Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
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  • - Found 56 AARs for game filter
  • - 56 AARs passed all filters selected

Leyte '44 (56 AARs)
2020-12-09 Dan_Huffman English Leyt001 2/5 Give everything up but the Road
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt001 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario One: The Return Begins
2023-02-20 thomaso827 English Leyt001 4/5 Dead Bodies Everywhere
2023-11-12 Grognard Gunny English Leyt001 3/5 Broken line.
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt002 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Two: Red’s Beach
2020-12-15 Dan_Huffman English Leyt002 3/5 One of theses Days A successful Beach will be used
2023-12-11 Grognard Gunny English Leyt002 4/5 A real messy one!
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt003 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Three: The Ballad of Francis Wai
2023-12-12 Grognard Gunny English Leyt003 2/5 Slug your way through.
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt004 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Four: Hill 522
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt005 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Five: Finnegan’s Wake
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt006 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Six: Waxing Moon
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt007 3/5 Leyte 1944, scenario Seven: The First Ridge
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt008 4/5 Leyte 1944, scenario Eight: Red’s Highway
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt009 4/5 Leyte 1944, scenario Nine: Drive for Carigara
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt010 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Ten: Violet Beach
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt011 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Eleven: Tanks in the Night
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt012 5/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twelve: Flying Wedge
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt013 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirteen: Failure at Buri Airfield
2020-12-10 JayTownsend English Leyt014 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Fourteen: Progress at Buri Airfield
2020-12-20 JayTownsend English Leyt015 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Fifteen: Road to Dagami
2020-12-20 JayTownsend English Leyt016 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Sixteen: Road to Dagami
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt017 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Seventeen: Labiranan Head
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt018 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Eighteen: Swamp Things
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt019 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Nineteen: San Vicente Hill
2020-12-31 JayTownsend English Leyt020 5/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty: Crossroads of Death
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt021 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty One: The Kiling Zone
2021-01-07 JayTownsend English Leyt022 3/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Two: Bloody Ridge
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt023 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Three: West of Carigara
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt024 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Four: Breakneck Ridge
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt025 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Five: Typhoon
2023-11-09 treadasaurusrex English Leyt025 3/5 What's Worse, the Weather, the Covered Minefields, or the Hidden Enemy?
2021-01-07 JayTownsend English Leyt026 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Six: Iron Brigade
2020-12-21 JayTownsend English Leyt027 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Seven: Kilay Ridge
2021-12-14 treadasaurusrex English Leyt027 3/5 Night Terrors
2021-01-07 JayTownsend English Leyt028 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Eight: Texas Horse Soldiers
2022-12-21 treadasaurusrex English Leyt028 3/5 A Near Draw in the Philippines
2021-01-08 JayTownsend English Leyt029 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Twenty-Nine: Thanksgiving Day
2020-12-20 JayTownsend English Leyt030 4/5 Leyte 1944, scenario Thirty: Night Assault
2020-12-20 JayTownsend English Leyt031 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-One: The Bamboo Thicket
2021-01-08 JayTownsend English Leyt032 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Two: Hill 380
2021-12-16 treadasaurusrex English Leyt032 3/5 An American Debacle on Leyte
2021-01-09 JayTownsend English Leyt033 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Three: Premature
2020-12-20 JayTownsend English Leyt034 5/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Four: “Hello, Where Are Your Machine Gun?”
2021-01-13 JayTownsend English Leyt035 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Five: The Ballad of Ova Kelley
2020-12-20 JayTownsend English Leyt036 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Six: The Last Airfield
2021-01-13 JayTownsend English Leyt037 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Seven: Camp Downes
2021-01-14 JayTownsend English Leyt038 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Eight: Ormoc
2021-01-15 JayTownsend English Leyt039 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Thirty-Nine: Up the Valley
2020-12-19 JayTownsend English Leyt040 3/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty: Invalid Address
2020-12-28 JayTownsend English Leyt041 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty-One: Imahori’s Blockhouse
2020-12-19 JayTownsend English Leyt042 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty Two: Vlug’s Bazooka
2021-01-16 JayTownsend English Leyt043 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty-Three: The Last Ditch
2021-01-16 JayTownsend English Leyt044 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty-Four: Lost Angels
2021-01-17 JayTownsend English Leyt045 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty-Five: Road to Palompon
2021-01-18 JayTownsend English Leyt046 4/5 Leyte 1944, Scenario Forty-Six: Renewed Assault
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