Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 49 AARs for game filter
  • - 49 AARs passed all filters selected

Kokoda Campaign (49 AARs)
2016-06-23 dougielb English KoCa001 3/5 First ever game of PG
2018-03-13 gocamels English KoCa001 4/5 Quite a slugfest
2020-02-22 bp1123 English KoCa001 4/5 The Trail to Gorari - Day 1
2020-07-19 Juiceman English KoCa001 4/5 Day of Firsts
2016-03-21 wleonard1 English KoCa002 3/5 Holding on by their fingernails
2016-07-05 dougielb English KoCa002 4/5 Forward defence and a walk in the woods.
2018-03-13 gocamels English KoCa002 4/5 Nailbiter!
2020-02-22 bp1123 English KoCa002 4/5 Pursuit
2020-07-19 Juiceman English KoCa002 4/5 One More Turn
2016-03-15 wleonard1 English KoCa003 3/5 Still looking for the right strategy
2018-03-13 gocamels English KoCa003 3/5 What a rout
2016-03-07 wleonard1 English KoCa004 3/5 Getting off the board is harder than it looks
2018-03-14 gocamels English KoCa004 4/5 The Great Race
2020-02-24 J6A English KoCa004 4/5 Next time, bring a map
2016-03-20 wleonard1 English KoCa005 4/5 A brief glimpse of victory
2020-08-21 Juiceman English KoCa006 4/5 Back & Forth
2020-09-09 Juiceman English KoCa007 4/5 Didn’t We Just Go Down This Track
2020-09-25 Juiceman English KoCa008 4/5 Deja Vu
2020-12-23 Juiceman English KoCa010 3/5 Snake Eyes & Box Cars
2020-12-27 Juiceman English KoCa011 3/5 Lost in the Jungle
2021-01-03 Juiceman English KoCa012 4/5 Welcome to the Jungle
2021-03-17 Juiceman English KoCa013 4/5 Jungle Marathon
2017-03-23 leonard English KoCa014 4/5 Ioribaiwa battle game scenario 1
2021-07-11 Juiceman English KoCa014 4/5 Ioribaiwa Day 1
2017-10-12 leonard English KoCa015 4/5 Ioribaiwa Battle game / scenario 2 and end : Jap assault on the hills
2021-09-14 treadasaurusrex English KoCa015 3/5 Assault & Jungle Practice
2021-03-28 Juiceman English KoCa016 3/5 Just Another Day in the Jungle
2021-10-12 Juiceman English KoCa017 4/5 The Trail Back
2024-03-08 Tubac52 Español KoCa017 2/5 Australians Ambushed, but not Stopped
2021-09-30 Juiceman English KoCa018 4/5 Templeton's Crossing, Day One
2024-03-10 Tambu English KoCa018 2/5 Take More than One Village - If You Can!
2021-08-29 Juiceman English KoCa019 4/5 Templeton's Crossing, The Last Day
2021-04-04 Juiceman English KoCa020 4/5 Jungle Beltway
2021-05-16 Juiceman English KoCa021 4/5 Eora Creek Day 2
2024-10-28 treadasaurusrex English KoCa021 3/5 Another Tankless Task in the Jungle
2021-05-23 Juiceman English KoCa023 3/5 Return to Oivi, D2
2024-04-22 treadasaurusrex English KoCa023 3/5 Push Them Back, Mate!
2021-04-08 Juiceman English KoCa024 3/5 Trail to Gorari, D2
2016-04-22 wleonard1 English KoCa025 3/5 Can't Touch This
2021-08-09 Juiceman English KoCa025 3/5 The Landing
2024-04-28 treadasaurusrex English KoCa025 3/5 A Nightime Fight in Eastern New Guinea
2021-03-21 Juiceman English KoCa026 3/5 Pat I would like to buy an Anti-Tank Weapon
2021-06-15 Juiceman English KoCa027 4/5 Breakout
2021-05-25 Juiceman English KoCa028 3/5 Assault on #3 Airstrip
2024-09-21 treadasaurusrex English KoCa028 3/5 Light Armor & Close Assaults Rule
2021-06-13 Juiceman English KoCa029 4/5 Pursuit
2020-04-04 NBGB English KoCa030 3/5 Ambush heaven?
2021-08-29 Juiceman English KoCa030 3/5 First PG Game
2024-07-09 treadasaurusrex English KoCa030 3/5 The Usual Messy Jungle Fight
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