Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 50 AARs for game filter
  • - 47 AARs passed all filters selected

Arctic Front Deluxe (47 AARs)
2010-10-19 scrane English AFDx001 5/5 Finnish Riviera
2012-01-24 maverik Italiano AFDx001 3/5 Facile Resistenza o difficile attacco ?
2012-03-23 enrique English AFDx001 3/5 Red Tsunami in the Riviera
2024-08-22 Grognard Gunny English AFDx001 3/5 A note for the attackers!
2013-11-04 maverik Italiano AFDx002 3/5 Attacca e fuggi.
2024-09-03 Grognard Gunny English AFDx002 3/5 Russian deluge.
2010-09-01 vince hughes English AFDx003 2/5 The Sausage War : Maybe One Of The Wurst I've Played
2010-10-30 Matt W English AFDx003 3/5 Brutal
2011-10-14 scrane English AFDx003 2/5 Simple fast scenario
2011-11-01 KirkH English AFDx003 2/5 Not Enough Russians - Now There's a First!
2012-03-25 enrique Español AFDx003 3/5 Escaramuza en los bosques de Finlandia
2013-02-08 JayTownsend English AFDx003 3/5 Arctic Front Deluxe, scenario #3: The Sausage War
2013-02-16 Hugmenot English AFDx003 3/5 A Good Beginner Scenario?
2013-05-18 maverik Italiano AFDx003 1/5 Attacco Suicida
2015-03-15 thomaso827 English AFDx003 4/5 I Love The Smell of Sausage in the Morning
2017-11-21 Retiredgrunt17 English AFDx003 5/5 Coffee and Sausages
2024-09-05 Grognard Gunny English AFDx003 2/5 Next!
2012-04-04 enrique Español AFDx004 3/5 Crepúsculo soviético
2012-11-13 enrique Español AFDx005 3/5 Descalabro soviético sobre hielo (y replay con algunos cambios)
2013-04-03 enrique Español AFDx006 4/5 Ruptura no, infiltración.
2012-10-31 waynebaumber English AFDx007 3/5 Happy Christmas Mr Stalin
2014-01-15 enrique Español AFDx007 4/5 AFDeluxe. Escenario 7
2014-12-28 Poor Yorek English AFDx007 4/5 A Long Cold Morning
2010-11-01 Matt W English AFDx008 4/5 No leaders, no skis, no LOS and no morale. I'm staying in town.
2010-12-26 Shad English AFDx008 5/5 Sneak and Slaughter
2018-01-04 Retiredgrunt17 English AFDx008 5/5 Finnish Buffet
2014-12-31 Poor Yorek English AFDx009 4/5 Will No One Rid Me of this Meddlesome Russian Lieutenant?
2012-07-03 waynebaumber English AFDx010 4/5 Russian hordes just triumph in monster scenario
2010-10-30 Matt W English AFDx013 2/5 Boom, repeat Boom
2015-01-06 Poor Yorek English AFDx015 4/5 Caution to the Winds
2012-05-12 Matt W English AFDx016 4/5 Grind
2012-05-12 Hugmenot English AFDx016 4/5 Engage! Not!
2015-01-10 Poor Yorek English AFDx016 5/5 Finns Dodge Last Minute Soviet Artillery Revival to Eek Out a Minor Victory
2015-01-14 Poor Yorek English AFDx017 2/5 Don't Touch the Tundra
2018-10-29 Schoenwulf English AFDx020 3/5 Catching the Train
2018-11-04 Schoenwulf English AFDx021 5/5 Into Fanghorn
2011-11-01 KirkH English AFDx024 2/5 Finns Overwhelming
2010-12-26 Shad English AFDx026 5/5 Cat & Soviet Mouse
2013-09-25 vince hughes English AFDx031 4/5 Linear Defence of Soviet Guards Bent And Then Broken
2013-09-26 tlangston28 English AFDx031 4/5 Come along without. Come along within, You've not seen nothing like the Mighty Finn
2018-01-15 Retiredgrunt17 English AFDx035 5/5 Soviet Soil, Now
2011-11-01 KirkH English AFDx036 3/5 A Methodical Advance
2011-11-01 KirkH English AFDx037 1/5 More Finns Please!
2013-03-16 Matt W English AFDx037 2/5 Ease into it
2011-11-01 KirkH English AFDx039 4/5 Who Sez Engineers Can't Fight?
2015-09-11 Poor Yorek English AFDx039 3/5 Minor Finnish Victory
2011-11-01 KirkH English AFDx040 2/5 Piecemeal Defense Won't Work
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