Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 39 AARs for game filter
  • - 39 AARs passed all filters selected

C&CV1: War in the East (39 AARs)
2011-01-19 GeneSteeler English CCV1001 2/5 West of Jaslo – War Diaries
2011-11-16 filbox English CCV1001 4/5 The More Things Change...
2012-11-10 Matt W English CCV1001 4/5 Brick Wall
2018-01-29 Retiredgrunt17 English CCV1001 5/5 Baptism
2011-01-19 GeneSteeler English CCV1002 3/5 Motorcycles, Horses and Bicycles – War Diaries
2011-12-14 filbox English CCV1002 3/5 Polish Counterstrike !
2012-11-11 Matt W English CCV1002 3/5 Crumple
2011-11-10 waynebaumber English CCV1003 2/5 Blitzkrieg indeed!
2012-03-14 filbox English CCV1003 4/5 Immer Geradeaus Fahren !
2012-11-15 Matt W English CCV1003 4/5 More Bricks
2012-05-04 filbox English CCV1004 3/5 Polish Persistance
2012-11-19 Matt W English CCV1004 3/5 Can Opener
2012-06-08 filbox English CCV1005 4/5 German advance halted !!
2012-11-29 Matt W English CCV1005 4/5 Ragged Edge of Disaster
2012-12-06 Matt W English CCV1006 3/5 Hung Up
2012-10-05 filbox English CCV1007 4/5 Failed escape
2012-12-07 Matt W English CCV1007 3/5 Must have been blood doping...
2010-11-01 campsawyer English CCV1008 4/5 Leaders with enthusiasm
2011-06-13 Poor Yorek English CCV1008 3/5 Divided is Conquered
2010-11-01 campsawyer English CCV1009 4/5 Leaders on the move
2011-06-21 Poor Yorek English CCV1009 1/5 Here we Stand.
2010-11-01 campsawyer English CCV1010 4/5 Urban assault really helps
2010-11-01 campsawyer English CCV1011 4/5 Leading the Engineers
2010-11-01 campsawyer English CCV1012 4/5 Staying low in a tank battle
2010-11-01 campsawyer English CCV1013 4/5 No rest for weary leaders
2010-11-03 campsawyer English CCV1014 5/5 Wild tank battle in the Ukraine
2010-11-22 campsawyer English CCV1015 4/5 Holding back the Soviet masses
2010-11-22 campsawyer English CCV1016 4/5 Stay together an win
2010-11-22 campsawyer English CCV1017 3/5 So close but so far
2010-11-25 campsawyer English CCV1018 5/5 In defense of the Motherland...or Fatherland
2011-01-18 scrane English CCV1018 4/5 Onward to Berlin, Comrades!
2011-01-24 scrane English CCV1019 3/5 Hit and run like hell
2011-06-16 campsawyer English CCV1019 5/5 Splitting the defensive seam
2011-01-31 scrane English CCV1020 3/5 Russian steamroller advances
2011-06-17 campsawyer English CCV1020 5/5 Town garrisons are no match for Soviet Guards
2011-07-01 campsawyer English CCV1021 4/5 Slowing down a counterattack
2012-01-08 von wildensee English CCV1022 3/5 This is No Retreat! It's "Elastic Defence!"
2020-09-11 tlangston28 English CCV1024 3/5 Soviet Artillery and Armor win the day
2020-10-29 plloyd1010 English CCV1024 3/5 The first ladder challenge, a tie on the bottom rung.
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