Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Shoes on the other foot
Author nitelook
Method Solo
Victor United States
Play Date 2011-03-17
Language English
Scenario Cass008

I am playing through all the Cassino 44 scenarios in order with a friend of mine. I am playing the allies and he the axis. Up until scenario 8 it has been the same story for each game. Whether its that stinking rapido with its minefields and killing lanes or the mountain itself providing dug in opportunity fire and always strike first in assault, the Germans shoot and the Americans take morale checks. Now the tables were turned. The American had high ground and the Germans were scrambling over an up the rocky slopes under artillery fire. How fitting that an artillery round swung the game. On the first turn the Germans used their bombardment, mortars and hmg's to soften up the American position while moving up with the grenadiers. 2 US infantry teams became disrupted and 2 grenadiers also but the big news was the IG became demoralized from the artillery barrage. The second turn saw another round of artillery and mortars which had no effect due in large part to a 10-0-1 leader centrally positioned on the American line aiding in morale checks. But not to be outdone the Germans had a 10-2-2 Major who now moved up - only one more hex to get into assault range for 4 stacks of grenadiers. American op fire was not affective this round but the IG failed its morale check. Turn three saw the Germans shooting first to soften the targets again and then advancing with 2 stack on the northern side of snakehead ridge and 2 on the east side, which was lightly guarded. Now we are at the high water mark of the German assault. Op fire disrupted the HMG stacked with the German Major and 2 Grenadiers on the east side became disrupted also. Then the American artillery took aim at the Major and rolled a 2. The grenadier and HMG were flipped for the 2X and the Major failed his check and was disrupted as well as the HMG and Grenadier. The Germans needed to regroup. Unfortunately the bottom fell out. The American won the initiative roll by one and combined direct fire on the Major and his troops getting an X result. The Grenadier was removed and the HMG filed its check and was removed and not to be outdone the Major failed his loss leader check. The Germans mad one last attempt after sitting for a turn and were defeated in the ensuing assault and the American controlled every hex on Snakeshead ridge. Boy it was sure fun to do the shooting as opposed to the being shot at.

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