Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

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All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.

Comments are still active on each and every post no matter how old. Should you choose to continue an old discussion the subscription system remains active and previous posters will be notified as usual.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 241

On 2024-05-30, McKinley earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Kokoda Campaign!

  • Draws: 8
  • Australia & United States Wins: 15
  • Japan Wins: 8

McKinley, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Kokoda Campaign Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 240

On 2024-05-21, Miguelibal earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed The Last Horse Soldier!

  • Draws: 0
  • United States Wins: 2
  • Germany, Italy Wins: 0

Miguelibal, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

The Last Horse Soldier Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 239

On 2024-05-13, CravenDumps35 earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Alaska's War!

  • Draws: 1
  • United States Wins: 3
  • Japan Wins: 7

CravenDumps35, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Alaska's War Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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June Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

ravensworth is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

leonard is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant First Class insignia to Master Sergeant insignia


(news archives) ~ Shad
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May Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

Brad_Newcomer is promoted 2 ranks from Recruit insignia to Private First Class insignia

ravensworth is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

Umikaze is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

treadasaurusrex is promoted 1 rank from Major insignia to Lieutenant Colonel insignia


(news archives) ~ Shad
2024-05-26 17:17

Congratulations y un gran aplauso! It has been a long struggle to catch up to your actual rank.

Glad that I could do my bit to make this glorious, but relatively meaningless, achievement possible -- along with my fellow SEAB&JF scoundrels.

2024-05-26 17:19

I second this motion!

2024-05-26 18:16

Caramba y felicitaciones! Que gran éxito, para El Rey de Dino-treadasauros!

2024-05-26 18:54

Indeed, about time, Tread-Rex!

2024-05-29 14:22

Nice job, Skipper!

2024-06-03 16:51


Imagine that: a PG-HQ LTC that is not a strict rules lawyer. Somebody that actually plays for fun.

2024-06-03 17:08

Fighting for fun is SO much better than the real thing!

2024-06-03 21:04

Whew, is that ever true!

Combat in cyberspace is way better, and it is fun if you play these fiddly battles your way with other people, as the Tread Rex and the SEAB&J rascals always do.

After all, we own these games ourselves, they're not the property of the opinionated, fun-killing PG rules lawyers, and solo purists.

2024-06-03 21:09

Well said, especially meaningful on the T-Rex's birthday.

2024-06-03 22:19

Otro gran éxito, mi Coronel!

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 238

On 2024-03-27, treadasaurusrex earned their 14th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Panzer Grenadier! The original!

  • Draws: 14
  • Germany Wins: 22
  • Soviet Union Wins: 25

treadasaurusrex, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Panzer Grenadier Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2024-04-29 15:27

It always amazes me that people who do not share my abnormalities play the dinosaur version too. Well done :)

Be sure to play a DIY scenario with the points system in the back that sadly only was printed in the original.

2024-04-29 15:50

You're sure right.

Arguably, the DIY scenario builder feature was the best - and most fun - part of the original PG game set.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 237

On 2024-03-24, Sonora earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Spanish Blues!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany, Spain Wins: 0
  • Soviet Union Wins: 1

Sonora, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Spanish Blues Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 236

On 2024-03-22, Tubac52 earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Lost Battalion!

  • Draws: 0
  • Australia, Britain, United States Wins: 1
  • Netherlands, United States Wins: 1
  • Japan Wins: 1

Tubac52, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Lost Battalion Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 235

On 2024-03-22, treadasaurusrex earned their 13th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Lost Battalion!

  • Draws: 0
  • Australia, Britain, United States Wins: 1
  • Netherlands, United States Wins: 1
  • Japan Wins: 1

treadasaurusrex, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Lost Battalion Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 234

On 2024-03-21, Grognard Gunny earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Über Mentoring!

  • Draws: 2
  • Germany Wins: 2
  • Soviet Union Wins: 3

Grognard Gunny, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Über Mentoring Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-25 11:33

Congratulations, Don!

You've come a very long way learning how to play the fiddly game online - in very short order.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 233

On 2024-03-13, PANISTA earned their 4th Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Demo Games!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 2
  • Soviet Union Wins: 2

PANISTA, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Demo Games Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-25 14:23

Estimado Amigo y Buen Oponente,

Felicitaciones de todo corazón y los mejores deseos para su salud y éxito futuros!

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 232

On 2024-03-12, Sonora earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Demo Games!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 2
  • Soviet Union Wins: 2

Sonora, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Demo Games Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-25 14:23

Estimado Amigo y Buen Oponente,

Felicitaciones de todo corazón y los mejores deseos para su salud y éxito futuros!

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 231

On 2024-02-26, McKinley earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed La Campagne de Tunisie!

  • Draws: 2
  • France Wins: 2
  • United States Wins: 1
  • Germany Wins: 0
  • Italy Wins: 1
  • Germany, Italy Wins: 1
  • Germany, France Wins: 0
  • France, Germany Wins: 0
  • France, Morocco Wins: 0
  • France, United States Wins: 1
  • Britain, France, United States Wins: 1
  • Britain, France, Morocco Wins: 1
  • Britain, France, Morocco, United States Wins: 1

What a mess!

McKinley, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

La Campagne de Tunisie Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 230

On 2024-02-16, OldPueblo earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Demo Games!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 3
  • Soviet Union Wins: 0

OldPueblo, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Demo Games Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2024-04-21 14:44

Congrats Jaime!

2024-04-22 20:18

Hear, Hear and Hurrah!

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 229

On 2024-02-03, Jockulus earned their 1st Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Über Mentoring!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 4
  • Soviet Union Wins: 3

Jockulus, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Über Mentoring Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-20 20:21

Completion of a happy set of introductory scenarios played with a long-time, PG aficionado, in the process of shifting to shared play in Vassal.

The very welcome addition to the growing stable of seasoned & challenging online players served by PG-HQ.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 228

On 2024-01-26, sagunto earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed The Last Horse Soldier!

  • Draws: 0
  • United States Wins: 3
  • Italy Wins: 0
  • Germany Wins: 0

sagunto, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

The Last Horse Soldier Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-21 17:46

Congrats Mauro!

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 227

On 2024-01-09, treadasaurusrex earned their 12th Tour of Duty medal when they completed PG Demo Games!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 1
  • Soviet Union Wins: 2

treadasaurusrex, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

PG Demo Games Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 226

On 2024-01-01, Juiceman earned their 14th Tour of Duty medal when they completed War of the Worlds! You've failed humanity!

  • Draws: 0
  • United States Wins: 0
  • Mars Wins: 1

Juiceman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

War of the Worlds Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 225

On 2024-01-01, Juiceman earned their 15th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Sherman Tanks!

  • Draws: 0
  • United States Wins: 0
  • Germany Wins: 1

Juiceman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Sherman Tanks Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-16 12:34

Congratulations! I can't wait to start earning some of these Tour of Duty medals myself.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 224

On 2023-11-24, JayTownsend earned their 13th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Sherman Tanks!

  • Draws: 1
  • United States Wins: 0
  • Germany Wins: 0

JayTownsend, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Sherman Tanks Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-16 12:34

Congratulations! I can't wait to start earning some of these Tour of Duty medals myself.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 223

On 2023-11-10, Grognard Gunny earned their 1st Tour of Duty medal when they completed Legions of Zog!

  • Draws: 0
  • Italy Wins: 2
  • Albania Wins: 2

Grognard Gunny, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Legions of Zog Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-16 12:34


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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 222

On 2023-11-03, garbare83686 earned their 16th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Afrika Korps! Another classic completed!

  • Draws: 20
  • Italy Wins: 3
  • Germany Wins: 7
  • Germany, Italy Wins: 1
  • Australia Wins: 2
  • Britain Wins: 3
  • Australia, Britain Wins: 13
  • Australia, Britain, Italy Wins: 1

garbare83686, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Afrika Korps Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 221

On 2023-10-30, treadasaurusrex earned their 11th Tour of Duty medal when they completed War of the Worlds! You have failed humanity!

  • Draws: 0
  • United States Wins: 0
  • Mars Wins: 1

treadasaurusrex, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

War of the Worlds Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2024-04-12 12:29

Indeed, we have conquered & eaten humanity. They were crispy & delicious . . .

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 220

On 2023-10-30, PANISTA earned their 3rd Tour of Duty medal when they completed War of the Worlds! You have failed humanity!

  • Draws: 0
  • United States Wins: 0
  • Mars Wins: 1

PANISTA, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

War of the Worlds Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 219

On 2023-10-28, garbare83686 earned their 15th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Guadalcanal! Guadalcanal is a notorious slog. You chose a real bear for your 15th ribbon!

  • Draws: 5
  • Japan Wins: 5
  • United States Wins: 14

garbare83686, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Guadalcanal Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 218

On 2023-10-14, CravenDumps35 earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Police Action!

  • Draws: 0
  • East Germany Wins: 0
  • United States Wins: 3

CravenDumps35, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Police Action Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 217

On 2023-10-01, Juiceman earned their 13th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Deluge! Always exciting to see one of the bigger games be completed for the first time, great job!

  • Draws: 2
  • Poland Wins: 10
  • France, Poland Wins: 0
  • Germany Wins: 29
  • Slovak Republic Wins: 0

Juiceman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Deluge Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 216

On 2023-09-21, treadasaurusrex earned their 10th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Changsha!

  • Draws: 0
  • Japan Wins: 2
  • China Wins: 7

treadasaurusrex, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Changsha Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 215

On 2023-09-01, treadasaurusrex earned their 9th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Operation Green!

  • Draws: 0
  • Ireland Wins: 2
  • Germany Wins: 0

treadasaurusrex, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Operation Green Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 214

On 2023-09-01, Reconquista earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Operation Green!

  • Draws: 0
  • Ireland Wins: 2
  • Germany Wins: 0

Reconquista, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Operation Green Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 213

On 2023-08-03, PANISTA earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Spanish Blues!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany, Spain Wins: 0
  • Soviet Union Wins: 1

PANISTA, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Spanish Blues Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 212

On 2023-08-03, Tankodactyl earned their 2nd Tour of Duty medal when they completed Spanish Blues!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany, Spain Wins: 0
  • Soviet Union Wins: 1

Tankodactyl, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Spanish Blues Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 211

On 2023-07-01, Juiceman earned their 12th Tour of Duty medal when they completed Dogs of War!

  • Draws: 0
  • Germany Wins: 3
  • Soviet Union Wins: 1

Juiceman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Dogs of War Tour of Duty Medal

Check out all of our awards and who is leading the race to be first for each uncompleted game at our Tour of Duty Awards hall!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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April Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

ravensworth is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

Umikaze is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

Tubac52 is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant insignia to Staff Sergeant insignia

Grognard Gunny is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant insignia to First Sergeant insignia


(news archives) ~ Shad
2024-04-01 08:10

Always great to see recruits taking the first step!

(edited 2024-04-01 23:15)

Hearty congrats to Tubac52, the latest member of the Southeast Arizona Beer & Jolly Foils to become a PG-HQ Staff Sergeant, in spite of a serious case of Vassalitis.

And, here's a little WWII trivia: US Army Staff Sergeants in 1944 were paid all of $96 a month and Privates were paid just $50 a month (Atkinson, Rick 2013:19).

2024-04-16 12:35

Congratulations to all the well-earned promotions!

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