Panzer Grenadier Battles on January 22nd:
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #13 - Confusion in the Valley Conquest of Ethiopia #19 - First Tembien: Legend of Uarieu Pass
Africa Orientale Italiana #28 - Cheru Pass Eastern Front #98 - Vorontsovo III
Africa Orientale Italiana #29 - Flight from Cheru Jungle Fighting #28 - Mt. Austin X
Africa Orientale Italiana #31 - Point 1892 Jungle Fighting #31 - Hills 98 and 99
Blue Division #13 - La Segunda Panzer Grenadier #39 - Vorontsovo III
Cassino '44 #2 - Bridgehead on the Rapido Road to Berlin #20 - Drive on Baraska

PG-HQ Annotated Rules

Clarifications are an inescapable part of the cardboard wargamer's life and Panzer Grenadier players are no exception. Panzer Grenadier Headquarters tracks and collects all clarifications so you don't have to.

Released in 2006, the 3rd Edition drove the Panzer Grenadier series into the mainstream. Though universally regarded as a major improvement over 2nd Edition, through the years a great many clarifications and tweaks were made.

Clarifications: 104

Released in 2014 and initially conceived as a clarification of the 3rd Edition, the 4th Edition became the repository of several changes to assault combat, terrain effects and line of sight which, depending on your viewpoint, can be a step forward or backward.

Many of the more revolutionary changes were consigned to the optional rules which form a bridge of sorts to PG: Modern.

Clarifications: 1

All available publisher charts for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Edition rules.

These Second Edition rules represent wide-ranging changes from the First Edition. They mean exactly what they say; to compare them with the First Edition and try to play by finding the differences is to court madness. If you’ve come across a copy of the First Edition, discard the rules and use these.

Clarifications: 0

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