Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
The Tale of the Invincible, Undemoralizable AT Gun
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-02-07
Language English
Scenario RoRB002

I played this with the Winter Soldiers post-harvest field rules: fields are not LT, do not block LoS, but do affect movement as per the TEC. I drew the minefields blind and randomly placed them without knowing their values (turns out, 2x3 + decoy). Interestingly, the decoy was actually on the road and was never encountered.

US forces determined to go with the all-armor forward full speed approach. This cost them dearly, as the 75mm gun took out a loaded M3 and the StuGIV a full M4/76 but missed its second shot. An M5 discovered to its dismay the 3-factor minefield in hex 1109.

US AT return fire next turn was deadly - a pair of '10' rolls put paid to the German assault guns. But, despite OBA and several '16' and '22' col DF attacks vs. the 75mm (in the 1105 hamlet protected by an adjacent entrenched (GREN+ENG), the thing simply wouldn't go away, making morale save after morale save and, not to mention, blowing away steps of M5 and M4 that approached.

On the other hand, the US managed a 30 DF shot against aforesaid ENT rolling a '2' on the 30-col for the dreaded 3X (and killing the +1 morale bonus leader that had been assisting the 75mm). US armor simply swarmed over the remaining step and the AT gun. But, time was running short.

Important too was that German OBA and mortar fire was able to keep the surviving US INF/HMG/ENG in a fit of perpetual one-step-forward-one-back with not infrequent morale failures.

The Germans used the best defense is a good offense approach for the end game. As the US armor closed the town, single or double GREN units moved forward to initiate assaults with panzerfausts blazing. Whist the 3rd Armored defeated these harassing attacks, the US simply ran out of time to do more than take 2 town hexes and contest two others at game end (and were very lucky: one two unit assault had both units fire AT weaponry, but the die rolls were a '5' and a '6').

Germany: 4 towns held (x2) + 18 steps inflicted = 26 VPs America: 2 towns held (x2) + 12 steps inflicted = 16 VPs

Major Victory for the Heer 12th Infantry Division.

2014-02-07 23:05

Catchy title and a nice read!

2014-02-08 02:56

A very similar scoreline to Alan's play !

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