Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
A Long Cold Morning
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Draw
Play Date 2014-12-28
Language English
Scenario AFDx007

Finns set up their entrenchments along the north bank of the river as constrained by Sc instructions. 2xINF hold the bridge hex.

Soviets launch a two-pronged attack: group 1 with the HMGs seek to cross at the inland hex along the frozen river; group 2 westerly with one element attacking the western entrenchment; the other infiltrating northwards to attack the norther town from the west road.

I played the Finns very aggressively by design (not from the pov of game victory - where perhaps just sitting in the ENTs or falling back to the town to await turn 20 reinforcements might be the "better" play). The Finn's attack from the bridge/town including one INF platoon from the easternmost ENT. Good idea and they did DIS/DEM a lot of Soviets, but the Stalinites gave as good as they got and this prong, whilst delayed and "hurt," was not hurt enough.

The western attack infiltrators just moved at speed; the group attacking the Finn's ENT there were eventually eliminated. Soviet OBA and mortars cost the Finns a step here.

Long story short: Soviets were able to infiltrate the town from both the western envelopment and pushing recovered units (the morale 10 chekist won the Order of Lenin for his efforts). The victorious Finns 2xINF in the western ENT. however, after defeating the Sov attack could get nothing going: the Soviets had set a block at the captured ENT 0610 and the Finns moving eastward (along the south side of the river hooking around) to find a weak spot were simply hounded to death by OBA and Russian mortars when they came into spotting range.

The major deciding factor however, was relatively weak assault rolls by the Finnish reinforcing group that attempted to re-take the town. The Soviets simply hung tough (two very good leaders for them) and the Finns did't roll well.

Final Tally:

Finns: 22 Soviets steps; 2 ENTs held; 3 town hexes; Soviets had 31 steps north of the river so no Finnish "bonus" points; for a total of 35 VPs.

Soviets: 12 Finnish steps; 3 ENTs held; 4 town hexes; for a total of 37 VPs.

Played this way, the battle was very exciting going down to the last turns as had Finnish assaults been more successful (only needed two more Soviet step losses) or had the 2xINF group avoided harassing artillery/OF and be able to "come to grips" - Soviets would not have maintained the 30+ steps N of the river to avoid the Finnish bonus point award.

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