Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 26 AARs for game filter
  • - 25 AARs passed all filters selected

Roer River Battles (25 AARs)
2013-09-21 vince hughes English RoRB001 3/5 Unfortunately Unfinished
2014-02-07 Poor Yorek English RoRB001 4/5 US 104th Improve on History but Take a Black and Purple Eye
2010-07-16 waynebaumber English RoRB002 3/5 Dress rehersal (I hope not)
2012-01-21 vince hughes English RoRB002 3/5 Don't Fight A Buffalo On Muddy Ground - You'll Slip Up And Come To Grief
2012-01-21 captwoosey English RoRB002 3/5 Blood Bath on the Road to "Bad" Hastenrath
2012-10-20 Matt W English RoRB002 3/5 Potholes
2013-11-24 campsawyer English RoRB002 3/5 Bad, Bad Road
2014-02-07 Poor Yorek English RoRB002 3/5 The Tale of the Invincible, Undemoralizable AT Gun
2010-11-21 ricer English RoRB003 4/5 Better Than Most
2014-02-09 Poor Yorek English RoRB003 4/5 Road Rage: Get Outta da Road You Stupid Demoralized Reduced Grenadier
2012-02-22 vince hughes English RoRB004 3/5 Germans Just Cling On For Win Despite Lousy Leadership
2014-02-12 Poor Yorek English RoRB004 4/5 Don't Give a Job to the Tar-Heels That Needs the Wolfpack
2014-02-13 Poor Yorek English RoRB005 2/5 A Mediocre Performance
2014-03-01 Poor Yorek English RoRB006 3/5 Trouble Indeed
2010-05-30 JayTownsend English RoRB007 4/5 Roer River Battles, Germany Under Siege, Scenario #7, Sergeant Jake Lindsey
2014-03-07 Poor Yorek English RoRB007 2/5 Mud my A&&
2011-11-18 KirkH English RoRB008 4/5 The Assaults Were The Key
2014-03-08 Poor Yorek English RoRB008 4/5 Volksgrenadiers Give a Good Account vs. US 1st INF
2017-12-17 Retiredgrunt17 English RoRB008 5/5 A Line in the Mud
2011-11-10 KirkH English RoRB009 3/5 German Leaders Take the Flipping Advantage
2014-03-10 Poor Yorek English RoRB009 4/5 Oberst Kimbacher Draws the Long Straw
2017-02-26 waynebaumber English RoRB009 3/5 Mayhem in the mud
2011-11-14 KirkH English RoRB010 3/5 When Sitting Still Is A Viable Option
2014-03-11 Poor Yorek English RoRB010 5/5 But Not a Dollar Short
2015-11-29 plloyd1010 English RoRB010 4/5 I could blame it on General Mud, but..
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