Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Forcing their way through
Author campsawyer
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2006-06-18
Language English
Scenario HoSU014

A second scenario played on this day back in 2006. I was the Germans with an nice bit of armor to try to force my way up and defeat a Soviet Rifle Brigade. Problem was the victory conditions were going to be tough. Major victory is the elimination of ALL Soviet units. While the Soviets must just keep troops on the boards and a town.

As I said, the Germans have a Panzer Division to do this with, IVF2's, IIIG's and IVE's with infantry support and a good lot of OBA. The soviets have some AT and Rockets on BM-13's but it's all infantry for the Soviets. My opponent was smart and placed a few infantry and a lone HMG as a skirmish line to try to get the tanks to commit to an attack early. The bulk of the Soviet's were on board 3 and 6.

Looking at his setup, I decided to still go up the road and tackle his roadblock of INF and HMG. The German OBA was right on target this battle, and demoralized both units on the first round. German tanks just need to get close and the headed for the town on board 4. The other Soviet skirmishers started to move back my flanks to see if they could catch me at a weak point. OBA continued to keep them at bay.

Pushing toward the town, I need to be wary of his AT guns. The 76.2mm gun was the big worry, that one could do damage to the panzers. Infantry dismounted and moved toward the woods southwest of the town to see if their was any ATs setup for crossfire. Soviet rockets started to appear at this point. Some disruptions by the grenadiers were quickly remedied by leaders. Soviet infantry opened fire on the infantry and quickly German OBA demoralized these troops that were supporting a 45mm AT. Discovered the AT gun opened at long range on on the SPW251's but missed. Grenadiers moved up and quickly captured the AT gun, while Soviet rockets rained down.

With the woods captured I moved the tanks forward to push on the town. Soviet INF and HMGs were in the town with a couple of good Soviet leaders. German OBA started on the town hexes but bad dice rolls and good morale checks by the Soviets keep the units in good order. I moved up the IV's and the 76.2mm opened fire, their fire shot knocked out a IVE. But now they were discovered and OBA was ordered on the hex. A series of disruptions and recovers kept the 76.2 occupied for several turns. This allowed the IV's to close on the town a second 45mm fired but missed. Grenadiers joined the attack, the Soviets OP fired as they moved and the HMG's slowed the Grenadiers. Assaults started on the outer edge town hexes. The Soviets were tough but the panzer/infantry combinations were too much. Slowly, one, two three town hexes fell. But the Grenadiers were taking casualties and had to pause to recover troops, Soviets counterattacked but were repulsed.

By this time we were late in the game, and I needed to get the town before the end otherwise the Soviets get a Major victory. At this point, I had clear board 8 of Soviets, but he had very cleverly positioned several units that just needed to step on to board 3 to keep his unit count up on the board. I had to dispatch them as well. A German artillery officer moved up with his radio. He was able to spot them an have the OBA fire some rounds to demoralized these reinforcements.

Back to the town, the tanks and infantry pushed on to the north town hexes, but time ran out before I could capture them giving the Soviets a Major victory to my minor victory.

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