Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Fortress overwhelmed
Author tlangston28 (Germany)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Germany
Participants Bangla (AAR)
Play Date 2020-05-20
Language English
Scenario WhEa002

I played this scenario over the course of 3 weeks with Tony Reynolds (Bangla on this site), performing a turn per day until completion. This was a full-on German assault on hillside Polish Town, protected by Entrenchments, Strongholds and minefields, however, the Poles are lacking in available forces, with only 6 ON units in a reinforcement pool. To achieve a major victory, the Germans need to occupy 3 of the 4 entrenchments, destroy the strong-points and control the road.

The Polish units all setup on the hill, either in the town, entrenchments or dug-in close by. A single Porucznik with an HMG was stationed in the small clump of woods southwest of the hills. The entrenchments were setup along the southern edge of the hill and the mines were place along the road just south of the hill. The Germans were split into 3 separate attack groups, a group on the west and east to move around the forests while a center force with most of the machine guns would move down the road.

Moving along the 3-pronged route, the Germans made some good headway on the east and center routes, with the leaders calling in artillery strikes to soften the defenses on the hill while the Luftwaffe provided some air support and made some critical strikes. The Porucznik and HMG in the woods on the western route proved to be somewhat troublesome as he was able to call in several well-placed Polish artillery that disrupted and demoralized several of the key units, forcing several leaders to stay behind to rally and the others to try and eliminate the Porucznik.

By turn 6, the eastern force had reached the bottom of the hill and forced their way into the Entrenchment there for an assault. ALso, the units on the west were able to finally lock down the Porucznik and HMG in an assault in the woods as well. The center continued to move down the road towards the mines while taking artillery fire as well. Several quick turns due to FOW occurred afterwards and it wasn't until Turn 11 that the eastern and central forces were on the hill and had taken 1 entrenchment and had forced a second one into an assault. The western force was still locked in assault with the HMG/Porucznik and wouldn't actually finish that assault until turn 15.

The Germans on the hill, after taking the two eastern strong-points, had cleared enough to provide an approach that was covered by the hilltop and the move was made to swiftly get into range for assaulting from the east. the central force skirted the minefield but a brave INF and LT made the trek through the mines on the road and survived crossing the field and taking artillery fire. However, they were held up by an HMG in an entrenchment and it took several more turns of artillery bombardment and an overwhelming direct fire attack by several HMGs and INF units to finally clear the way. The ON reinforcemets showed up and attempted to eliminate the few Germans skirting the western portion of the hill but as more Germans moved from the west and came over the hill from the East, the assaults were on and the final Polish unit in the town was destroyed on turn 22, effectively ending the battle with a German major vitory.

This was an interesting scenario as the German player as there were several things to work through to try and obtain the objectives. The Polish player also had the chance to steal a victory by inflicting 12 step losses, however, he would have had to have less step losses than the Germans. I think that the Polish player can make this a very challenging scenario for the Germans - Tony and i spoke about it afterwards and I mentioned that the only different thing I might have done was to place the Entrenchments around the town instead of along the hillside so that they could provide fire support for each other and the strong-points.

An enjoyable scenario to play - rated a 4.

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