Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 30 AARs for game filter
  • - 29 AARs passed all filters selected

Road to Dunkirk (29 AARs)
2019-09-16 Shad English RtDk001 4/5 The First Game (for my son, age 8)
2022-05-26 Blackcloud6 English RtDk001 5/5 Run Herr Forrest Run
2022-06-27 Blackcloud6 English RtDk001 5/5 Dead Boche Patrols
2024-01-08 Grognard Gunny English RtDk001 2/5 Hopefully a quick grab!
2019-07-27 JayTownsend English RtDk002 4/5 Road To Dunkirk, scenario #2: First Casualties
2020-03-24 Arisaka92 English RtDk002 4/5 A fun little scenario
2023-02-04 thomaso827 English RtDk002 5/5 German Win
2024-01-10 Grognard Gunny English RtDk002 3/5 Fight for the town.
2019-10-15 SARACV3 English RtDk003 3/5 You Can't Win When You Don't Have Bullets
2021-03-17 Blackcloud6 English RtDk003 5/5 Rush to the Footbridges.
2024-01-12 Grognard Gunny English RtDk003 4/5 Just pulled it off!
2024-09-08 treadasaurusrex English RtDk003 4/5 Get Across the Dyle without Losing 6 Steps, Major!
2019-11-16 SARACV3 English RtDk004 4/5 Dick Annaid , Deserter
2020-04-22 Arisaka92 English RtDk004 2/5 A rather flawed scenario
2024-08-07 Grognard Gunny English RtDk004 4/5 Snatched victory from defeat!
2019-12-31 SARACV3 English RtDk005 3/5 Static Defense Loses Cohesion
2021-02-10 JayTownsend English RtDk014 3/5 Road To Dunkirk, scenario Fourteen: The Baker’s Glory
2023-06-15 leonard English RtDk014 3/5 The baker and the British Casseroles !
2019-09-12 TFGA73 English RtDk018 5/5 A cliffhanger near the Channel
2022-12-26 JayTownsend English RtDk020 5/5 Road To Dunkirk, scenario #20: Fresh off the Boat
2020-12-03 leonard English RtDk023 5/5 Thunder in Calais
2019-10-28 NBGB English RtDk029 4/5 The French didn't surrender!
2021-02-10 JayTownsend English RtDk032 4/5 Road To Dunkirk, scenario Thirty-Two: Extra Protection
2022-10-13 plloyd1010 English RtDk034 4/5 We kind of, sort of think I won
2020-04-23 leonard English RtDk038 4/5 Searching for the 88
2019-11-06 leonard English RtDk042 4/5 Standfast !
2023-11-24 JayTownsend English RtDk043 4/5 Road To Dunkirk, scenario #43: Shot Noise
2022-04-30 treadasaurusrex English RtDk044 2/5 Foot Bridges in the Gloaming
2022-04-30 plloyd1010 English RtDk044 3/5 Sitzball on a Tetter-Totter
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