Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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Kokoda Trail (92 AARs)
2010-06-20 rerathbun English KoTr001 3/5 No Escape from Oivi
2010-06-20 rerathbun English KoTr001 3/5 Sacrifice to Escape from Oivi
2010-11-01 Matt W English KoTr001 2/5 Escape? Not very likely.
2010-12-26 Shad English KoTr001 4/5 KT Campaign, Scenario 1
2011-11-01 KirkH English KoTr001 2/5 Take the Initiative!
2013-02-24 Hugmenot English KoTr001 2/5 Sacrifice to Win
2014-05-23 dricher English KoTr001 1/5 As quick as one die roll
2014-06-17 thomaso827 English KoTr001 4/5 What a Difference a Board Makes
2017-10-27 Jockulus English KoTr001 3/5 Aussies cut off and badly mauled
2020-04-06 Fanghawk English KoTr001 2/5 Pretty much on par with everyone else...
2021-02-07 SteveBEsq English KoTr001 3/5 Not as bad as I had expected
2023-02-21 Grognard Gunny English KoTr001 2/5 Run for you life!
2024-04-14 Jockulus English KoTr001 3/5 Australians successfully limp off the battlefield
2010-11-01 Matt W English KoTr002 4/5 Signs of Life
2010-11-07 driddle01 English KoTr002 2/5 Defense of Kokoda
2010-12-26 Shad English KoTr002 2/5 KT Campaign, Scenario 2
2011-08-12 enrique English KoTr002 2/5 Australian débâcle
2013-02-24 Hugmenot English KoTr002 2/5 Do the Australians Have a Chance?
2014-06-14 dricher English KoTr002 2/5 The real question is how much will the Japanese win by?
2014-08-27 thomaso827 English KoTr002 4/5 Holding by Finger Nails
2023-02-25 Grognard Gunny English KoTr002 3/5 Kind of like beating your head on a rock!
2024-04-18 Jockulus English KoTr002 2/5 Crushing victory for the invaders
2010-11-05 Matt W English KoTr003 4/5 Oh for Pete's Sake...
2014-08-27 thomaso827 English KoTr003 4/5 Holding the Airfield
2014-11-28 dricher English KoTr003 3/5 A foiled Australian attack
2023-02-27 Grognard Gunny English KoTr003 3/5 Too little. Too late.
2010-11-01 Matt W English KoTr004 3/5 And they keep on coming...
2014-08-29 thomaso827 English KoTr004 4/5 Another Accckkkk Moment
2014-12-03 dricher English KoTr004 3/5 Run or die
2010-09-27 driddle01 English KoTr005 3/5 Trail Cut Off
2011-06-08 JayTownsend English KoTr005 3/5 Kokoda Trail, scenario #5: Milne Bay – The Landing
2011-11-01 KirkH English KoTr005 3/5 Keep Pushing
2012-08-26 Matt W English KoTr005 3/5 Tentative Bushido
2014-04-20 dricher English KoTr005 2/5 Aussies need to hope for great rolls.
2014-08-29 thomaso827 English KoTr005 4/5 Losses Continue to Add Up
2017-08-03 waynebaumber English KoTr005 3/5 VC's ensure an overwhelming Japanese win
2017-10-28 Jockulus English KoTr005 4/5 Aussies hang on and defend the town
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English KoTr006 4/5 Kokoda Trails: Scenario #6: Milne Bay - Second Night
2011-10-13 driddle01 English KoTr006 4/5 Milne Bay - 2nd Night
2012-08-26 Matt W English KoTr006 4/5 More of the Same
2014-04-21 dricher English KoTr006 2/5 Better than Scenario 5, but still a balance issue
2014-08-31 thomaso827 English KoTr006 4/5 Getting Closer
2011-06-13 JayTownsend English KoTr007 3/5 Kokoda Trail, scenario #7: Milne Bay – The Breakout
2012-08-26 Matt W English KoTr007 4/5 Ever So Much More So
2014-04-27 dricher English KoTr007 3/5 When trading space for time, it's bad to run out of space...
2014-08-31 thomaso827 English KoTr007 4/5 Australians Win the Day!
2011-03-01 rerathbun English KoTr008 2/5 Unbalanced Isurava
2014-12-10 dricher English KoTr008 3/5 A valiant but doomed defense
2015-01-10 thomaso827 English KoTr008 4/5 Failed Fighting Withdrawal
2010-11-01 Matt W English KoTr009 4/5 Finally
2014-12-31 dricher English KoTr009 4/5 From stable to collapse
2015-01-11 thomaso827 English KoTr009 4/5 Curses, Foiled Again!
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English KoTr010 5/5 Kokoda Trail #10 Assault on No3 Airstrip
2014-12-14 dricher English KoTr010 3/5 Beach Party New Guinea
2015-01-12 thomaso827 English KoTr010 4/5 Stopped them just inside the fence
2012-08-31 Matt W English KoTr011 4/5 Stack 'em up
2015-01-15 dricher English KoTr011 4/5 Worth the cost?
2015-01-16 thomaso827 English KoTr011 4/5 An Australian Win - but barely
2010-05-24 Konstantin English KoTr012 4/5 First Battle on equal terms, but the last of the campaign
2015-01-18 dricher English KoTr012 3/5 Whee whee whee all the way home
2015-01-30 thomaso827 English KoTr012 4/5 Near Run Thing
2011-03-02 rerathbun English KoTr013 3/5 Delaying Tactics Work (sort of) for the Australians
2011-11-01 KirkH English KoTr013 4/5 Assaults Aplenty
2015-01-17 thomaso827 English KoTr013 4/5 Delaying Slowly
2015-01-22 dricher English KoTr013 3/5 Surrounded
2014-12-20 dricher English KoTr014 3/5 Tough advance
2015-01-18 thomaso827 English KoTr014 4/5 All Tied Up
2015-01-21 thomaso827 English KoTr015 4/5 Trapped in the Jungle
2015-01-24 dricher English KoTr015 2/5 Overwhelmed
2015-01-12 dricher English KoTr016 5/5 Japanese squeak the victory
2015-02-21 thomaso827 English KoTr016 4/5 The First to Go
2015-01-19 dricher English KoTr017 3/5 Less tension than Day One
2012-08-25 Matt W English KoTr018 4/5 Hold Your Fire
2015-01-21 dricher English KoTr018 4/5 So much to do, so little time
2015-02-22 thomaso827 English KoTr018 5/5 Honor And Sacrifice Didn't Save the Day
2015-11-11 dricher English KoTr019 3/5 Open the floodgates!
2015-01-26 dricher English KoTr020 1/5 Spotting the Australians a lap in a foot race
2016-01-21 KirkH English KoTr020 3/5 Sir, Would It Help If We Were To Run Away Some More?
2015-02-26 dricher English KoTr021 3/5 A thin defense gets help from the dice
2015-01-31 dricher English KoTr022 3/5 Too many Japanese!
2010-09-10 rerathbun English KoTr023 4/5 Templeton's Crossing, the LONG Last Day
2015-03-09 dricher English KoTr023 3/5 Looked good for Australia on paper...
2014-06-22 dricher English KoTr024 3/5 Is Goodenough worth the price to clear it?
2015-04-12 dricher English KoTr025 4/5 Sneaky Australians
2015-02-03 dricher English KoTr026 3/5 Great action, tough victory conditions
2015-02-14 dricher English KoTr027 4/5 Face to Face Slugfest
2015-10-03 dricher English KoTr028 4/5 I just can't stop assaulting...
2011-11-01 KirkH English KoTr029 4/5 In Doubt Till The End
2014-05-09 Blackcloud6 English KoTr029 3/5 Head on to Defeat
2015-02-22 dricher English KoTr029 4/5 Another good quick Kokoda scenario
2013-01-10 rerathbun English KoTr030 4/5 Bloody Trail to Gorari
2015-10-12 dricher English KoTr030 4/5 Hard fought Japanese victory
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