49

Absolutely NEAT work in the extreme ! Well Done.

2011-07-03 08:22

Let me be the first to echo (see how you can be first even when you are second!!) Vince. The Table of Contents revision is tremendous.

2011-07-03 08:26


Thank you, my friend! Please forgive me for launching this little tool but not yet getting you shared play support. The underlying code for the matchmaker is surprisingly simple. I spent more time on those fancy dropdown boxes than I did on the database heavy-lifting!

@Matt W

Would you like to see that massive ToC on the regular AR as well? It'd have to be 3 columns rather than 4 to fit our standard site layout, so even more scrolling...

(edited 2011-07-03 16:10)

Shad Will the Toc update automatically after clarifications are added?

2011-07-03 16:48


It will, fully automatic. Which is the reason why it currently has a bug, ha! I noticed last night that it is marking rules with no title text as clarifications on the ToC. (Example: 8.31~8.36) Will patch that when I have time.

Whenever you update the AR, the new code is also supposed to email me automatically and remind me to update the PDF , thereby saving you the trouble. We'll see how that works out!

2011-07-03 20:45

Shall we test it out?

I will add a test clarification

2011-07-03 21:12


Duh. That feature is still on my task tracker, and a quick code check confirms it hasn't been implemented. I'll stick it in today and update, then let you know.

Seems the version of PG-HQ in my head and the one in real life are not aligned! ha.

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July Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

Gibet is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

beast013 is promoted 3 ranks from Recruit insignia to Corporal insignia

davidthedad is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

Poor Yorek is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

Not a whole lot of plays in June, but seeing three recruits make it through basic training is always a pleasure. Hope you boys keep on playing for a long time to come!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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