Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
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  • - Found 43 AARs for game filter
  • - 43 AARs passed all filters selected

Heroes of the Soviet Union (43 AARs)
2011-01-22 campsawyer English HoSU001 3/5 First taste of an 88mm
2011-02-17 Matt W English HoSU001 3/5 Sometimes High Risk is just High Risk
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU002 3/5 Charging into history
2011-03-07 Matt W English HoSU002 3/5 Slightly less, but still, Futile
2016-02-17 Proff3RTR English HoSU002 4/5 URRRRAAH Stalina!!
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU003 2/5 A long way to run
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU004 4/5 Race for the town
2012-03-08 Matt W English HoSU004 4/5 Don't recover NOW!! Run away!!!
2017-09-04 Dan Storm English HoSU004 4/5 First Face to Face PG Scenario - Close Call...
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU005 2/5 Evening the Panzer advantage
2011-06-25 Matt W English HoSU005 2/5 The Early Bird Gets the Worm
2011-07-30 driddle01 English HoSU005 4/5 Attack the Town
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU006 2/5 This seams familiar...
2011-02-20 campsawyer English HoSU007 2/5 Soviet town assault
2011-10-24 Matt W English HoSU007 2/5 Frantic
2011-02-20 campsawyer English HoSU008 2/5 Even trading sides doesn't help...
2011-10-28 Matt W English HoSU008 3/5 Another Mars Slaughter
2011-02-20 campsawyer English HoSU009 3/5 Cavalry Dash
2011-06-24 Matt W English HoSU009 2/5 Bets are off on this horse race
2013-02-08 JayTownsend English HoSU009 2/5 Heroes of The Soviet Union, scenario #9: Gauntlet
2011-02-12 campsawyer English HoSU010 2/5 Hold and Retreat
2011-10-28 Matt W English HoSU010 2/5 Tantalizing
2011-02-13 campsawyer English HoSU011 3/5 Winter Cavalry
2012-11-22 driddle01 English HoSU011 3/5 Soviet Cavalry Escape
2011-02-25 campsawyer English HoSU012 1/5 Pointless Cavalry charge
2011-03-13 campsawyer English HoSU013 3/5 Fighting in a snowstorm
2011-03-13 campsawyer English HoSU014 3/5 Forcing their way through
2011-04-20 patman English HoSU014 3/5 Dug out of the archives...
2013-03-09 Blackcloud6 English HoSU014 3/5 Cold Clean Up
2011-03-09 campsawyer English HoSU015 3/5 Skill and a little bit of luck
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU016 4/5 T-34's rule the day
2011-02-03 JayTownsend English HoSU016 3/5 Heroes of The Soviet Union, Scenario #16, Red Parachutes: Grigorovka
2012-11-03 Matt W English HoSU016 2/5 Swatting a gnat
2018-02-12 Retiredgrunt17 English HoSU016 5/5 Short But Nasty
2011-01-23 campsawyer English HoSU017 2/5 Two units that don't want to fight
2011-01-24 campsawyer English HoSU018 3/5 T34's to the rescue
2011-03-13 campsawyer English HoSU019 3/5 Pumping in reinforcements
2011-01-25 campsawyer English HoSU020 4/5 Good start for the Germans
2011-01-27 campsawyer English HoSU021 3/5 Infantry tries to clear the way
2011-03-27 Redarmyman English HoSU021 4/5 A cool scenario but I got lucky...
2011-01-29 campsawyer English HoSU022 5/5 Heavy Tank attack
2011-02-12 campsawyer English HoSU023 4/5 Tiger Rush
2011-02-25 campsawyer English HoSU024 4/5 Soviets try to take back territory
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