Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

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All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 48

On March 11th Poor Yorek stonewalled the advancing Americans and blew all the dams to smithereens.

  • Draws: 2
  • German Wins: 7
  • American Wins: 2

Poor Yorek, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

Roer River Battles
(news archives) ~ Shad
2014-09-03 21:00

As a guide to the perplexed, the scenario score should be:

US wins 2: #1 and #10

Germany wins 6: #2; 4-7; 9

Draws 2: #3 and #8

I originally submitted #3 as a (minor) German victory, but (see AAR) had missed counting a lost 81mm step which shifted the play into the draw range. In the AAR, the play now shows as a Draw.

2014-09-04 06:49

Sounds like the dams are mainly intact then :-)

2014-10-16 19:18

Congratulations PY!

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Honoring Our Best, Vol. 47

On March 5th Brett Nicholson beat back the last bit of German resistance amongst the hedges. For the first time in weeks the paratroopers slept well.

  • Draws: 9
  • American Wins: 9
  • German Wins: 3

Brett Nicholson, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon:

(news archives) ~ Shad
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September Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

thomaso827 is promoted 2 ranks from Private First Class insignia to Sergeant insignia


(news archives) ~ Shad
2014-09-01 15:21


2014-09-02 10:13

Wow, managed 14 games in 30 days. Wont be able to pull that off this month, but should have Staff Sergeant in October, anyway. Some really quiet days at work helped, so I keep some games at the office just in case. :)

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Regarding Infantry Attacks and Modern War

I have opened a thread in the PG-HQ Forum to discuss the potential inclusion of the IA and MW series into the HQ. If you have an opinion on this topic, please express it!

(news archives) ~ Shad
1 Comment
2014-08-16 19:53

I changed my mind; I think IA/PG/PGM: (Infantry Attacks, Panzer Grenadier, Panzer Grenadier Modern) should all share the same data bank. I mean, the counters, maps and scenario format are the same, only the rules are a bit different but nothing that would be noticed on AAR recording or data/ information lookups.

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August Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

This is the first month since we started in 2010 that no one has been promoted!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2014-08-01 20:19

I guess we are slacking! :)

2014-08-02 02:32

More I think a reflection that the introduction of the 4th edition rules have had and of course that the veteran players need to log more plays to gain promotion.

2014-08-02 08:10

What? I only have 72 to go to my next promotion...

2014-08-02 09:54

We are all busy playing IA because of the 100 Year anniversary of WWI. ;P (Just kidding)

2014-08-02 12:58

Been on a bit of a PG shelving for solo games as there are many appealing other games out there. Will continue with my FtF's but the solo stuff has come to an end. Also as Blackcloud said with the 100th year anniversary of WW1 and some of the 150th of ACW have drawn my eye.

2014-08-02 18:58

Got the last 2 games needed for corporal done 1 and 2 days too late for this round. Will put me that much closer to SGT next time.

(edited 2014-08-04 10:27)

And it has been as long as since Caesar's assassination that a campaign ribbon has been earned, er, I mean, awarded. ::cough::

2014-08-04 17:40

Thanks for the reminder. I completely forgot! v_v

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Marianas 1944 is in the Library

Marianas 1944 is now in the Library.

Thanks to PG-HQ staff member Matt W who did the heavy-lifting on this one!

(news archives) ~ Shad
2014-07-16 20:39

Posted the Guamanian order of battle in the Luxembourg and Guam thread under general discussion.

2014-07-16 22:07

Thanks Shad & everybody for your hard work and data entry here.

2014-07-25 01:16

Thanks Matt!

2014-07-26 03:10

Thanks Matt.

2014-07-27 10:14

My pleasure.

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July Promotions...

For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred:

thomaso827 is promoted 1 rank from Private insignia to Private First Class insignia

Diocletian is promoted 1 rank from Staff Sergeant insignia to Sergeant First Class insignia


(news archives) ~ Shad
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