Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

2013 Q2 News Archive

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Not really 5000 plays... yet!

I'm on my way back to China and just realized that the total plays stat on this page does not count solo and shared plays separately. In other words, it double-counts all the shared plays. So we're probably still a few hundred plays short of 5,000... I'll correct the algorithm when I get home.

UPDATE: the fix is in, we've tossed out 235 false readings in our "Play Meter" ;-)

Now, back to work, all of you!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2013-06-12 08:39


Looks like it would be about 200 plays off. Most from that Vince Hughes guy. He needs to play 138 solo games to make this up ;-)

2013-06-12 09:10

I'm on the case. Just setting my first one up that I can rattle through quickly

"II SS Panzer Corps Attacks" from Beyond Normandy. Should finish it in a 2 hour sitting I would think. :-)

Then just 137 to go !

2013-06-12 09:14

Ha, Ha, a great start for a solo effort. You are just a speed demon to push through in record time. You will be the envy of others ;-)

2013-06-12 14:51

235 to be exact. Which is both good (yay for shared plays!) and bad (5000 is such an awesome milestone!)... we'll get there soon enough, though!

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Happy Birthday to us!
Panzer Grenadier Headquarters turns 3 today. Thank you for all your support and enthusiasm! Let's keep it rolling!
(news archives) ~ Shad
2013-06-06 08:30

Finally out of the terrible twos, eh?

2013-06-06 10:10

Congrats Shad! Thanks for your great work.

2013-06-07 15:04

Yes, a big thanks to you and your helpers for developing this wonderful site!

2013-06-10 04:29

Just 16 more plays to notch 5000 too

2013-06-10 09:30

Indeed, I'm looking forward to running a deep statistical analysis of those 5,000 plays!

2013-06-11 17:13

Thanks for this site Shad.

2013-06-21 00:23

I haven't had a lot of playing time lately but thanks Shad for the best web-site a game series could have!

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June Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

vulcan558 is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

upintheattic is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

waynebaumber is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major insignia to Second Lieutenant insignia

Well done, everyone!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 37 & 38

On May 16th driddle01 squeaked out a narrow victory, holding the line against the final German thrust. The battle for Elsenborn Ridge had come to an end:

  • Draws: 6
  • German Wins: 13
  • American Wins: 16

driddle01, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Elsenborn Ridge


On May 22nd rerathbun stood atop a ridge and watched with satisfaction as the remnants of the combined German and Japanese invasion forces beat a hasty retreat to the beaches. The Axis invasion of Australia had been crushed. Final battle tally:

  • Axis Wins: 4
  • Aussie Wins: 8

rerathbun, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Waltzing Matilda

Congratulations to both of you!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2013-05-24 18:33

Robin's Waltzing Matilda ribbon is based on the Australian Service Medal for WW2 at his request.

2013-05-25 20:58

Congrats, to both.

The ASM is very colorful, that might be a next one for me.

2013-05-29 16:56

I'm torn between those campaigns that are easily doable and those that look good with the ones I already have...

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 35 & 36

On January 23rd JayTownsend succeeded repelling the last, desperate Japanese counterattack and claimed sole undisputed control of the island of Saipan - final battle tally:

  • Draws: 5
  • Japanese Wins: 13
  • American Wins: 29

JayTownsend, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Saipan 1944


On February 22nd TheDoctor's armored brigades ground the final Commonwealth remnants into dust. The 1944 North African Campaign was finally over. Final battle tally:

  • Draws: 2
  • Axis Wins: 6
  • Allied Wins: 3

TheDoctor, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

DAK '44: Combat in North Africa, 1944

Congratulations to both of you!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2013-05-07 00:19

I always hand out medals chronologically. The DAK '44 medal was thus hung up behind the Saipan medal, which I spent a good long while trying to find a suitable design for.

We'd already used the Greater East Asian War medal for Guadalcanal. Other items like the respective Medals of Honor struck me as inappropriate.

Ultimately I veered way off track and took a cross-section of the national flag of the Northern Mariana Islands, which of course is what Saipan ultimately became a part of.

DAK 1944's medal was much easier - it's the ribbon for the Africa Star, a medal of participation awarded by the British Commonwealth for a minimum of one day service in an operational area of North Africa between 10 June 1940 and 12 May 1943. That predates the game in question's scenarios by a year or more, but the game in question is fictitious to begin with so I hope you all will let it slide.


2013-05-07 21:01

The campaign ribbons are just fun, no matter what. Congrats to you both!

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May Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

upintheattic is promoted 2 ranks from Recruit insignia to Private First Class insignia

Diocletian is promoted 1 rank from Corporal insignia to Sergeant insignia

CravenDumps35 is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant insignia to Staff Sergeant insignia

An old veteran finally starts loading in his old plays, and two regulars reach new ranks... not a bad month!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2013-05-02 08:47

That new Private FC still looks a little wet behind the ears to me ?

2013-05-02 11:21

It's a distinct possibility for sure.

2013-05-03 11:31

Perhaps UitA should be brevetted as a Colonel?

2013-05-10 17:52

Well thanks, but I'm just coming out of retirement, so gimme a while to get back up to speed :-)

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April Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

Hugmenot is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant insignia to First Sergeant insignia

Michael Murphy is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major insignia to Second Lieutenant insignia

Congratulations, lads!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2013-04-01 18:50

I've finally reached commissioned officer status! It only took 40 more years than I first calculated.

2013-04-01 19:21

Congrats to you both!!

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