2012 Q4 News Archive
All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.
Comments are still active on each and every post no matter how old. Should you choose to continue an old discussion the subscription system remains active and previous posters will be notified as usual.
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Saipan is ready for play and AAR entries | 2012-12-02 23:39 |
Just in case anyone missed Alan's announcement in the forums, Saipan 1944 is now fully-entered into the Library and you may record plays and AARs at will. Thanks, Alan! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
1 Comment |
December Promotions... | 2012-12-01 01:00 |
For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred: plloyd1010 is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class CravenDumps35 is promoted 1 rank from Corporal Adepss1 is promoted 1 rank from Staff Sergeant Michael Murphy is promoted 1 rank from First Sergeant TheDoctor is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major driddle01 is promoted 1 rank from First Lieutenant I'm out on business travel again, so that's why this announcement is going up a bit late. Congratulations to the six PG veterans above, particularly so to driddle01 and TheDoctor who are steadily climbing into the uppermost ranks! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Impartial Leader Selector | 2012-11-26 02:01 |
I'm pleased to announce our newest player-friendly feature: the Impartial Leader Selector. For more details see the corresponding PG-HQ Forum Q&A thread. I have also taken this opportunity to clean up the left menu a bit. Tools have been grouped and the Forums' sub-folders can be directly entered. Keep gaming! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Feels great to get that out of my development queue! This feature idea was added to the site development list on 2011-10-26... only one issue is older.
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 32 | 2012-11-20 21:33 |
On November 8th vince hughes became the first member to complete West Wall, earning his first ever tour of duty medal in the process. Vince is a voluntarily-retired PG-HQ moderator, and was on staff when we first began discussing the tour of duty medal program. I can vividly recall our curmudgeonly friend poopoo-ing the idea. Whilst raising his nose skyward as only a real Redcoat can, he sniffed something to the effect that: "I only play what looks good or what my selection dice give me. Playing an entire game straight through? That's preposterous." Despite his dis-enthusiasm, the tour of duty medal program went ahead and has proven quite popular. How popular? I present to you this unedited, breathless email from our very same Snooty Hughes (now, apparently, quite reformed!): Subject: A Medal at Last! Shad, OK, you've dished out medals with all that mush about pushing the Axis forces back and serving the free World and whatever other crap ! Well I would like to claim the Westwall Medal being the first to complete the module and how deserved it was too ! (also greatful to Matt and Beast for not getting started on this module before I finished with their play-rate). 10 scenarios, 7 wins, a draw and 2 defeats by Herr Hughes fighting all 10 battles as Commander of the hard-pressed German defenders. Out-manned, out-armoured, out-OBA'd with large stretches of land to defend with often just newly raised Volksgrenadiers. US Commanders, Sawyer, Langston and Baumber all did their best to push past the defences around the Hurtgenwald, with only Baumber registering the 2 American wins and the draw in his 5 attempts. Langston lost his only encounter and poor Commander Sawyer suffering 4 defeats. The Wall still stands.(in most places at least ?). I sir, claim my medal of distinction for defending the Fatherland against overwhelming forces and more often beating the hated enemies back. Our beloved mate wasn't done, he goes on to propose his own ribbon design! Based on the flag of the Municipality of the HurtgenWald. Mainly bright green and white with a small dash of yellow. Its plusses being that it represents the colours of the area as per the banner and follows a PG trend for such things being based on the area battled over's own flag. The nerve! vince hughes, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() Congratulations, you silly ol' cop! ;-) |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
As requested (demanded?), the West Wall tour of duty medal ribbon is based off of the flag of the Municipality of the HurtgenWald. :-)
Congratulations, Vince! You just extended the war into late '45! ;)
Well done!
This would have been cool as well: http://www.wehrmacht-awards.com/serviceawards/westwall_medal.htm . Although primarily issued for early war service, I gather that some awards were issued in 1944.
Congrats to the "plank owner"!
Couldn't get into the link. Is that the 'Westwall' medal you refer to ? If so, Matt also mentioned that one, but it appears to be a medal awarded to civilian workers that assisted in the building of the Wall in 39/41 ?
Both that and the Hurtgenwald flag were proffered as possibilities ?
I'll be honest, I quote like the colours on the one designed in the end. Slightly different to most.
Thanks all, but I had to send a polite message to both Matt and The Beast when I only had two left to play, asking they stay off this set as they always seem able to easily chew through scenarios.
They would have pipped me to the post.
Shad, thanks. Yes that is the one I mentioned that Matt gave me notice of. Unfortunately, it is only for civvies that designed and built as opposed to PG counters (and the soldiers) that fought on it.
Well done Vince old son. Sill our games were split exactly 50/50, so who knows if you would have stopped my boys from entering the "Green Fields Beyond". Think this was a good scenario pack too, doing a good job of simulating the combat around the much vaunted "West Wall". Now can we get back to beating up Italians or Romanians I want some easy meat to try and redress our HtH Win/Loss ratio.
I actually counted your results incorrectly Wayne.
The Germans results were
v Wayne = Played 6 - W3, D1, L2
v Alan = Played 3 - W3
v Tony = Played 1 - W1
Total - Played 10, Won 7, Drew 1, Lost 2
"it appears to be a medal awarded to civilian workers that assisted in the building of the Wall in 39/41 ?"
Yes, I saw that, but then also read somewhere - admittedly a bit hasty - that some later '44 awards were made. But as you suggest, perhaps again this was for civilian work: just seemed strange to have a civilian award as a "campaign ribbon."
In any case, my bringing it up wasn't intended to be critical of your selection. I was just searching about for campaign ribbons since the topic was in my mind.
No crticism taken at all PY, just developing the conversation. It is a shame that the real medal was not a military one.
Saipan 1944 | 2012-11-20 03:22 |
Saipan 1944 has been added to the Panzer Grenadier Headquarters Library and you may add it to your collection. HOWEVER, its scenarios have not. So if you record plays now you're going to screw up the database. Please hold off on recording Saipan plays until I give the all clear here on the main page. |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Cross-posted from PG HQ Forums ...
I may not be the first one to complete a play of Saipan #1, but I will be the first to record it (at least here!). In a massive slugfest, My Marines lost 22 steps as they crushed the Japanese defenders. I called the game during turn 10, when the only Japanese left on the map were a 37 ATG, an 81mm MTR, and 4 leaders. At that point the Marines were more than capable of controlling the necessary hexes. It was smashing fun; (well maybe not for the Marines). I give this one a 5!
Well done Jay!
I'll enter it into the database when that's ready!
Game Playability and Purchase Recommendations | 2012-11-17 01:40 |
Yet another excellent reason to join PG-HQ! You can find a new module on the Library pages of our expansion games now: Expansion Game Requirements & Playability. It will help you understand how well your current collection satisfies the components needs of an expansion, and what the most logical next purchase would be to increase your playable percentage. You can read more details in the corresponding forum thread or can have a look at the module in action on some expansion pages: Hope some of you out there find it useful! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Just checked it out, took it down to the scenario level. Good job Drew! This should be very useful for the newbies.
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 31 | 2012-11-11 19:28 |
I think it's safe to say that this guy likes stripes? On November 4th driddle01 earned his third tour of duty medal when he completed Alaska's War! He also had a really good time doing it, giving the tour an overall rating of 3.73, nearly one full rating point higher than AW's global average. I hear yah buddy, I like that module too! driddle01, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 30 | 2012-11-09 00:52 |
Unimpressed by the four old soldiers in the corner of the bar singing drunken victory songs about D-Day and such, driddle01 strode to the bar and ordered a stout. "Shut up you morons" he barked. "Introductory campaigns are nothing to sing about. Real men fight the original version!" On October 12th driddle01 became the first member to complete Airborne! driddle01, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
I know, I know - it's the same ribbon. But it's a good one! And it's the same game!
...I can't think of anything more appropriate. :-(
No Need to Panic | 2012-11-07 21:57 |
We were down for maintenance the past 3 or 4 hours. My hosting provider informed me in advance via their public forum but I hadn't been keeping up with announcements due to work busy-ness. SO, I must apologize for not forewarning you all! It sounds like everything is back to normal now. Carry on with the gaming! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
1 Comment |
I saw that there was a problem logging on last night. Instead of wasting any of my time I just played a few more turns of Slavic Brotherhood (FA 6). My time was well spent!
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 29 | 2012-11-06 01:16 |
The reigning king of completed tours strikes again: this time the original Winter War has fallen! On October 10th beast013 became the first member to complete Arctic Front, receiving his 10th tour of duty medal in the process! beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
This is a lovely ribbon - it is a reproduction of the Commemorative Medal of the Winter War 1939-40 handed out by the Finns. I couldn't find a good explanatory site for these, but there are pictures all over the place. This is a nice example.
When someone gets around to completing Arctic Front Deluxe they will receive its sister - the Commemorative Medal of the Continuation War 1941-1944.
That seemed like a logical way to split medals for what is essentially the same action (save duration and scenario count, of course).
Congrats Kevin!
November Promotions... | 2012-11-01 01:00 |
For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred: Adepss1 is promoted 5 ranks from Recruit Memenne is promoted 1 rank from Recruit tlangston28 is promoted 1 rank from Recruit leonard is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class Diocletian is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class davidthedad is promoted 1 rank from Corporal Hugmenot is promoted 1 rank from Staff Sergeant scrane is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant After a few weak months November arrives with a wave of nice progress. Special congratulations to our three ex-recruits! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Toggle Designer Self Ratings | 2012-10-28 22:58 |
A minor site upgrade has just gone live. You now have the ability to toggle designer self ratings. For more information and discussion, please visit the related thread over in PG-HQ Comms. Thanks! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
1 Comment |
The People Behind Panzer Grenadier | 2012-10-24 22:19 |
I'm pleased to announce the addition of a new section to our PG-HQ Library: Humans! Each game page now lists the designer(s) involved, and those names link back to the Humans page. It's called Humans rather than designers because I hope to one day include other groups as well such as artists. I've reached out to those designers whose email addresses I have for additional information and photos, and hopefully they will provide some to help us flesh out (somewhat literally!) our data. In the meantime, you can enjoy the never-before-seen Panzer Grenadier Development Timeline and the designer rankings. |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
The odd modern ditty catches my ear sometimes :-)
Funny thing is, my music tastes were already 20 years retro when I was a teenager in the 70's anyway. They are in fact 55+ years old most of my tracks !
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 28 | 2012-10-21 02:31 |
Our Sultan of Second Bananas returns with another adventure in the less glamorous reaches of the Panzer Grenadier universe! On October 7th Matt W became the first member to complete the Lithuanian Lullaby unambiguously titled Iron Wolves! Matt W, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
This medal ribbon is a copy of the Order of the Cross of Vytis by request of the medal's first recipient.
Have a good idea for a tour of duty medal? Being the first to finish the tour gives you the inside edge on making it happen! :-)
Congrats, Matt!
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 27 | 2012-10-19 09:08 |
Completing a tour of duty is no small feat. Your profile both here and in Comms is enhanced, you're listed in the Library, Red Cross nurses clamor for your autograph... but to be the first... that is something entirely different. No matter how many come after, you're immortalized at the top of the list! On September 21st Hugmenot became the first member to complete the Grossdeutschland expansion Panzer Lion: Grossdeutschland in Action, 1944! Hugmenot, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
This ribbon is a cross-section of the Grossdeutschland sign/flag thing after being rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 26 | 2012-10-18 19:30 |
N-I-N-E! On September 19th our resident Rambo beast013 completed his ninth tour of duty when he logged the last scenario for Alaska's War! beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 25 | 2012-10-16 21:08 |
Having taken a breath to upgrade the Library, we are now back to catching up on handing out Tour of Duty medals. And there is still quite a backlog! Today we are again honoring beast013, who can now proudly claim completion of 8 distinct tours of duty. On September 12th he became the first person to wrap up the expansion Roer River Battles! beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
This is another "fantasy" medal. Obviously there aren't real-world WW2 medals for every single PG game and improvisation is required.
The Roer River Battles were part of Operation Queen and focused on the area around the Rurstausee.
Using the geography for inspiration, the medal ribbon's color scheme is drawn from the coat of arms for Kreis Aachen, within which the dam is located.
In addition to enjoying the pursuit of the medals and even the very concept of them, the derivation of the ribbon itself is always interesting. Thanks!! and Congrats Kevin!!!
Library 2.0 is now Live! | 2012-10-15 22:02 |
Our new Library is up and running. Before you begin, please take two minutes to read the upgrade's explanation over in PG-HQ Comms: [Major Update] Library 2.0 is Live. |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
New Library Coming Online Soon | 2012-10-15 17:58 |
-- UPDATE HAS BEGUN! -- If you happen to be online NOW, things might get weird. There are still bugs in the code, but nothing deadly. It's time to get it up in front of everyone for criticism and a thorough shakedown. When the new Library goes up, a corresponding forum thread will be created for documenting any odd behavior or crashes you encounter. Your assistance is most welcome! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 24 | 2012-10-15 00:48 |
There are many ways to measure success. Not satisfied with simply being the top-ranked member on the site, beast013 has begun slashing away at tours of duty. On August 29th the first in a new wave of completions arrived as Cassino '44 was checked off his list! beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishments, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() (yes, this is super-late. I'm getting caught up! Stay-tuned for "the beast013 show!") |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
October Promotions... | 2012-10-01 01:00 |
For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred: arixius is promoted 1 rank from Corporal Hugmenot is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant TheDoctor is promoted 1 rank from First Sergeant beast013 is promoted 1 rank from First Lieutenant Matt W is promoted 1 rank from First Lieutenant Tremendous applause for our first members to reach Captain rank, beast013 and Matt W! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
How many plays does a Major require from the Captain spot ? ... Must be in the 50's or near to ?
^ From my quick back-of-the-envelope calculation, 71 unique plays are needed to go from 262 -> 333 to reach the rank of major.
I didn't know it was 333 plays for Major .... Where are these listed ? ..... Where is that envelope :-)
All I did was look at the 2nd LT; 1st LT; and CPT users' front pages (or whatever one calls it) and do some subtraction after being careful to look at unique plays rather than total plays. That being said, I don't presume to be definitive ... I'll leave that to the guy with five stars on his shoulders.
The envelope is right there ::points:: right behind the rabbit.
It's rather humbling to note that the gap between CPT and MAJ constitutes more plays than I have in toto to date.
Back when the rankings system was being designed (we didn't launch with that feature, if anyone can recall) I fit the U.S. Army levels to the total number of extant PG scenarios, then tweaked them a bit so each level would be progressively harder to reach. No one would enjoy needing 100 plays to become a private, after all!
Funny thing is, the total number of extant PG scenarios is no longer 1,200. See, initially I made General of the Army require 1,203 scenarios - a 101% completion rate - and hacked my own rate, thus guaranteeing that there would only ever be one GotA, ME!
However, we now have nearly 1,700(!) scenarios and many more in the pipeline. While it would still take many years to play 1,203 battles... what was once intentionally impossible is now absolutely achievable.
So much for my sneaky little trick! :-)
(& PY is correct - 333 unique plays will make you a Major, the "plays remaining" stat has been on the user profile page for awhile now)
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Yeah, thanks Alan. I will have more for you in the future!