Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 32 AARs for game filter
  • - 31 AARs passed all filters selected

March on Leningrad (31 AARs)
2010-10-15 campsawyer English MaoL001 3/5 General, we need more than tanks
2010-10-15 vince hughes English MaoL001 3/5 Comrade, There Is Something Wrong With Our Tanks Today !
2010-11-01 Matt W English MaoL001 2/5 Driving Practice
2011-06-05 JayTownsend English MaoL001 3/5 March On Leningrad, scenario #1: Directive No. 3
2013-11-15 Fanghawk English MaoL001 4/5 Stemming the Steel Tide
2018-09-17 plloyd1010 English MaoL001 2/5 Hindsight looking forward
2010-07-05 waynebaumber English MaoL002 3/5 Sol'tsy The Campaign 1
2010-11-01 Matt W English MaoL002 5/5 Why we don't show Rembrandts to finger painting kindergarteners
2011-04-29 vince hughes English MaoL002 4/5 The Battles For Sol'tsy Begin
2024-11-09 Juiceman English MaoL002 5/5 March on Leningrad #2 - Sol'tsy: The Prelude
2010-05-31 vince hughes English MaoL003 5/5 Sol'tsy : Tougher Stuff - March On Leningrad Scenario 3
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English MaoL003 4/5 Tougher Stuff?
2010-05-27 vince hughes English MaoL004 3/5 Sol'tsy : Problems At Maloye Utorgosh - March On Leningrad Scenario 4
2010-07-07 waynebaumber English MaoL004 2/5 One bad apple etc
2010-07-24 Zouave English MaoL004 4/5 A well-coordinated Soviet assault
2011-11-05 KirkH English MaoL004 3/5 More Leaders Please!
2022-11-07 KirkH English MaoL004 3/5 Nut Too Tough to Crack
2010-05-27 vince hughes English MaoL005 5/5 Sol'tsy : Red Heat - March On Leningrad Scenario 5
2010-07-15 waynebaumber English MaoL005 4/5 Sol'tsy finale
2024-11-09 Juiceman English MaoL005 4/5 March on Leningrad #5 - Sol'tsy: Red Heat
2010-11-22 campsawyer English MaoL006 3/5 Its not just about the number of troops...
2010-11-23 vince hughes English MaoL006 3/5 Ooops ! Thats 'Blown' It !
2018-03-19 waynebaumber English MaoL006 3/5 Mga Station : Russians miss the train
2023-08-08 waynebaumber English MaoL007 3/5 March on Leningrad #7
2024-11-13 Juiceman English MaoL007 3/5 March on Leningrad #7 - Mga Station: The Marshal Taketh Away
2018-05-18 Retiredgrunt17 English MaoL009 5/5 The March Continued
2010-08-06 Zouave English MaoL010 5/5 KV Panic
2011-02-14 vince hughes English MaoL010 3/5 Constricted Soviet Frontage Reduces Their Options
2011-02-16 joe_oppenheimer English MaoL010 3/5 Paper Troops and Iron Tanks
2011-11-02 KirkH English MaoL010 4/5 Attention All Kommissars: Please Motivate The Troops
2024-02-17 cjsiam English MaoL010 3/5 Chimpmunks in Dugouts and Entrenchment Slow the Lions
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