Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 39 AARs for game filter
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War on the Equator (39 AARs)
2011-06-04 JayTownsend English WotE001 3/5 War On The Equator, scenario #1: Ecuador Attacks
2012-05-18 J6A English WotE001 4/5 No, no, we're just here for the scenery
2012-06-09 Matt W English WotE001 3/5 Toll Keeper
2012-06-09 Hugmenot English WotE001 3/5 When Rolling for Morale, Roll Low!
2015-03-26 Coniglius English WotE001 4/5 Excuse me but, those are our crops that your farmers harvested...
2021-11-27 treadasaurusrex English WotE001 3/5 A Bold River Crossing
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English WotE002 3/5 War on The Equator, Scenario #2: Peruvian Blitzkrieg
2010-10-19 scrane English WotE002 5/5 Latin Blitzkrieg
2012-05-25 joe_oppenheimer English WotE002 3/5 Shooting fish in a barrel
2012-06-09 Matt W English WotE002 3/5 Just because we have better morale doesn't mean that it is good
2012-06-12 J6A English WotE002 3/5 The MPs Lead the Way to Victory!
2014-10-03 Matt W English WotE002 3/5 Patience and a whole lotta bullets
2015-03-29 Coniglius English WotE002 3/5 God is Ecuadorian....
2021-11-30 treadasaurusrex English WotE002 3/5 Andean Blitz
2010-10-19 scrane English WotE003 5/5 One of the Best PG scenarios!
2010-12-17 enrique Español WotE003 4/5 Un puerto demasiado lejano
2010-12-18 enrique Español WotE003 4/5 Este escenario no es para corazones débiles
2011-05-31 JayTownsend English WotE003 4/5 War On The Equator, scenario #3: Land, Sea and Air
2012-06-23 Matt W English WotE003 4/5 A (very) few good men
2012-06-23 Hugmenot English WotE003 4/5 First!
2013-04-13 upintheattic English WotE003 4/5 The last line held
2016-06-15 Coniglius English WotE003 4/5 Where are the Marines???!!!
2021-12-04 treadasaurusrex Español WotE003 2/5 Sorprendente Victoria Ecuadorense!
2011-06-04 JayTownsend English WotE004 2/5 War On The Equator, scenario #4: Ecuador Defenders
2012-06-30 Matt W English WotE004 4/5 Now you see 'em...
2012-06-30 Hugmenot English WotE004 4/5 Run Away! Hide! The Peruvians are Coming!
2012-08-22 J6A English WotE004 3/5 Boy, those Ecuadorans are Slippery
2016-06-28 Coniglius English WotE004 4/5 To the last man...
2021-12-04 treadasaurusrex English WotE004 2/5 Fiddly is as Fiddly Does
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English WotE005 4/5 War On The Equator, scenario #5: River of Death
2011-09-03 enrique Español WotE005 5/5 Batalla fluvial
2012-08-11 Matt W English WotE005 4/5 Fluid
2012-08-12 Hugmenot English WotE005 4/5 Close Finish Again
2012-08-24 J6A English WotE005 4/5 (Don't) Send in the Marines!
2021-12-08 treadasaurusrex English WotE005 3/5 Secure the River Ports!
2011-06-05 JayTownsend English WotE006 2/5 War On The Equator, scenario #6: The Road to Guayaquil
2012-08-18 Matt W English WotE006 3/5 Foregone Conclusion
2012-08-18 Hugmenot English WotE006 3/5 Thy Graveyard Runneth Over
2021-12-11 treadasaurusrex English WotE006 3/5 Ecuador's Last Gasp
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