Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
First Face to Face PG Scenario - Close Call...
Author Dan Storm (Germany)
Method Face to Face
Victor Germany
Participants richvalle
Play Date 2017-09-02
Language English
Scenario HoSU004

So this past Saturday 09/02/2017 I was lucky enough to be invited to Games Plus in Mount Prospect IL. for my very first Face to Face playing of PG. Thank You richvalle! I am a PG beginner - only recently thoroughly reading up on it - mostly here at PG-HQ - and quickly grew interested. I bought a few Box Sets and Modules and played a few scenarios solo and I really like it. So richvalle asked me for a FTF with HOTSU # 4 - Demekhi. 18 turns. Board 4 and Board 6. Woods and fields. Russian Guards Assaulting across 2 boards to a 7 hex city cluster 1.7 KM away. A road runs from the north edge of the board right into the city - with a few twists and turns along the way. Deep Snow = Movement slowed. Guards start the game off map and enter from the North Edge. The Germans setup anywhere 6 hexes south of the north edge. Germans get plenty of trucks so they can either set up mass harassing fire way north and retreat back - or hunker down in the city and wait (It will take 8 to 10 turns of all out movement to get to the city) - or a combo of both. The Germans set up a small scout force overlooking the NW corner, another small force watching the road entrance and another small force kind of watching the middle of the board from a woods hex and a dug in position in the road itself. Leaders with platoons to spot for on board and off board Arty. Most of the German forces set up in the city to play the waiting game - and take advantage of the (-2) Arty Column Shift when they were finally spotted. The Guards started their march. A small force marched south on the far western edge - another small force marched south on the far eastern side - and the majority of the force hit the road in the middle. Early on the Germans watching the road entrance did well by calling in a few good arty strikes (with a few Step Losses and a few Leader losses) but soon the Guards were well past those first German scouts - and had them locked in an assault hex. The Guards were driving southward a little too quickly. When the Guards hit the middle of the board and started driving south on board 4 - they left the road and used the fields to make a sprint to the woods. Right around turn 6 or 7 or so it looked bad for the Germans. Their arty was ineffective after turn 2 or 3 - direct fire was ineffective - and the Guards were on the way to the woods on board 4. Then a German leader still on board 6 took a chance - sprinted into the middle of the road to get a spot on the advancing Guards and their high ranking leaders entering the woods - somehow survived a 30 Power Arty Shot. He spotted a few good Arty Shots that resulted in few "X"'s - after the step losses were taken and the M2 Survivor Die rolls rolled it was time for leader loss die rolls - and in the course of 3 or 4 turns - 3 leaders rolled modified 2's or less and were eliminated. Fantastic die rolls and luck for the Germans - unreal against the odds die rolling by the Guards. By turn 10 or 11 the Guards were basically without any leaders at the front lines to get the rest of the platoons to the city. The Guards on the far western edge of the board were still on board 6 due to the deep snow movement restrictions. The Guards with their leader on the far eastern edge of the board "surprised" a mortar and an "88" in the woods on board 4 - and succumbed to mortar fire from an Adjacent Hex during OP fire and an Adjacent Hex / self spotting "88" bombardment shot during a German Turn Phase. All in all it was a fun round and I learned a lot about both rules and some tactics. It is a good "beginner" scenario to get the infantry basics and mechanics down. It is also much easier to bounce questions off of someone knowledgeable and get answers instantaneously. What a concept. Face to Face. Human Interaction.

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