Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

2011 Q2 News Archive

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All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.

Comments are still active on each and every post no matter how old. Should you choose to continue an old discussion the subscription system remains active and previous posters will be notified as usual.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 5

In a whirlwind three week campaign on the Western Front, the likes of which have never before been seen and most likely never will be seen again, beast013, bravely leading his Airborne brethren, bulldozed his way through the German lines. Truly, a debut performance for the ages!

beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Airborne - Introductory Edition

Meanwhile, half a world away, JayTownsend, one of our most decorated veterans, was busy leading Peru's lightning invasion of Ecuador to stunning results.

JayTownsend, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

War on the Equator
(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2011-06-17 10:26

I would like to thank the State of Maryland for providing me with so many furlough days to make this possible. :)

Serioulsy, Airborne is a great game and a great way to learn (re-learn in my case) the PG system. Thanks for the honor.


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Happy Birthday to Us!

It's time to celebrate! In fact, the show is about to begin! Come on in and join us for the:

Inaugural PG-HQ Annual Awards!

(news archives) ~ Shad
(edited 2011-06-06 11:32)

That is a lot of Medals! :) Nice write-up to a great year on PG-HQ. I doubt next year I'll be this active but being laid-ff gave me a lot of time in PG, which is a good stress relief. Thanks Andrew and all the guys who added and still add all the materials to this web-site.

2011-06-06 20:14

While I am thrilled with my medal and proud to beat the band I do have sincere and deep seated concerns about the party hat on that die...

2011-06-06 21:09

I'm sorry you haven't yet received your party hat in the mail, Matt W. Our party hat order software marked your order as shipped by mistake. We will mail you your hat first thing tomorrow morning! In the future, please use the contact link at the bottom of every PG-HQ page.


2011-06-08 06:39

Oh well (shrugs shoulders), how surprised am I that I am hard to please and then drivel on about it with being the 2nd 'windiest' person on the site. I may have won the honour had bowels been included !

2011-06-11 18:13

" I may have won the honour had bowels been included ! " You mean they weren't?:-D

2011-06-13 02:43

" how surprised am I that I am hard to please and then drivel on " No surprise to me old chum :-) Congratulations and well done to Shad for making PG-HQ such a great site

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Winter Soldiers straggle through the snow...

The PG-HQ General Staff has begun loading Winter Soldiers into the Library. Please be patient, as this one will take awhile!

In the meantime, feel free to add the game to your collection. Just don't record any plays for it until I give the all clear, lest you miss out on hard-earned and well-deserved bounty points!

All clear! Bounties have been recalculated. You may record plays for Winter Soldiers to your heart's content!

(news archives) ~ Shad
(edited 2011-06-04 09:59)

Oops, guess I didn't read that last sentence! Mea culpa. Of course, my defense is that Jay would have the entire scenario book done by tomorrow if we others don't fire first! :-)

2011-06-04 20:31

Because I'm such a nice guy, I'll tweak your 0/0 bounty to something nearabouts what it should be once we're all loaded in.

I guess next time I'll have to put that warning in BOLD CAPITAL TEXT! ;-)

(edited 2011-06-05 22:45)

It looks like it's ready? :)

2011-06-05 23:49

It ain't! All the scenarios past #12 have 198/200 bounty points because they were calculated with zeroes for counters, turns, and map area.

You can wait 24 hours for the next bounty calc and get what you're due, or you can put it in now and rip yourself off. :-P

Keep an eye on the Most Wanted page. When it rolls over to 48 hours, you'll know it's ready!

2011-06-06 11:27

It looks like, Winter Soldiers #30: Last Grasp is the only scenario still missing half it's OOB data so far.

2011-06-07 10:57

I know you gave the all clear but something is still wrong with scenario #30 OOB?

2011-06-07 11:27

Also, on scenario #29, I can't post with just he Americans winning. If I select side one both the Americans & Germans win, If I select side two it's a draw, if I select draw it's a draw.

2011-06-07 16:33

The OOB list doesn't affect the bounty formula (just the total counters value), so the bounty was accurately generated even without an American OOB. I flagged the error but no one has had time to fix it yet.

For scenario 29, I've corrected the sides mistake and updated your play record to correctly list America as the winner.

Keep on gamin! :-)

2011-06-07 17:31

Thanks, it all looks good now!

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June Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

mo caraher is promoted 3 ranks from Recruit insignia to Corporal insignia

nitelook is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

rerathbun is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

PatC is promoted 1 rank from Corporal insignia to Sergeant insignia

filbox is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant insignia to Staff Sergeant insignia

petermc is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant insignia to Staff Sergeant insignia

Matt W is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant insignia to First Sergeant insignia

campsawyer is promoted 1 rank from First Sergeant insignia to Sergeant Major insignia

June is another big month for PG-HQ promotions! Most noteworthy were mo caraher's flight up the first few ranks and campsawyer joining the site's hardcore vanguard at Sergeant Major. Keep fightin'!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 4

After the last medal ceremony, PatC stormed into my office.

"What the hell is going on?" he shouted, slamming his fist down on my desk for added emphasis.

"What's eatin' yah son?" came the reply.

"I seen that gloryhound Townsend get a medal just this morning and I ain't got nuthin'! We was shoulder to shoulder all up an' down that infernal muskeg! What's the deal?!?

Now, I've known Pat for awhile, and this just wasn't like him at all, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and had a look at his service record... after a few moments it became clear what had happened.

"Settle down friend. Says here you've completed all 10 battles of the Aleutian Campaign--"

"You're damn right I have!" Pat snorted.

"...well" I continued, "the problem is there are eleven battles in the Aleutian Campaign. You're one short. Our brave leaders over at AP-HQ snuck one in at the last second. A double-secret, tricky-dick dash across some nasty ground after those retreatin' Japanese. Real nail-biter, I hear. You go get your ass out there and we'll talk about that medal.

A week later a particularly spirited battle report crossed my desk. Pat had done it.

PatC, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Alaska's War

May it prove to be the first of many!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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On hiatus - Site Wishlist

For a variety of reasons the Site Wishlist is not necessary for the near term and has been removed from the main menu. It will be switched back on when I've got time to do major site development and after we've launched the core upgrades currently idle in the pipeline.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Little Saturn arrives!

The PG-HQ staff has finished loading Little Saturn: Death of the Armata Italiana in Russia into the PG-HQ Library.

If you were curious about checking out the game ownership requirements, OOBs, and general scenario details before decided whether or not to order it, they're all waiting for you!

Thanks team! (particularly Peter!)

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Reinforcements have arrived...

At 18:45 on May 2nd, I completed my 9 month basic training and became a regular member of the Army of Dads. Naturally, this change has strongly impacted all areas of my life, including PG-HQ.

For the next several months, the amount of time per week I can dedicate to site development will be severely restricted. I worked hard to get our next two big upgrades (Plays & AARs v2.0, PG-HQ Armor Guide) out the door before junior arrived, but it didn't quite happen. In the end, it's obviously better to delay them a few months and deliver well-designed improvements than to rush them out early and risk including a few back-breaking bugs.

What does this mean for you? Not much. I'll be answering emails to Site Admin a little more slowly for awhile. Everything already up on the site will continue functioning as before. We're just not going to have any new toys for awhile is all.

In related news, PG-HQ turns one year old in 20 days. Kind of snuck up on us didn't it? Originally I had big plans for this first anniversary, but the child's arrival and AP's on-going (but clearly improving!) struggles made most of them infeasible. I do have one little card up my sleeve, though, to help us celebrate the milestone...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 3

Few men saw it happen, and even fewer lived to talk about it, but JayTownsend was one of them - the Aleutian Campaign. At the very tip of America, Jay stood his ground against the Japanese aggressors and successfully completed Alaska's War.

In recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Alaska's War

Meanwhile, a world away in Germany, campsawyer was striking a blow for Uncle Sam against the Germans. Over three weeks of bitter fighting, he drove the bastards out of the city and successfully completed Aachen 1944.

In recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Aachen 1944

To your health, gentlemen!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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May Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

nitelook is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

patman is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

stevewright is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

joe_oppenheimer is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

arixius is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

vince hughes is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant First Class insignia to Master Sergeant insignia

JayTownsend is promoted 1 rank from First Sergeant insignia to Sergeant Major insignia

driddle01 is promoted 1 rank from First Sergeant insignia to Sergeant Major insignia

8 promotions for the second month in a row! No recruits made it out of basic training in April, but it's great to see four privates keep up their momentum. We also now have 3 members within striking distance of becoming our first-ever Second Lieutenant! Who's it going to be?

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Carpathian Brigade &amp; Go for Broke

The PG-HQ Team is working hard to get Carpathian Brigade and Go for Broke loaded into the Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library for you.

You may now add those two titles to your collection, but please do not record plays for either game until I give the all-clear. Otherwise, you will get some screwed-up statistics and bounty results.

Once we're ready for new plays and AARs for those games, I'll update this news item.

FINAL UPDATE - Both Carpathian Brigade and Go for Broke are ready for your plays and AARs!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Annotated Rules tweak

Our popular 3rd Edition Annotated Rules have been tweaked to show you the date of last update.

From now on, for both the online rules and the PDF, just have a look in the upper right corner. You can tell at a glance if your PDF is out of date, or if something new has been added since you last visited.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 2

In February of 2006, one man answered the call: to become a Hero.

After five months of grueling toil, on July 9th 2006 that man stood atop the shattered and scorched remnants of a German tank and declared his victory complete.

Thus the histories record the campaign of one campsawyer, the first brave lad to attempt Heroes of the Soviet Union and live to tell about it.

In recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Heroes of the Soviet Union Ribbon

May men salute your bravery over shots of vodka for generations to come!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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April Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

JoeBuckeye is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

tanzerleader is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

nitelook is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

stevewright is promoted 1 rank from Recruit insignia to Private insignia

Greg SW is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

PG-Tank Dude is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

Bart is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class insignia to Corporal insignia

JayTownsend is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant insignia to First Sergeant insignia

8 promotions in all, half of which are new faces - a great month!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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