Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
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  • - Found 72 AARs for game filter
  • - 72 AARs passed all filters selected

White Eagles (72 AARs)
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English WhEa001 3/5 Stupidity in Action, Blowing up factories you are about to capture.
2010-07-27 driddle01 English WhEa001 2/5 Blowing up Factories
2010-12-13 enrique Español WhEa001 3/5 Primer día de la IIGM
2012-09-25 Hugmenot English WhEa001 4/5 It Blows Up Real Good
2017-11-20 Retiredgrunt17 English WhEa001 5/5 A Good Beginning for White Eagles
2019-11-11 Bangla English WhEa001 4/5 Dummy Explosives Fail to Blow Up Polish Factories
2019-11-13 tlangston28 English WhEa001 4/5 Blow the Factory Works...3,2,1...pffft.
2010-07-08 armyduck95 English WhEa002 4/5 First Game of Panzer Grenadier and I got Hooked!
2010-07-08 armyduck95 English WhEa002 4/5 Polish victory deserves some explanation
2011-01-19 GeneSteeler English WhEa002 4/5 German forces encounter some dug-in defenders
2011-03-08 filbox English WhEa002 4/5 fortress Poland
2012-09-30 Hugmenot English WhEa002 3/5 Combined Arms It Was Not
2017-12-04 Retiredgrunt17 English WhEa002 5/5 Not a Blitzkrieg
2020-05-20 tlangston28 English WhEa002 4/5 Fortress overwhelmed
2021-02-19 Bangla English WhEa002 4/5 A Feeling Of Being Overwhelmed, But We Had Our Polish Heroes!
2024-02-02 waynebaumber English WhEa002 3/5 Solid PG scenario
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English WhEa003 3/5 Can the SS human wave overrun the Polish?
2010-10-19 scrane English WhEa003 4/5 Nailbiter
2010-06-08 GeneSteeler English WhEa004 3/5 Weapons of Mass Destruction – How can we stop the Krauts? Perhaps with a little bit of Mustard?
2010-07-25 Zouave English WhEa004 4/5 My God, they are using poison gas!
2011-07-27 caryn English WhEa004 4/5 Mass Destruction
2014-03-11 dricher English WhEa004 3/5 Fun despite inbalance
2023-07-09 garbare83686 English WhEa005 5/5 Polish Power
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English WhEa006 3/5 White Eagles #6 Skilled Instruction
2013-05-09 Aclares Español WhEa006 3/5 Malas Decisiones
2013-11-14 enrique Español WhEa007 4/5 El futuro Feldmarschall Schörner toma Zboiska
2010-05-27 vince hughes English WhEa008 3/5 Kopal's Legacy - White Eagles scenario 8
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English WhEa008 3/5 Very tough for the Poles.
2025-03-25 filbox English WhEa010 2/5 Poland's Bravest Son
2011-11-01 KirkH English WhEa011 5/5 Poles Hold Out Till The End
2011-11-01 KirkH English WhEa011 5/5 Once Again, A Close Fought Affair
2023-10-02 Jockulus English WhEa011 3/5 Poles decimated in valiant defence
2022-01-25 splat99 English WhEa013 4/5 A Stalwart Defense
2023-11-15 JayTownsend English WhEa013 3/5 White Eagles, scenario #13: Borderlands
2011-09-20 Ifig English WhEa014 4/5 Cavalerie
2012-10-18 Michael Murphy English WhEa014 4/5 A brutal little fight
2021-02-06 waynebaumber English WhEa014 3/5 It's the Artillery what won it
2010-06-08 JayTownsend English WhEa016 2/5 White Eagle, Scenario #16, Bicycle Races
2010-06-08 vince hughes English WhEa016 2/5 Bicycle Races - Next Time Try Some Subtlety
2010-07-18 waynebaumber English WhEa016 3/5 On your bike Jerry
2012-11-08 Matt W English WhEa016 2/5 Bent Spoke
2015-09-05 thomaso827 English WhEa016 5/5 Dead Heroes Can't Hold
2020-07-17 Greyfox English WhEa016 3/5 Fun but flawed scenario.
2023-10-20 Jockulus English WhEa016 4/5 Meatgrinder on the bridge
2014-03-02 Matt W English WhEa017 3/5 Bump in the Night
2011-05-19 JayTownsend English WhEa018 4/5 White Eagles, scenario #18: Drawn Sabers
2011-11-01 KirkH English WhEa018 4/5 Polish Cavalry Has Its Day
2014-03-02 Matt W English WhEa018 3/5 Drawn and Quartered
2011-08-01 caryn English WhEa019 3/5 Ostpreußen Ist Deutschland!
2011-11-01 KirkH English WhEa019 4/5 When Cavalry Isn't Enough
2011-03-16 vince hughes English WhEa020 3/5 The Last Battle- More Like The Final Rout ?
2011-03-16 waynebaumber English WhEa020 2/5 The Last Battle
2011-04-04 waynebaumber English WhEa020 2/5 Last Battle "redeux"
2017-12-28 Retiredgrunt17 English WhEa021 4/5 This Time, Most Did
2011-09-19 vince hughes English WhEa022 4/5 The Viennese Waltz Through The Black Brigade
2011-09-20 Ifig English WhEa022 3/5 Blindés polonais
2012-04-01 udet1917 English WhEa022 2/5 It was cool being the Poles but . . .
2010-10-31 Matt W English WhEa023 4/5 Concentration doesn't always mean to think harder
2012-09-27 Matt W English WhEa025 4/5 Blockship
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English WhEa027 4/5 White Eagles scenario number #27, Escape
2011-11-01 KirkH English WhEa027 3/5 Soviet Armor Rules the Day
2012-11-06 Matt W English WhEa027 4/5 Reflex
2012-05-27 Blackcloud6 English WhEa028 5/5 Determined Push to Freedom
2022-01-25 splat99 English WhEa028 3/5 The Great Escape
2024-02-21 waynebaumber English WhEa028 2/5 Oh dear, Boring draw
2011-11-01 KirkH English WhEa029 4/5 Sneaking Around at Night
2012-03-13 rerathbun English WhEa031 3/5 Polish Train Wreck
2011-09-30 Ifig English WhEa033 3/5 Trains
2012-03-25 CravenDumps35 English WhEa034 2/5 German Victory
2010-10-31 Matt W English WhEa035 4/5 I can see you!
2011-08-01 caryn English WhEa037 4/5 Goldfish Bite Back
2019-09-22 dxdavieau English WhEa037 4/5 White Eagles 37 - Flying Carp
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