Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 66 AARs for game filter
  • - 63 AARs passed all filters selected

Invasion 1944 (63 AARs)
2017-03-05 petermc English IN44001 3/5 Sold First Scenario for Invasion 1944
2018-02-01 Warhawk1955 English IN44001 3/5 Scenario Intro-one
2018-11-30 Blackcloud6 English IN44001 3/5 Assault and assault and assault and no effect.
2019-09-23 sasmo12 English IN44001 4/5 Back to School
2022-05-05 mikejames38 English IN44001 3/5 St. Laurent-Again?
2022-08-14 treadasaurusrex English IN44001 4/5 Take St. Laurent and the Strongpoint, boys!
2023-01-25 Grognard Gunny English IN44001 3/5 Introductory? Wow!
2023-08-24 PANISTA Català IN44001 4/5 Too Much or Too Little Bocage
2023-11-28 Gikakan English IN44001 3/5 First ever PG play
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44002 4/5 Fog of War
2018-12-01 Blackcloud6 English IN44002 5/5 Attack by Fire
2022-09-04 treadasaurusrex English IN44002 3/5 Hold a Slice of Couvains at all Costs
2022-09-06 mikejames38 English IN44002 4/5 3rd Fallschirmjagers Hold Fast
2023-02-02 Grognard Gunny English IN44002 4/5 A slug through the hedges.
2023-12-02 Gikakan English IN44002 4/5 Bocages, fog and night
2022-09-10 mikejames38 English IN44003 3/5 3rd Fallschirmjagers Hold Fast... Again
2022-09-25 treadasaurusrex English IN44003 3/5 Take Sainte Claire if you can, Boys!
2023-02-05 Grognard Gunny English IN44003 2/5 A slugfest for the town.
2024-01-16 Miguelibal English IN44003 3/5 Lucky to Draw this One!
2016-11-30 leonard English IN44004 4/5 Omaha Battle game. Scenario 1
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44004 3/5 Major Bingham Takes Charge
2017-10-07 Pijusmagnificus Español IN44004 3/5 Pasei a St. Laurent
2022-07-08 goosebrown English IN44004 4/5 We're just not going to get much done are we?
2022-09-16 mikejames38 English IN44004 3/5 Not taking charge...
2022-10-16 treadasaurusrex Español IN44004 3/5 Défendre dans le Bocage Pue!
2023-02-28 Blackcloud6 English IN44004 3/5 Hedgerow Hades
2024-03-05 Grognard Gunny English IN44004 2/5 Americans win.
2016-12-14 leonard English IN44005 4/5 Omaha Battle game. Scenario 2
2022-10-03 mikejames38 English IN44005 4/5 St. Laurent-Again?
2023-12-08 Gikakan English IN44005 4/5 Battle continues
2024-03-23 Grognard Gunny English IN44005 3/5 Tough cookie!
2017-02-16 leonard English IN44006 4/5 Battle game Omaha : final scenario
2018-01-03 Dan_Huffman English IN44006 3/5 Another Scenario where reading Victory condition and Battle Game objectives
2022-09-30 goosebrown English IN44006 5/5 Displace Right and Advance
2022-10-25 mikejames38 English IN44006 4/5 German Minor Victory and Omaha Battle Game Win
2023-12-11 Gikakan English IN44006 4/5 Easy win for United States
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44006 4/5 A very evenly matched scenario.....
2024-06-07 CavDo English IN44006 3/5 An Impossible Pull for the Germans
2017-05-22 Warhawk1955 English IN44007 3/5 Always remember your Artillery
2019-07-23 patman English IN44007 4/5 Georgians, not even your ridiculous dice can save you.
2022-11-07 mikejames38 English IN44007 3/5 A Senseless Slaughter
2022-11-13 treadasaurusrex English IN44007 3/5 Secure that Road and Liberate Fauville, Boys!
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44007 3/5 Nothing really to write home about....
2018-01-03 Dan_Huffman English IN44008 4/5 Tough on the US
2023-05-07 treadasaurusrex English IN44008 3/5 Hold Crisbecq to the Last Extremity, NOT!
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44008 4/5 This is a long one.....
2017-03-13 Dan_Huffman English IN44010 2/5 Good die rolling is nice.....Whe none gets them
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44010 3/5 Bocage sucks
2017-03-13 Dan_Huffman English IN44011 4/5 No Air power is great for the Germans
2018-02-01 Warhawk1955 English IN44011 4/5 Fallschirmjager’s
2017-03-13 Dan_Huffman English IN44012 3/5 Plan before play. Learn to counter US airpower
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44012 4/5 Stonewalled indeed
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44012 4/5 A good evenly matched scenario....
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44013 3/5 Fallschirmjager's
2018-01-03 Dan_Huffman English IN44013 4/5 Quick and Easy for the Germans This Time
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44013 5/5 A good fun and FAST scenario to play!
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44014 4/5 Race for the border
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44014 4/5 Another Good balanced scenario....could have gone either way!
2017-05-19 Warhawk1955 English IN44015 4/5 End of the battle of Bocage
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44015 5/5 Long Scenario! Yet, very good fun!!
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44016 4/5 Well Balanced scenario that could go either way.
2024-04-13 Brad_Newcomer English IN44017 4/5 Victory is just oh so elusive!!
2022-07-24 treadasaurusrex English IN44019 4/5 Major Kersting Barely Gets a Minor Win
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