Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Once Again READ the Special Game Rules!!!
Author Dan_Huffman (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants unknown
Play Date 2020-07-08
Language English
Scenario PoCr032

I had very good landings with only one unit and leader drifting off the map. The problem started when the Greeks dug in on the airport. No No No. Around turn 12 I read in the middle of the terrain that airport hexes give a +1 to DF and Bombardment against units in the hex.

First turn 5 planes and the next 4 turns a plane on a roll of 5 or 6. After that is roughly 12 turns before the possible appearance of a plane ends. 5 of those turns I rolled a 1 or a 2 and no plane appear. The rest of the time i rolled 3 - 6 to get a plane. Then every time I rolled a 1 or 2 for the plane to miss its target hex. Fortunately the designated hex was not next to any of units. Hurt as I got a 24 DF Stuka twice and an 18 He-111.

The reinforcements that come the east edge on turn take a M -1 MC the first time an enemy unit DF on them. I assume leaders don't and can aid in the MC. Paras have many leaders, about 85%+ of the USMC for ratings.

Gong p the hill on the east edge was a tough slog. Firing uphill against dug in units is a -2 on DF chart. After 4 turns of this ineffectual DF, I started to spread out go up hill. Worked until he was down to 2 unactivated units in none adjacent hexes. So with a +1 for OP FIre and me rolling 10 to 12 for units to disrupt or Demor'd. that stalled the close in as half my maneuver elements stalled. That used another 4 turns I conceded the west map and the hills to NZ troops. I landed on the middle board. Started moving toward the airfield. Started ineffectual fire at the dug in troops on the airfield. The north part of the NZ western forces started moving or sliding along north edge toward the middle map/airfield. I closed with Greeks and finally disrupted or DZ'd to get adjacent for DF +2 columns. The para guns were slowly dragged to 3 - 4 hexes away from the airfield. They could take a potshot at NZ along the north edge. The platoon moving went forward. Should have done that sooner. Can not abandon the guns as they are VP per unit. DO need to find where the missing town hexes go on map 96 or 95 as it was the center map. That may have made a difference when my troops dropped. May still have chosen those hexes or landed straight on the airfield. As I messed up the units defending on the airfield and rolling for MC on the 2nd turn reinforcement morale check, I am rating this high. If my scatter rolls were terrible and I landed on top of or next to NZ units I feel different. I recommend the the seam between the 2 maps west of the airfield be the drop zones for the various platoons. Another one I am going have to solitaire in the future.
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