Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 50 AARs for game filter
  • - 49 AARs passed all filters selected

Parachutes Over Crete (49 AARs)
2020-02-08 JayTownsend English PoCr001 3/5 Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #1: Hill 107
2020-07-15 Daedalus English PoCr001 4/5 Close but no Cigar
2020-07-17 Daedalus English PoCr001 4/5 Second Try
2021-04-22 SARACV3 English PoCr001 2/5 Not Enough German Firepower
2024-01-02 Grognard Gunny English PoCr001 2/5 Introductory gamebit
2024-01-02 Reconquista English PoCr001 2/5 Try as I might - The Kiwis Held that Darn Hill to the End
2021-04-26 SARACV3 English PoCr002 4/5 Kiwis Spoil German Victory h
2021-11-08 JayTownsend English PoCr002 4/5 Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #2: By the Tavronitis
2024-01-06 Grognard Gunny English PoCr002 3/5 Well Fought!
2022-06-15 SARACV3 English PoCr003 4/5 As Predicted
2024-09-17 treadasaurusrex English PoCr003 4/5 Take the Airfield and Clear some Maneuver Room
2020-05-30 SARACV3 English PoCr004 2/5 A Pitifully Stacked Scenario
2024-01-07 Grognard Gunny English PoCr004 3/5 What, only a Company?
2024-03-05 Reconquista English PoCr004 2/5 Way Too Unbalanced for Shared Play
2021-08-05 SARACV3 English PoCr005 4/5 A Hostile Reception at the Clubhouse!
2024-09-24 treadasaurusrex English PoCr005 2/5 Balanced but Flawed
2020-07-09 SARACV3 English PoCr006 4/5 A Logistics Nightmare for Student!
2024-09-27 treadasaurusrex English PoCr006 4/5 Stopped the Mighty Paras - When it Counted
2020-07-17 SARACV3 English PoCr007 5/5 A Victorious Day for the Maoris!
2020-12-21 TFGA73 English PoCr007 5/5 Trouble from Above
2024-10-22 treadasaurusrex English PoCr007 4/5 The Crucial Battle for Crete
2021-11-08 JayTownsend English PoCr009 4/5 Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #9: Bridge over the Platanias
2025-02-08 treadasaurusrex English PoCr009 4/5 A Quick & Deadly Maori Approach & Close Assault
2020-02-08 SARACV3 English PoCr010 3/5 Fastest Game in PG History
2020-02-16 JayTownsend English PoCr010 5/5 Parachutes Over Crete, scenario #10: Agia
2023-06-08 leonard English PoCr010 4/5 Lucky paratroopers
2020-02-13 SARACV3 English PoCr011 5/5 King of the Mounta
2020-02-23 SARACV3 English PoCr012 4/5 No Germans Allowed!
2025-02-24 Tambu English PoCr012 2/5 Another Crummy Infantry Slugfest
2020-02-27 SARACV3 English PoCr013 4/5 Nazis Break into Prison!
2024-12-08 treadasaurusrex English PoCr013 3/5 Concur with Other Reviewers
2020-03-05 SARACV3 English PoCr014 4/5 Mournies is not a Funeral Dirge...
2020-02-02 JayTownsend English PoCr015 5/5 Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #15: Engineer Drop.
2020-03-11 SARACV3 English PoCr015 4/5 Engineering a Victory
2020-05-21 SARACV3 English PoCr016 4/5 And Darkness Fell
2020-04-07 SARACV3 English PoCr017 2/5 The Outcome was Forseen.
2021-04-07 SARACV3 English PoCr018 3/5 Germany Didn’t Stand a Chance- Think Again!
2023-11-18 JayTownsend English PoCr018 3/5 Parachutes Over Crete, scenario #18: Local Effort
2021-04-15 SARACV3 English PoCr022 3/5 The Fort Stood, The Heights Fell
2025-02-14 CavDo English PoCr023 3/5 The Unimaginable Happens!
2022-04-21 SARACV3 English PoCr024 4/5 Push Me, Pull You
2021-11-08 JayTownsend English PoCr027 3/5 Parachutes Over Crete: scenario #27: Saxophones of Fury
2020-07-30 SARACV3 English PoCr030 3/5 Aussie Sandwich!
2020-11-05 SARACV3 English PoCr031 5/5 Last turn victory
2020-07-09 Dan_Huffman English PoCr032 4/5 Once Again READ the Special Game Rules!!!
2020-12-29 SARACV3 English PoCr033 2/5 Greek Swiss Cheese
2021-07-24 SARACV3 English PoCr034 5/5 King of the Mountain
2021-04-19 SARACV3 English PoCr035 4/5 Last. Turn Surprise!
2022-03-28 SARACV3 English PoCr039 4/5 No Corinthian Leather Here
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