Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
One of the Best PG scenarios!
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2009-10-01
Language English
Scenario WotE003

This one has it all: parachute landing, amphibious assault, sweeping movements across huuuuuuuge...tracts of land.

The Peruvians landed their paratroopers behind the Ecuadorian lines, got organized, and headed west to support the marines' landing. A reaction force of Ecuadorians failed to engage them decisively, stalled by air attacks, so the combined air/sea operation succeeded in eventually taking the two northern coastal towns.

Meanwhile the southern Peruvian motorized column got split by the Ecuadorians, with about one third of it destroyed or stalled well to the south of the developing action. The Peruvians who broke through linked up with the marines and paratroopers in the northwest, created a solid defensive perimeter, and began beating back the piecemeal Ecuadorian counterattacks.

Things were looking good for Peru, but attrition began to catch up with them and they just couldn't expand their perimeter farther south. Ended in a draw.

This monster was so much fun to play. It was great to see the different Peruvian arms come together, and agonizing to watch the operational tempo slowly fade.

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