Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Can Opener
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Poland
Play Date 2012-11-19
Language English
Scenario CCV1004

Two relatively equal forces run into each other. The Germans have some air support and the Poles have some cavalry. The Poles have a bunch of infantry support tanks. While the Germans certainly have the better tanks at the top end with a platoon each of PzIIIs and PzIVs, they are also bringing along a bunch of PzIs and PzIIs to give the Vickers B's in the Polish arsenal a target rich environment

It was interesting, given the heavy emphasis towards mechanised combat that the real hero of the scenario was the Polish Kapitan (Rozycki) who led an infantry and cavalry force that swarmed over the best tanks of the German force reducing them to smoking hulks.

The Germans lost 8 tank steps to the 1 lost by the Poles and 10 other steps to the Poles' 9 losses. The Poles, however, controlled 7 town hexes to the 1 held by the Germans. This ended up being a huge Polish win 45-18.

In addition the Polish leader got his second medal while to date no Germans have a medal. It was a well deserved medal as he led the assault north of the woods that ended up destroying the PzIIIs and PzIVs. Both sides, however, have Captains so the effect on the campaign of such medals is to date nothing. The Poles lead the campaign 205-123. The Germans need a big win coming up.

Given the VP rich entry area that the Poles enjoy it is hard to see how the Germans can win this one. They have to keep their tanks held closely and intimidate the Polish armor (something I didn't do, I actually tried to get the good tanks north of the woods on board 15 and they were caught by the high initiative of the Poles and destroyed in assault combat before they could get off a shot.

This is, however, a fun scenario as the Poles try to find a way to use their swarms of TK-whatevers and their armored cars. The order of battle contains some of the oddest menagerie of armor seen in one scenario except for some of the Kursk scenarios (I reserve my judgment on Saipan...). I toyed with giving this one a 4 but it just seemed a little too programmed for that. Still a lot of fun to play and well worth the time.

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