Blowing up Factories |
The Poles set up hidden, and the Germans must enter from both ends of the board. I divide the German forces equally between both ends. Several turns pass as the Germans advance up and down their respective roads towards the town on Board 2. The Germans get many VP's for destroying factories on #2, so their primary goal is to get there and start working. As the northern German force approaches the town on #17, the four Polish INF open up on them with just a MC. As the southern German force approaches the bend in the road, the Polish HMG and three INF open and demoralize the lead German INF platoons. On the following turns, the northern German force obtains a 2X on the Polish force effectively eliminating it. The southern German force begins to send units around the Polish HMG heading for the town. They plan to leave the German HMG and some INF to deal with the Polish blocking force. With the northern Polish blocking force eliminated, the Germans enter the town on #2, and start to roll to eliminate factories. The southern ENG and one INF also proceed into the town. At this point, there is little Polish resistance left, and the Germans have multiple turns left to eliminate factories. Germans win. |