Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
3rd Fallschirmjagers Hold Fast... Again
Author mikejames38
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2022-09-10
Language English
Scenario IN44003

The troop strength for the US infantry and German Fallschirmjagers are pretty balances, but adding in the 2 HMG platoons, a platoon of Stuart tanks and off-board artillery to the US side seemingly makes this favor the US side. What caused this to be a draw was the morale of the Fallschirmjagers - despite bombarding the town and sending a couple of the German platoons fleeing as well as subjecting the town to machine-gun attacks, at the end of column 12 the Germans held the high ground next to Saint-Clair-sur-l'Elle and both hexes of the town were still very much disputed though the remaining strength in hex 804 favored the US and in 803 favored the Germans. The Stuart tanks were hit by mortar fire which demoralized them and sent them fleeing away from the battle, and they did not re-engage the battle until the very last turn. The Fallschirmjagers held fast yet again, slowing down the US attack.

2022-09-10 23:54

How much mortar does it take to Demoralize the Stuarts? 16pts (might be 12 with visible target) gives you a 1/36th chance... 21pts gets you a 1/18th chance....

must have been a lot of mortars..... (only X results cause a morale check against AFV....for BF or DF)

2022-09-11 10:32

Thanks for the info, I missed that… I knew that the Stuarts were light but didn’t think a single 8-strength mortar should be able to stop them. I’ll file that nugget away for future reference.

Comment from mikejames38 removed by author.
2022-09-11 10:57

I don't have the game, so I don't know what was in the scenario.... thanks for the response....I thought I was losing the thread or something.... Keep at it Mike!...this game is a hoot, for sure!

2022-09-11 11:39

It is always interesting to see if you are really interpreting the rules correctly or not... now I may have to replay from the point at which the Stuarts were taken out of the equation!

2022-09-11 19:43

And if you had been playing it with VASSAL, you could just open that file, and continue.....

Vassal/Uber is goodness....

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