Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
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  • - Found 71 AARs for game filter
  • - 71 AARs passed all filters selected

Cassino '44 (71 AARs)
2010-06-24 driddle01 English Cass001 4/5 Bloody Rapido
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English Cass001 2/5 A tough one for the US
2010-12-27 enrique Español Cass001 3/5 Impasable y frustrante Rapido
2010-12-28 enrique Español Cass001 3/5 Cruzando el Rapido con reglas caseras
2010-12-31 PG-Tank Dude English Cass001 5/5 Pay Attention, DUMBKOPF!
2011-01-03 GeneSteeler English Cass001 5/5 Quick & Deadly = Fun
2011-04-16 JayTownsend English Cass001 4/5 Cassino ’44 Gateway to Rome, scenario #1: Bloody Rapido
2011-06-02 PG-Tank Dude English Cass001 5/5 Cassino 44' Original Scenario 1 - Bloody Rapido
2012-04-13 TheDoctor English Cass001 5/5 Close, but not enough.
2013-01-11 dengelwood English Cass001 2/5 Bloody Rapido, Hardly a chance
2013-07-22 campsawyer English Cass001 2/5 Rapido Revisited
2018-01-07 Retiredgrunt17 English Cass001 4/5 A River Never Crossed
2022-01-04 Blackcloud6 English Cass001 5/5 Bloody for Both Sides
2010-06-26 driddle01 English Cass002 3/5 Rapido Bridgehead
2011-01-18 GeneSteeler English Cass002 4/5 Americans are faced against the ultimate German Weapon. The Flare.
2011-01-18 PG-Tank Dude English Cass002 4/5 Beware Friendly Fire
2011-06-02 PG-Tank Dude English Cass002 4/5 Bridgehead on the Rapido - A Study in Futility
2011-07-20 JayTownsend English Cass002 3/5 Cassino ’44: Gateway To Rome, scenario #2: Bridgehead on the Rapido
2011-11-04 KirkH English Cass002 3/5 A Blitzkrieg in Italy
2012-04-13 TheDoctor English Cass002 5/5 Swift and Destructive
2013-01-11 dengelwood English Cass002 3/5 Bridgehead on the Rapido -- Good one to learn the game
2018-01-07 Retiredgrunt17 English Cass002 4/5 History Repeats
2022-03-04 LtKaffee English Cass002 4/5 Bridgehead held
2022-04-04 Blackcloud6 English Cass002 3/5 Replay of History
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English Cass003 3/5 Red Bull gives you wings?
2011-02-12 enrique Español Cass003 3/5 Jugable con reglas caseras
2011-03-22 GeneSteeler English Cass003 2/5 Play it with two engineers...
2011-03-22 PG-Tank Dude English Cass003 2/5 They're all Dead, Man! They're all DEAD!
2013-01-11 dengelwood English Cass003 3/5 Red Bull Attacks the Barracks -- two versions of rules, dramatically different outcomes
2011-05-10 PG-Tank Dude English Cass004 4/5 Can you spare a Brother a Smoke?
2011-05-11 GeneSteeler English Cass004 3/5 Smoke, smoke, smoke - need another engineer!
2011-07-23 waynebaumber English Cass004 3/5 Another German victory at Cassino
2010-06-11 enrique Español Cass005 5/5 El 168 adelante
2012-03-21 waynebaumber English Cass005 3/5 Foiled again
2010-05-23 Trotsky English Cass006 3/5 Point 771
2010-12-28 JayTownsend English Cass006 3/5 Cassino ‘44, scenario #6: Point 771
2011-11-04 KirkH English Cass006 4/5 GI's Climb a Mountain
2013-09-01 waynebaumber English Cass006 3/5 A rare US win on Cassino's bloody mountains
2011-01-04 enrique Español Cass007 4/5 Das Kloster wird deutsch sein! (por ahora)
2011-02-14 enrique Español Cass008 4/5 La sierra de la Cabeza de Serpiente
2011-03-29 nitelook English Cass008 4/5 Shoes on the other foot
2012-01-18 awdougherty English Cass008 4/5 #8: Hang On!
2011-11-03 KirkH English Cass010 4/5 Who Wants Point 593 Most?
2020-11-03 Bangla English Cass010 4/5 Lack of Moral Fibre Cost the Americans
2010-08-20 mcgallons English Cass012 4/5 Operation Avenger
2011-04-09 nitelook English Cass012 4/5 Close, but no Railroad
2010-08-20 mcgallons English Cass013 3/5 Maori at the station
2020-05-13 Niinivaara English Cass013 4/5 A neat introduction or training scenario
2010-06-11 enrique Español Cass014 3/5 Rajputanas adelante
2011-01-04 driddle01 English Cass016 3/5 Taking the Station
2011-01-12 driddle01 English Cass017 4/5 Supporting the Gurkhas
2020-12-14 Bangla English Cass018 3/5 Where are the Engineers?
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English Cass019 3/5 Cassino: Scenario #19, Cavendish Road
2011-11-06 enrique Español Cass020 4/5 Hasta el último hombre...
2011-11-08 enrique English Cass021 1/5 An Allied Suicidal Attack?
2010-08-20 mcgallons English Cass022 4/5 British Bridgehead
2011-12-06 enrique Español Cass022 4/5 Los granaderos blindados contraatacan
2011-01-06 driddle01 English Cass023 4/5 Taking the Mastiff
2011-12-08 enrique Español Cass023 4/5 Macizo sangriento
2017-10-28 Retiredgrunt17 English Cass024 5/5 Too Many Mountains
2011-11-03 KirkH English Cass026 4/5 Too Close To Call
2012-10-21 Michael Murphy English Cass026 4/5 Something different for me
2018-01-09 Retiredgrunt17 English Cass026 5/5 Now on to....Tea
2019-03-13 pwags English Cass026 4/5 Ground down to stalemate
2012-07-07 JayTownsend English Cass027 5/5 Cassino ’44, scenario #27: Hitting the Road
2013-05-05 enrique Español Cass027 5/5 Victoria pírrica alemana en el valle del Liri
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English Cass028 4/5 Cassino, Scenario #28, Pignataro
2012-04-15 TheDoctor English Cass030 5/5 Up the slopes
2012-09-24 Matt W English Cass030 4/5 Sticks and Stones
2024-01-05 Juiceman English Cass031 5/5 Cassino '44 #31 - Campaign One: Red Bull Across the Rapido
2024-01-20 Juiceman English Cass032 5/5 Cassino '44 #32 - Campaign Two: The Fourth Battle of Cassino
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