Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 42 AARs for game filter
  • - 42 AARs passed all filters selected

Liberation 1944 (42 AARs)
2014-02-10 scrane English LIBE001 3/5 Tommy & Jerry
2021-02-27 JayTownsend English LIBE001 4/5 Liberation, Scenario One: Surprise at Le Hamel
2022-06-25 Markm50 English LIBE001 3/5 Ok game, bad Maps
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English LIBE001 4/5 Very Balanced and Historically Accurate
2014-02-09 Matt W English LIBE002 4/5 I thought "forks" were only a chess term...
2014-03-04 scrane English LIBE002 3/5 Lopsided
2014-07-24 waynebaumber English LIBE002 4/5 A average day
2022-07-09 treadasaurusrex English LIBE002 4/5 Pushing back the Jerries South of El Hamel
2022-07-09 goosebrown English LIBE002 3/5 That really does seem to be an awful lot of infantry...
2014-03-17 scrane English LIBE003 3/5 An odd one
2014-05-23 Blackcloud6 English LIBE003 4/5 Smash Mouth in Normandy
2014-11-10 scrane English LIBE004 3/5 Reinforcing failure
2014-02-07 campsawyer English LIBE005 2/5 A bit of a walk over for the Brits
2014-08-31 armyduck95 English LIBE005 2/5 Roll Britannia - German speedbumps
2015-12-31 scrane English LIBE005 3/5 British steamroller
2014-08-13 waynebaumber English LIBE006 4/5 British attack falters and runs out of steam
2017-10-31 scrane English LIBE006 4/5 British Juggernaut
2014-08-04 JayTownsend English LIBE007 5/5 Liberation 1944, scenario #7: 21st Panzer Responds
2019-08-07 scrane English LIBE007 3/5 Ambush!
2020-03-23 waynebaumber English LIBE007 3/5 21st Panzer reacts and wins
2020-03-15 waynebaumber English LIBE008 3/5 Seeds of defeat......really?
2021-03-23 scrane English LIBE008 3/5 SS Burn out
2017-10-19 J6A English LIBE009 4/5 I could swear I left my artillery around here somewhere
2021-12-20 JayTownsend English LIBE009 4/5 Liberation 1944: scenario #9: Escoville
2021-02-28 JayTownsend English LIBE011 4/5 Liberation, Scenario Eleven: A New Experience
2017-11-22 J6A English LIBE012 4/5 Not so fast there...
2021-02-28 JayTownsend English LIBE017 3/5 Liberation, Scenario Seventeen: Second Chance for the Desert Rats
2014-02-16 petermc English LIBE018 3/5 British steamroller
2014-02-18 petermc English LIBE018 3/5 Second time, same results
2014-03-03 campsawyer English LIBE018 3/5 Goodwood advances slowly
2018-07-31 Blackcloud6 English LIBE018 5/5 A Smashing Start to Goodwood.
2014-08-02 JayTownsend English LIBE019 3/5 Liberation 1944, scenario #19: Operation Goodwood: Reality Bites
2014-05-27 driddle01 English LIBE020 4/5 Tanks Roll
2015-01-21 waynebaumber English LIBE021 4/5 Another hard slog for the Brits
2023-11-01 treadasaurusrex English LIBE021 4/5 Maneuver, Hold & Counter Attack if Practical
2014-04-20 driddle01 English LIBE024 4/5 English Attack
2014-10-05 waynebaumber English LIBE027 3/5 RAF rule the skies over Normandy
2014-10-05 vince hughes English LIBE027 3/5 Losing My Mojo As Well As The Scenario
2023-12-16 JayTownsend English LIBE030 4/5 Liberation 1944, scenario #30: Operation Bluecoat: One of the Best
2024-07-17 treadasaurusrex English LIBE030 2/5 Hold Back the British Tide
2021-02-19 pwags English LIBE040 5/5 Meat grinder
2022-12-31 JayTownsend English LIBE041 4/5 Liberation 1944, scenario #41: Viessoix
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