Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Aussie Sandwich!
Author SARACV3
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2020-07-30
Language English
Scenario PoCr030

In a reverse twist from the previous Crete scenario I played, A Sad Tale #7, East of the Airfield #30, found a weak Allied force trying to hold two major geographical points against a fairly strong German attack from west of Rethymon (Yes, east of the airfield at Pigi) and a small German paratrooper drop just south of the airfield. This air drop was a bold and risky move, but it worked beautifully. The problem with solo games is that the air drop can’t be written down very well ahead of the enemy ground force setup because it doesn’t matter. You know where your opponent’s going to set up, since you are the opponent! But still surprises happen more than not. The paratroopers usually come down all over the place.

Unlike the real battle, the recreation went according to plan. Only one paratrooper stick went off-course out of six drops. This put severe pressure on the Australian 2/1 Battalion, which had positioned itself well, but could not get good shots at the Germans, in part because they had to settle for low odds attacks. The Germans came down almost on top of a stack of three Greek platoons. The Greeks immediately assaulted and took out one step of Germans. But the German st tack recoverred, and by turn 7 all 10 st eps of Greek troops were wiped out. Unfortunately, the Greeks don't count for any VPs in this scenario, but they couldn't be left in the German rear area on board #96. At the opposite end of board #96, the Germans hit right on target between the 2/1 and the airfield, which prevented the Australians frrom moving to the airfield. Two Matilda tanks, stationed at the lower west slopes of Hill A, tried to move towaards the airfield on turn 2 but on the very first move became stuck in the rough terrain resulting in their loss.

On the east side of Hill A, GGerman reinforcements finally appeared on turn 5. with 11 platoons of paratrooper infantry, five MGs and threee mortars, this was an overwhelming match against Lt. Col. (called Colonel in the game setup) Ian Campbell could not hold the hill. The Germans were able to outflank the Australians, even they met w stiff opposition. The 2/1 did manage to destroy five German steps, but lost the Matildas, five steps of 2/1 troops and 10 steps o Greeks. The Germans captureed all three 80 meter hexes of Hill A and all four hexes of the airfield for a Major Victory.

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