Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 60 AARs for game filter
  • - 59 AARs passed all filters selected

Airborne (59 AARs)
2012-03-11 deleted English Airb001 3/5 First solo play--war is easy
2012-07-11 Matt W English Airb001 3/5 Darn Near
2013-04-16 Bluebell88A English Airb001 4/5 Band of brothers
2014-02-09 dricher English Airb001 2/5 Boring for Germans...
2021-01-22 SteveBEsq English Airb001 3/5 Maddening
2023-07-28 geofgibson English Airb001 3/5 Victory conditions are everything
2012-06-30 deleted English Airb002 3/5 Faster, faster!
2012-07-11 Matt W English Airb002 3/5 On the doorstep
2014-03-03 dricher English Airb002 2/5 False Choices, Hopeless Attack
2014-04-05 rerathbun English Airb002 2/5 Smaller is not better
2024-09-04 geofgibson English Airb002 3/5 What are the victory conditions again?
2014-03-05 dricher English Airb003 3/5 Each player has an attack opportunity inside a small scenario!
2014-04-27 rerathbun English Airb003 3/5 Don't Get Greedy
2014-03-08 dricher English Airb004 2/5 Took longer to write the AAR
2014-04-08 rerathbun English Airb004 4/5 Quick decision at Pouppeville
2012-07-21 Matt W English Airb005 3/5 Attrition
2014-02-17 dricher English Airb005 2/5 Attacking with even odds...
2015-03-21 rerathbun English Airb005 3/5 Just Barely
2012-07-15 Matt W English Airb006 3/5 Many ways to win
2012-09-13 driddle01 English Airb006 4/5 Cassidy's Slow March
2014-03-10 dricher English Airb006 1/5 German starting forces vary by 50% according to random roll
2014-05-04 rerathbun English Airb006 3/5 Tough Job for the Americans
2012-02-04 rerathbun English Airb007 3/5 Good Luck, Bad Luck in Foucarville
2014-03-17 dricher English Airb007 2/5 Too Little American Force
2012-02-12 rerathbun English Airb008 3/5 Germans Come Out Second Best
2014-03-31 dricher English Airb008 3/5 Liked it, wanted to love it, but...
2012-07-16 Matt W English Airb009 2/5 Breaking Point
2012-09-28 driddle01 English Airb009 4/5 Holding the Lock
2014-03-22 dricher English Airb009 2/5 Tower Defense, PG-style
2014-11-08 rerathbun English Airb009 3/5 Holding Fast
2014-02-09 dricher English Airb010 3/5 One of the few Airborne that actually supports two players
2016-02-01 rerathbun English Airb010 4/5 Artillery Purgatory at Montebourg
2014-12-27 dricher English Airb011 3/5 Too much time on my (German) hands
2015-12-12 splat99 English Airb011 3/5 BLOODBATH
2016-05-20 patman English Airb011 5/5 Hazy Memories of Merderet (now in the correct version of Airborne)
2018-12-26 rerathbun English Airb011 2/5 Too Many Germans, Too Much Time
2014-04-15 dricher English Airb012 3/5 Three part harmony
2016-03-08 rerathbun English Airb012 4/5 Very Close
2012-08-05 Matt W English Airb013 3/5 Blood on the Doorstep
2014-02-22 dricher English Airb013 2/5 Like watching paint dry...
2016-01-04 rerathbun English Airb013 3/5 Neuville-au-Boche
2012-03-25 deleted English Airb014 3/5 Digging trenches in basements; driving Jeeps through hedges
2014-12-27 dricher English Airb014 5/5 It only seemed like a lot of turns
2018-02-21 rerathbun English Airb014 3/5 Time for a Second (and Third, and Fourth) Try
2012-01-30 rerathbun English Airb015 4/5 Learning the Ropes at Les Mesnil
2012-08-05 Matt W English Airb015 3/5 Sweep
2014-04-18 dricher English Airb015 2/5 Lots of action and fun...for the American...not so much for the German...
2012-02-15 rerathbun English Airb016 2/5 Draw at the Zon Bridge
2014-04-28 dricher English Airb016 2/5 After a few casualties, not much happening
2014-04-29 dricher English Airb017 1/5 Can't win before you even start
2015-05-02 rerathbun English Airb017 2/5 Not too exciting
2012-09-16 driddle01 English Airb018 4/5 Juncture
2014-05-04 dricher English Airb018 2/5 Better than the previous
2016-12-01 rerathbun English Airb018 2/5 An Easy Race for the Americans
2012-09-16 driddle01 English Airb019 4/5 Take the Bridge
2014-04-06 dricher English Airb019 3/5 The poorer cousin...
2016-12-11 rerathbun English Airb019 3/5 A Bad Situation
2014-12-07 dricher English Airb020 4/5 Another battle over hex 0412...
2018-01-24 rerathbun English Airb020 4/5 Third Time's a Draw
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