Panzer Grenadier Battles on November 21st:
Desert Rats #16 - The Panzers Pull Back Desert Rats #19 - The Panzers Return
Desert Rats #17 - The Tomb Of Sidi Rezegh Jungle Fighting #7 - Line Of Departure
Desert Rats #18 - A Pibroch's Skirl South Africa's War #5 - Irish Eyes
Author driddle01
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2012-09-16
Language English
Scenario Airb018

This is a small, quick scenario that looks easy. The Germans get lucky rolls to begin and start with the HMG and the 20mm in the city on board 4.

The Americans start down the road moving towards the town on board 1. The Germans get no reinforcement for several turns. The Americans advance along the road until within two hexes of the German defensive position. The initial German fire is ineffective, but a German GREN platoon and the 37mm enter along the south of board 4.

American off board artillery immediately gets a 1x result of the 37mm, but the German position gets a disruption on the American main force. This force stays put and rallies. Meanwhile, the German GREN moves to reinforce the position in the town.

The Americans being to circle the city, but the German position continues to cause morale checks on the Americans. It is now turn 9, and with only 4 turns to go, the Americans have 20 hexes to the city on board 1. There is no way to get there so the Germans win.

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