Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 30 AARs for game filter
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North of Elsenborn (30 AARs)
2010-06-02 vince hughes English NoEl001 3/5 Hofen-Alzen Ridge - North Of Elsenborn Scenario # 1
2010-07-18 waynebaumber English NoEl001 3/5 Hoefen-Alzen Ridge
2011-04-25 waynebaumber English NoEl002 3/5 No Time to Lose
2011-04-25 vince hughes English NoEl002 4/5 Ambush & Hidden Forces - Excellent Little Scenario For FTF Gaming
2011-10-19 plloyd1010 English NoEl002 3/5 Like throwing rocks at a bottle.
2011-11-19 vince hughes English NoEl003 3/5 Too Big A Map - Too Few Germans - Too Many Yanks !
2014-01-24 Poor Yorek English NoEl003 2/5 Battle before the Gates of Morannon
2011-03-05 vince hughes English NoEl004 4/5 Reinforcements Swing The Balance - Great Scenario !
2011-03-07 waynebaumber English NoEl004 4/5 Excellent scenario
2014-01-19 Poor Yorek English NoEl004 5/5 Valient but Ultimately Doomed Defense
2014-01-28 Poor Yorek English NoEl005 4/5 Hemi Demi Semi Restored the Line
2010-07-29 joe_oppenheimer English NoEl006 3/5 An exciting assault
2011-03-15 campsawyer English NoEl006 3/5 Dice, Dice my kingdom for a good diceroll
2011-03-16 waynebaumber English NoEl006 3/5 The Last Bullet
2011-11-05 KirkH English NoEl006 4/5 A Little Help From The 8th Air Force Please!
2014-01-22 Poor Yorek English NoEl006 3/5 Victorious German Town Assault
2010-07-21 joe_oppenheimer English NoEl007 2/5 Night assault on a town
2010-12-28 Poor Yorek English NoEl007 4/5 Tense night assault: solo play
2011-05-01 PatC English NoEl007 4/5 Twin Villages Valor & Sacrifice or They blowed up real good!
2011-11-03 KirkH English NoEl007 5/5 This One Needed To Go To Overtime
2011-12-17 waynebaumber English NoEl007 3/5 The Big Red One gets a bloody nose
2017-12-18 Retiredgrunt17 English NoEl007 4/5 Taken in Time for Coffee and Schnitzel
2012-04-15 armyduck95 English NoEl008 3/5 "It's a Trap!!!"
2012-04-15 campsawyer English NoEl008 3/5 All guns to the front, no matter how tired you are.
2014-01-25 Poor Yorek English NoEl008 3/5 Not in the Mood: I've got a Headache
2011-04-08 JayTownsend English NoEl009 3/5 North of Elsenborn, scenario #9: On the Donnerberg
2012-05-20 plloyd1010 English NoEl009 3/5 Them boys jus' got their dander up!
2014-01-28 Poor Yorek English NoEl009 3/5 A Knight's Cross for the Heer 12th Infantry Forward Artillery Observer
2012-06-25 plloyd1010 English NoEl010 3/5 Never go to a fair with a credit card.
2014-01-29 Poor Yorek English NoEl010 3/5 Revenge is a Dish Best Served with OBA
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