2012 Q1 News Archive
All former front page news posts are retired to this News Archive. Preserved mostly for posterity, the posts herein - particularly the new feature announcements - vividly illustrate how far we've come since emerging onto the wargaming scene in June 2010.
Comments are still active on each and every post no matter how old. Should you choose to continue an old discussion the subscription system remains active and previous posters will be notified as usual.
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Two new old games! | 2012-03-08 15:48 |
Arctic Front and Edelweiss have been added to the PG-HQ Library. If you have old records for these games, or are inexplicably playing these obsolete modules in modern times, by all means go add them! :-) Special thanks to your PG-HQ staff members rerathbun and plloyd1010 who did the data entry. |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
1 Comment |
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 16 | 2012-03-05 07:58 |
While the starving citizens of Leningrad were being treated to their first fresh meals in years, the remaining German forces on the Western front were making one last desperate push for the Atlantic. Fortunately for history, campsawyer was in command of one of the surprise attack's focal points, and by February 29th he had deftly turned away the German onslaught in what would eventually become known as Battle of the Bulge at Elsenborn Ridge. campsawyer, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Congratulations and well done! Its the nice recognitions in this community that keep me playing PzG as my number one favorite war game.
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 15 | 2012-03-04 06:58 |
After the march, the siege began... Leningrad must fall. But finally, on February 15th, beast013's relief force broke through the German stranglehold and the Siege of Leningrad, was lifted. beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Medal adapted from ... can't find the reference. Some modern Leningrad thing commemorating the siege. Will update this post when I find it...
EDIT: here we are: Ribbon of Leningrad Victory.
March Promotions... | 2012-03-01 01:00 |
For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred: davidthedad is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class rerathbun is promoted 1 rank from Corporal McKinley is promoted 1 rank from Staff Sergeant Michael Murphy is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant First Class beast013 is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Major A big month for some famous veterans! Sometimes I wonder if there's any risk of you guys getting burned out... so far so good it seems! Also, apologies for the late promotions. I've spent the last 48 hours overseeing the relocation of a German coworker who doesn't speak any Chinese... |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 14 | 2012-02-15 01:57 |
One could hardly call it a war, seeing how it began and ended in only a week, but the forceful inclusion of Hyderabad into the new nation of India was a critical bit of history all the same. Under mike perryman's deft command, the Indian forces blew through the pitiful Hyderabad defense, eliminating the last bit of opposition on January 31st. mike perryman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() India has been made whole! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
For the curious, this is the ribbon for the Param Vik Chakra, India's highest military decoration. I searched long and hard for a medal related directly to Operation Polo but came up empty.
Bounty Overhaul | 2012-02-15 01:08 |
I've just applied a large patch to our Bounty System. Details follow: Late PaymentsA bug in the recent site play and record system upgrade caused AAR bounties to be skipped more or less randomly. One play bounty was also dropped. All "late payments" have been paid in full. My apologies to the following members:
All debts have been paid off! Shared BountiesPreviously it was possible for two people playing head-to-head to receive different play or AAR bounties. If one player logged a play or AAR right before a bounty recalculation, and the other player logged afterwards, the second guy could receive a bounty worth up to 40% less than his playing partner just because he was a bit late. My original approach was to set the recalculation to a 48 hour interval, reasoning that people would have plenty of warning. Well, some folks were still getting cut off, so we've scrapped that. Starting now, the first person to log a shared play or AAR "locks in" those bounty values for all other shared play members. Even if you link your play weeks later, you'll still get the original bounty your partner claimed. This change has already been applied retroactively to all existing shared plays. So everyone is even. Rolling RecalcNow that shared bounties are standardized, there's no reason to wait 48 hours between recalculations. The bounty calculator has been adjusted to run on a trigger - it'll grind to life no more than 30 minutes after a new play or AAR is recorded and recalculate all affected scenarios. A Few Stats MoreProfile pages now contain two additional datapoints at the bottom of the main statistics table, Average Play Bounty and Average AAR Bounty. Furthermore, all-time and last 30 day top ten rankings have been added to the PG-HQ's Most Wanted page to highlight those players who are seeking out and tackling the most valuable scenarios. But what if I don't care about bounties?Well, some people do! ;-) |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Hey Thanks Shad! Been really busy with work lately, my next game of PG has been setup on the table for a couple of weeks now looking sad and dejected ;( Love the bounty system, gives one something to work towards, even if it is totally arbitrary!
Well, arbitrary with a sound footing in mathematics ;-)
One of these days I'll get around to implementing achievements. That will make scenario selection much more interesting I think. :-)
"Man of Constant Sorrow" - lose 10 head-to-head plays in a row
Scenario recommendation? | 2012-02-11 04:24 |
I have come into possession of a nice camera and tripod. My annual PG scenario play is coming up (ha) and I was considering setting up the tripod with the camera directly over the map shooting downwards and doing a time-lapse sequence as an article for PG-HQ. Does anyone have a scenario recommendation? I figure a square, 2x2 layout is probably going to look the best. Ideally with lots of counters so you can see them coursing across the terrain... Have a look at my collection and if you have an idea lemme know in the comments... |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
How about looking through PG's top 20 rated games (they must be the best so far by definition) and pick the highest ranking one that :
a) You haven't played and
b) You have the components to construct.
Should be fun watching my first PG 'movie' !
@campsawyer, yep, that's totally doable. I'm trying to decide how much time I want to invest in this. I figure once I finish the Library rewrite, which includes our Formations side project, I'll be more than ready to take a little coding break and this would be a really neat diversion.
Taking one hi-res shot per activation is easy. I'd print off some black numbers on white paper so the current turn is clearly visible in one of the corners. We have Sony Vegas Pro for post-processing, so adding subtitles and basic shapes after the fact is very easy... and of course audio tracks.
But maybe you'd like to hear Ride of the Valkyries rather than my voice? ;-)
Shad, sounds cool. But what I was looking for was for you to create that nice multimedia tutorial that I was thinking about. Showing the mechanics of the turns as well as some basic strategy. You look like you are far more willing to invest in the tools to do this than I am.
Hmm. To be honest I have never been a fan of video tutorials on any topic. If we are ever going to write a comprehensive PG Play Guide I think it should be in article format with luscious hi-res graphics that have been lovingly annotated.
I agree! Now that PG-HQ itself has become a great reason to start playing Panzer Grenadier, it's high time we began catering to interested outsiders or series beginners, rather than just the veterans.
I can assure you that making a detailed PG Play Guide that looks at major rules concepts and situations in a step-by-step fashion is an inevitability, I'm just not sure when our limited manpower will be able to tackle that. :-)
Missing AAR Bounties | 2012-02-10 07:46 |
It has just come to my attention that AAR bounties are not being consistently awarded. Some of you are getting them, others aren't. This only affects AARs written with our new system... so since late January. Until I say otherwise, please keep a close eye on your Bounty Total before and after writing new AARs. If it does not immediately change, please email me! My email address is at the bottom of every single page of PG-HQ! I apologize for the trouble, and will find and fix this problem AND award back bounties ASAP. UpdateI've tracked down who is missing bounties, and you will be credited shortly. I've also found the bug but only time will tell if the patch is successful. What I have done is set up an auto-reporter for any failed AAR bounties. So you needn't watch your stats. If you don't get paid I'll know before you do ;-) |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Airborne, Airborne, Airborne | 2012-02-07 19:47 |
The PG-HQ General Staff have finished adding Airborne and Airborne - Remastered to the Library. Airborne - Remastered is our name for the 3rd edition of Airborne currently for sale in PDF and printed book format by Avalanche Press. If you don't own any of the 3 Airborne games, I strongly encourage you to pick up a copy of Airborne - Remastered. If you already own Airborne or Airborne - Introductory Edition, there is still a surprising amount of new content in the third edition. Have a look through our game data and see if it whets your appetite. I admit to being skeptical when it was announced, but having read through the scenarios myself it's clear Air v3 isn't a simple cash-grab by AP. Special thanks to rerathbun, campsawyer, and plloyd1010 who did the data entry heavy-lifting on this one! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
I agree that there's plenty of new in Airborne - Remastered. My recommendation:
If you don't own any Airborne, get the print version for the map (unless you got it already with the Woods and Hills accessory).
If you already have Airborne or Airborne - IE, get the download version for the scenarios.
There are nocounters included with Airborne Remastered, just map 13 if you buy the print edition.
New Article: "PG-HQ Evolved" | 2012-02-07 03:29 |
The last nail in the coffin of our recent round of upgrades is me taking a moment to explain what the hell has actually changed, and how that affects you! So brew up a nice, hot cup of coffee and head on over to read PG-HQ Evolved... |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Recovery from server outage | 2012-02-02 19:28 |
PG-HQ is on shared hosting. This means that our website is located on a server (in Texas, as it happens) that is also home to many other unrelated customers. Early this morning (my time) one of those other customers did something stupid and brought down our server. If you visited during that time you probably received a white page with the notice 500 Internal Server Error. Everything has been repaired and PG-HQ itself suffered no damage or dataloss, just a bit of downtime. These are the perils of shared hosting. However, renting shared server space is between 1/15th and 1/20th the cost of renting a dedicated PG-HQ server, so for the time being that's what we need to do! :-) |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
AAR Language Prediction mini-upgrade | 2012-02-01 02:52 |
Starting now, when you begin a new AAR PG-HQ will automatically set the AAR language to the same language you used for the last AAR you wrote. This will result in the correct language being set automatically for each user 99.9% of the time, without taking the heavy-handed approach of nailing down a default AAR language that a minority of users will need to adjust every time. So if you write in English, you'll always get English. And if you write in Polski you will always get Polski... ;-) |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
My PG-HQ > Records & AARs user interface tweak | 2012-02-01 02:30 |
I've made a small but significant improvement to the following pages: Thank you to Alan for the improvement suggestion, and my apologies to those of you who have broken the scroll wheels on your mice the past few days... |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
I'm glad you now display separate listings for scenarios, map configurations, and aars for all 3 versions of Airborne. IE is the only PG game I don't own.
I rolled my scroll wheel so much my finger is stuck in the mouse and it is permenently attached ;-)
@campsawyer, in a way I feel bad about that... particularly for people like Vince who converted literally 99 plays...
...but then I think about how you moderators all had advance knowledge of the layout, and were just as ignorant as I was regarding the massive Deth Skroll menu system we were unleashing on ourselves... so you guys can share some of the blame! ;-)
anyways... that's all in the past! The new interface is nice and quick!
February Promotions... | 2012-02-01 01:00 |
For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred: wciudadanow is promoted 1 rank from Recruit david manresa is promoted 1 rank from Recruit CravenDumps35 is promoted 1 rank from Recruit splat99 is promoted 1 rank from Private captwoosey is promoted 1 rank from Private McKinley is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant Michael Murphy is promoted 1 rank from Staff Sergeant I'm always happy to see recruits break out to Private rank, congratulations gentlemen! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
AARs Upgraded | 2012-01-31 00:47 |
We're nearing the 1,500 AAR mark...While that is, in and of itself, incredible ... the sheer volume of AARs demanded a better way to read them. I've just upgraded our After Action Reports page. It now has a heavy-duty filter tool with all sorts of interesting options. In the near future I will be expanding the comment system we have for news posts to include AARs as well. That particular filter option (comments/no comments) obviously does nothing at present. For the time being, I need to go back to the play system upgrade and clean up a few minor bugs. Hope you find it useful! Feedback is always welcome in the comments! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
1 Comment |
I should add that I think it's probably a little slower than the old AAR page, due to the database work behind the scenes, but I hope the vastly improved utility and interesting filter options make up for it in your eyes...
Or maybe that's just my shitty Middle Kingdom internet connection acting up again and it's nice and fast for everyone else... one can hope! :-)
Honoring Our Best, Vol. 13 | 2012-01-29 02:07 |
While I was busy hammering out our play system upgrade, some of our most decorated veterans were busy knocking down campaigns left and right. Time to pin some medals! On January 13th mike perryman added to his rapidly expanding list of decorations when he completed the War on the Equator tour. mike perryman, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() Not to be outdone, and apparently still sane after conquering Eastern Front, beast013 wrapped up March on Leningrad on January 16th. This new ribbon is based on the Defense of Leningrad medal's colors. beast013, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() Last but not least McKinley - our current king of collection completion percentage - finished off the one-map grind that is the Airborne - Introductory Edition tour, also on January 16th. Your ability to both buy and play games puts us all to shame, my friend. McKinley, in recognition and commemoration of your accomplishment, you are hereby awarded this ribbon: ![]() |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Upgrade complete! | 2012-01-21 00:47 |
Upgrade complete!Only one minor hiccup, but it looks like everything is running ok. We won't know for sure until everyone starts using the new play and AAR tools, but so far so good! What should you do now?If you have recorded plays in the past that were not solo plays you should modify them to become shared plays so that you can begin benefiting from our new multiplayer tracking. All existing plays have been set to "solo" since the majority are. Please begin updating your records if they are not solo! If you have written AARs that were not in English you should modify them to change the language to the proper setting. All existing AARs have been set to "English" by default. Please update your non-English AARs to the proper language! If you find a problem?Let me know in the comments section for this news item. PG-HQ backs up its database automatically every 24 hours. In the extremely unlikely event that this update destroys the site, it will be trivially easy for us to roll back the clock to immediately before the update was applied. Help me!Besides adding real multiplayer support, the primary goal of this update was streamlining the record and AAR submission process. I have tried to make the various forms as intuitive and easy to use as possible. With that goal in mind, as you're using the new system if you see something that has room for improvement please let me know in the comments section! That's all for now...Time for your humble site admin to get some rest, and then celebrate Lunar New Year. Post-Spring Festival I'll be back with a more thorough explanation of our new structure and the site's future development path. Here's hoping you like your upgrade! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
On my PG-HQ page, when I click the link to see my extended profile, I get your extended profile.
Funny you mention that! When I originally implemented the rank system, I calculated all the ranks according to percentages of total extant PG scenarios. For General of the Army I set it to 101%. In other words, impossible.
BUT Avalanche Press has released a whole slew of expansions since that time, and what was once impossible is now very much possible... to become General of the Army you need only play 1,203 unique scenarios, or 83% of all PG scenarios (and falling!)...
So chin up Kevin, you're 12% of the way there! ;-)
Nice work, it seems very smooth and I really like the game graphic on the AAR/entry. Thanks!!
Wayne Baumber,
~45 minutes ago you triggered two silent failures when trying to submit shared plays. I think I've patched that problem. Let me know if anything screws up again.
Kudos on the Kursk clock THAT did make me laugh and thanks for the addition of the 'Overall Totals' when doing the shared plays ... thanks
Well, I spent more than 6 months working intermittently on this upgrade... and after the umpteenth delay I promised it'd be done before Kursk(s) came out... and I was in the mood for a bit of levity after the stress of this update... so the Kursk Klock was born.
Hopefully Jay gets his game sooner rather than later and I can remove that! ;-)
When you get right down to it, we're all here to have fun, are we not? :-)
To be honest, I don't beleive Kursk will ever be seen. Now is the clock going to stop if just the North Flank appears or will it continue until the South is done too? I say that as I ordered around the same time and it was for both at that time.
You needn't be fatalistic, my dear Alan! If you click the 'preordered Kursk' link and scroll down a page or two you'll get these fantastic quotes:
Well, is KURSK ready to be printed? Really ready? Like you could print next week ready? I highly doubt it. (this is actually MY grousing from 2008, haha!)
Actually, yes, thanks to Mike Perryman's very hard work. The parts that take a long time - counters and box - are pretty close to ready and probably could be next week. Most of the other counters printing on the same sheet (Pacific Crossroads, Coral Sea) have been ready for a long time and were taken away from our overseas printer after the last . . . incident...
...When Doug reported Citadel as close to ready, Susan and Mike pulled Road to Stalingrad off the production schedule and put Citadel in its place...
...Are we offering Kursk earlier than we had planned or wanted to? Yes, of course we are. Will it go to press next week? No, it won't, even though it probably could. Why not? Because we have to move. Right now...
...Citadel was inserted now because it's can go to press soon after we can take deliveries and it needs to contribute now to make those deliveries happen...
...So yes, we're offering Citadel now with a discount, with special offers on older games at the same time, and a special thank-you gift...
...We can make our December deadlines if the moving money is there...
So yeah, sounds like it's pretty much done! ;-)
Shad, I have had no more issues and you have done a great job on the upgrade. Kusk Klock most amusing
Shad, Two problems that I have noticed. When I look at the Fall of France scenario list the display does not show all of the scenarios after #30. The first on missing is number 33. The second one is when I look at my profile home there is a large letter "S" on the same line as the Average Footprint stat. Thanks for the site. Have fun.
I'll like the dual-player results system lists a lot more when Wayne records all his defeats against me rather than just listing his wins !!
Shad, This Kursk Klock is a great idea! You should start more in anticipation of future releases while we wait. There could be the "Sleepless in Salerno" clock. The Nothing yet in Normandy clock, and the ever popular "Due to a bad roll on the weather track production had stopped at our overseas printer clock". And finally: Are you really going to publish a game on the Franco-Prussian War first? Clock.
One week post-upgrade and things are looking pretty good.
I'm getting occasional error messages, but nothing critical is breaking. Oddly enough all of those errors are being generated by PatC... not sure what you're doing buddy, but you're repeatedly revealing a bug in my code. :-) I'll try and track it down over the next few days.
Campsawyer gave me some good user-interface feedback in the form of "why the hell do I have to scroll so much?"
Ok, maybe he didn't word it exactly like that, but you get the idea. I'll be modifying the Modify an Existing Play and both AAR pages so that there is an appropriate button right next to the record you want to select. This will eliminate the process of finding your target record and then scrolling all the way down to the bottom to select the action, which can be a real PITA for people with lots of plays. Look for that within a week.
Anything else lads?
Site upgrade has begun... | 2012-01-21 00:20 |
Hold onto your butts! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
It's coming! | 2012-01-19 18:41 |
The new Records & AARs system is ready. We will go live after the next bounty recalculation. So just after:
I will begin updating the site code. The entire process should take less than 5 minutes. What will change? My PG-HQ, all of it. This is by far the most substantial change we've made to the site since launch. The play and AAR record system is the core of PG-HQ. Almost every single page of the site - ~5,000 in all at this point - draw upon your plays and AARs to create statistics. If it ain't broke, don't fix it! True. But it has never been easy to use, and it desperately needed new features. What features? You'll see tomorrow! Lastly, three of our members have recently completed tours of duty. I have not forgotten about you lads! I just don't want your awards announcement to be buried in an avalanche of site upgrade announcements. You'll get your medals once the dust has settled from this upgrade. |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
The penultimate round of testing went well. I uncovered 2 bugs in the play deletion code, one regarding updating scenario ratings and the other regarding how head-to-head results are updated. They were both successfully squashed.
I'm gonna get some shuteye. Tomorrow morning is the final round of testing and then we go live! (and I go on vacation, Lunar New Year begins Sunday...)
Almost there!
Email is important | 2012-01-10 20:36 |
Apart from the initial confirmation email, PG-HQ has a very loose policy on email - you can change your address whenever you please, and no further attempts are made to verify its existence. That's going to change. Starting March 1st, if PG-HQ tries to send you an email and delivery fails because the address is bogus, your account will be placed on double secret probation and you will not be allowed to log in again until you provide a working address. The reason is simple: 2012 will see a variety of tools added to PG-HQ that depend on reliable communication with the members using them. If you wish to maintain radio silence, you will have the ability to opt-out of all site emails. This warning is going up ~6 weeks before the Email Cop goes online in order to give all of you plenty of time to verify that your account email is usable. If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Me too! I am very hopeful that 2012 will be a busy year for PG-HQ. From a site development perspective, 2011 was less productive than I had hoped due to the birth of our first child, but things are settling down now and my time to work on the site is (very) gradually increasing. :-)
January Promotions... | 2012-01-01 01:00 |
For exemplary service in combat, and dedication to Panzer Grenadier Headquarters, the following promotions are conferred: von wildensee is promoted 1 rank from Recruit captwoosey is promoted 1 rank from Recruit armyduck95 is promoted 1 rank from Recruit Greg SW is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class RNYE is promoted 1 rank from Private First Class McKinley is promoted 1 rank from Corporal PatC is promoted 1 rank from Sergeant vince hughes is promoted 1 rank from Master Sergeant mike perryman is promoted 1 rank from Second Lieutenant What a great start to 2012! 3 members finish basic training, a bunch of veterans move up, and our first silver bar! Congratulations everyone! |
(news archives) | ~ Shad |
Thanks Shad and Happy New Year. I might be a Lieutenant Colonel in real life, but this promotion means a lot to me and is a lot of fun. This is a great community and website and I am having a blast contributing. Congratulations to everyone.
You've got a few more scenarios ahead of you if you want your in-game persona to match the real world rank, ha! Happy New Year buddy!
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Congrats on the hard work! One aside: anyone have a spare copy of Lions of Finland?