Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Hemi Demi Semi Restored the Line
Author Poor Yorek
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2014-01-28
Language English
Scenario NoEl005

A rather surprising, based on my pre-scenario impression, minor German victory.


The Germans set the (US occupied) entrenchments on B10 and B24 aligned to oppose an advance from the west: sort of a semi-circle about the two larger towns. German controlled village complex on B22 is ringed with mines; the major town on B11 has some mines oriented vs. a US counter-attack from B10 and is mostly ringed with wire. The strongpoints occupy gaps in the wire.

The LW forces occupy B11 town: they drew good leaders (MAJ 9-1-1 and LT 10-1-1). The 89th INF division of the Heer had the larger attacking force set up in the woods of the NW of B11 with a full company in the SW light woods of B11 to attack the hill/ENT to the SE of the B24 town. 2xPARA held the B22 village complex within its ring of mines.

Based on the scenario "Conclusion," I set the US initial dispositions as set for garrison duty. Units occupying ENTs and the towns on B11 and B24, specifically: 9xINF + 2xENG + 2xHMG + 2x81mm on B24 and 6xINF + 1xENG + 2xHMG on B10.

Conditions: the weather again was poor for US air activity, for example, only one of the first 11 turns had sufficient visibility to draw an aircraft. Also, FOW rolls ended turns quite early on four early turns which hampered the US ability to organize its counterattack from B10.

German northerly attack against village (1105:B24) and 3xENT to the north of the B24 town were successful - US OF was fairly ineffective (killed one step) though oberfeldwebel 9-2-2 was himself DIS'd on several occasions: thus, he was more valuable with morale assists than in combining fire. US morale flagged, perhaps due to overconfidence (rationalizing some good attack rolls for the Heer and poor morale checks for the US). Surprisingly, US OBA was ineffective (the forward artillery observer was sacked). Eventually, this attack group took 4xENTs and the 1105:B24 town hex).

The southern attack faired poorly despite using the cover of the heavy woods 0914/1013 to attack an adjacent ENT. US counter fire could gain no kills, but red/black markers covered German units. Given the news from a few klicks north, the US pulled its 2xINF to reinforce the large town leaving the ENT to the Germans.

The German reserve company, the one casualty of US OBA, was trying to make its way to assist this southerly B24 attack when news of a US counterattack from B10 arrived.

Rationalizing that the US could not know that B9 was vacant, they left 3xINF as a garrison on B10 and headed S. This was the "surprise" of the play: that this US attack did not make headway vs. the LW. Using their ENG, the Americans infiltrated the mined farm on 1004:B11 and into the woods to cover their attack into the NE section of B11 town. The LW were ready: despite some favorable protecting terrain, the US suffered from LW OF. Further, 3xGREN reinforcing elements from the 89th INF arrived before the US could insert into the town.

The Germans were content: they maintained control of B11 town holding off the US attack (US did get hex 1007). They held most of the B24 ENTs and now mostly encircled a still strong US force in B24 town. The US would have to mount a breakout from there or organize a relieving effort. Germans units could report with a straight face the (part) of the Line was restored.

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