Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

2010 Q2 News Archive

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All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.

Comments are still active on each and every post no matter how old. Should you choose to continue an old discussion the subscription system remains active and previous posters will be notified as usual.

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New errata error - Airborne #9

Would the person who submitted the new errata for Airborne #9 please email me? You somehow managed to elude the site's user identification and the errata is nameless...

Errata: Replace Special Rule 3 with the following: The Germans were shaken...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Congratulations! You've all been promoted...

"Just one more scenario, honey, so I can be promoted...!"

The Panzer Grenadier Headquarters ranking system is now active. Increasing your battle experience will see you progress through the ranks. Promotions are announced on the 1st of each month. Tour of Duty medals are also up for grabs, though at present no one qualifies... will you be the first? Game on!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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BUGFIX - AAR titles

Previously, trying to use full quotes (" ") in an AAR title didn't work out so well. This bug has been squashed. My apologies for the trouble!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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WANTED - House Rules

Attention! PG-HQ wants YOUR house rules!

I would like to open a new section of the site for collecting, sorting, and rating House Rules. No matter how small, no matter how strange, please send the Site Admin your Panzer Grenadier house rules. Be sure to include your username so I can give you credit.

I'm planning to organize all the house rules on one page according to the game functions they modify, and you will be able to rate each rule just as you can for scenarios and wishlist items.

If you've got some house rules, please send them in sooner rather than later so that I have good data to build the page around! And don't forget to include your username!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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500th Record!

Robin Rathbun goes down in PG-HQ history as the owner of the 500th Record - wherein he played and wrote an AAR for Kokoda Trail #1!

Onwards to 1,000!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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14.44 - Leader Desertion...

Good morning everyone! Starting now, the PG-HQ Admin will be offline for 72 hours while he visits In-Laws in the rural Chinese countryside. PG-HQ will, of course, still be here - but emails to the Site Admin and Error & Omission notifications will go unanswered until Wednesday.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Little things...

As promised, I am continuing to make small adjustments to the site during my "vacation" of sorts.

1) Your AAR support has been outstanding, and it quickly became obvious that browsing 150+ AARs with the existing format wasn't working. If you haven't already noticed, we now have a Jump to... list as well as the ability to sort all AARs by date of submission.

2) Some of you noticed the bug in My PG-HQ wherein the AAR preview wasn't correctly listing the victor, though records were going in ok. That's been fixed.

3) Lastly, a lovely idea popped into my head as I sat watching USA-England at ~3:30AM local time this morning, a quick bit of tweaking later and the scenario page OOBs will now tell you the complete counter stats of every unit if you hover your mouse over their names. Very cool? I think so!

I never expected Panzer Grenadier Headquarters to reach 50 members, let alone 120+! The fun has just begun... :-)

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Quick note about Records and AARs

Hi everyone! Thank you for the overwhelming support!

Just a quick note about Records & AARs in response to a member question - if you record a play, you can always go back and edit it to append an AAR at any time. So go ahead and record all your previous plays if you have any. Don't worry about "missing a chance" to add an AAR!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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A new era begins...

The first great change the Internet brought to wargaming was revolutionizing communication - wargamers all over the world can now quickly converse with not only each other, but also the companies they patronize.

Today marks the beginning of the next great change - using development tools to create sites that catalog, analyze, and explore our games to depths previously only dreamed about.

I am proud to present to you my dream realized - Panzer Grenadier Headquarters - and hope that it serves you well for years to come.

Reading the PG-HQ Mission is as good a place to begin as any, though perhaps you may wish to dive right into our inaugural article, an interview with Dave Murray of Cassino '44 fame. And of course I certainly hope you'll choose to enlist - though both the Library and basic Search are freely open to guests and will always remain so.

Should you ever need help, you need only email me via the link at the bottom of every page.

Though in my mind PG-HQ is launching unfinished, there is enough here now to begin building a community around. Much more will come in due course. It is now time, after 10 months, for me to take a much deserved break from designing this site. During my hiatus I will continue to make small, gradual improvements to PG-HQ, and step in to correct any disastrous bugs that might appear, but no new features will be added. In the meantime, you can make your voice heard on which planned feature should be implemented next on the Site Feature Wishlist.

I warmly welcome you to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, I hope it's been worth the wait...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Back from Shanghai...

I'm back from Shanghai - which means back to the office but also back to pushing this site closer to launch piece by piece.

No doubt you've noticed the healthy infusion of nearly 70 AARs by one JayTownsend. Thanks for helping enrich the database, Jay!

One new item has been added to the Site Feature Wishlist. The formatting for the Login box has been tweaked. If you're getting some weird output use Ctrl+F5 to fully refresh the page. If you're on a Mac do whatever it is you Mac people do to refresh CSS.

Not too much remains now... I'll see how much I can do by Friday before making another bold forecast.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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AARs, Wishlist, and theme tweaking...

Three weeks to the day since my last site update, I'm back with a big one. The Records section of My PG-HQ has been totally rewritten to incorporate AAR functionality. Image support is still a ways down the road, but I hope AARs will prove popular. Note that it is trivially easy to edit existing records to add AARs.

The other main addition is the Site Feature Wishlist. Therein lay all the original PG-HQ ideas that are being cut from the launch framework. You (and everyone else once we go live) can voice your opinions regarding what should be implemented when. New ideas are also accepted.

Lastly, I've begun tweaking the site's color scheme. I think the new link color/bold on mouseover works nicely, though the scenario lists will need to be adjusted. Still not finished yet, bear with me.

What remains before launch? Not a whole lot. A few more theme tweaks, some clean-up, some code on the back end, and then I'm going to let 'er rip. I'll be in Shanghai this week for a conference, so I won't get any coding done. I think we are realistically less than 3 weeks away from PG-HQ v1.0 though...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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One step closer...

The Forces & Units section of the PG-HQ Library is now online. Currently, we only have counter artwork for ~100 units. Finland's all there, as are some parts of Germany and Italy. The rest will come over time.

(news archives) ~ Shad
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That was painful...

Errata proved far more trouble than it should have been - but that's one less mistake to make in the future! I've got three major tasks left before we launch:

- Advanced Search
- Unit Library
- Site Colorscheme & Layout Cleanup

We're getting there!

I'd also like to say that I really enjoy loading up the site in the morning while I'm having my first cup of joe and seeing someone has recorded a new play - seeing people using PG-HQ, that's a great feeling!

(news archives) ~ Shad
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Crawling towards the finish line...

My great thanks to all of you for getting us to 100% scenario completion by the end of April. It kills me that the site isn't quite ready to launch yet.

The largest addition this week is these news posts on the main page. No support for comments yet, but that will come in due time.

Aside from that, I've begun tying up the innumerable loose ends that were created due to my lack of programming experience during the birth of the site.

You now have the ability to add scenarios to a Wish List of sorts. They'll show up in a new tab in your My PG-HQ called To Play.

You know, in case you're browsing the library and see something you might want to come back to later...

(news archives) ~ Shad
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