Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Hit and run like hell
Author scrane
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2011-01-22
Language English
Scenario CCV1019

The second scenario in my playing of the Battle for Germany campaign saw the introduction of two new German officers, Lt. Linberg and Lt. Kammerer.

  • Lt. Linberg, 8-0-1, Urban Assault Specialist, Mortarman/Artillerist
  • Lt. Kammerer, 8-0-0, Urban Assault Specialist, Rifle Combat Specialist

This was a fast scenario. The Germans have a company of PzIVs, a company of PzVs, two companies of panzer grenadiers in halftracks, and HMG, mortar and OBA support. Their mission is to take and hold a line of towns along an east-west road. They attack from the north. The Soviets have about a battalion of Guards, with HMG, mortar and light OBA, supported by self-propelled anti-tank guns, assault guns, T34s and a company of T70s. The Soviets deployed just south of the road in towns and cover, with their most powerful ATGs foremost. The German plan was to lead with their armor, try to knock out the ATGs and Soviet tanks so that the mechanized infantry could advance and take the central town.

The German tanks advanced and immediately began to take out the Soviet armor. German Lt. Gluckwunch, again leading the mortars, came under Soviet OBA fire before he made it to the forward observer post he'd been assigned in a copse opposite the main Soviet position. True to form, he and his troops were demoralized and wiped out in 30 minutes. The German tanks efficiently reduced the Soviet armored units and moved closer to the infantry positions to take them under fire. A bold local counterattack by the Soviet major wiped out a platoon of Panthers in exchange for a platoon of infantry, so the German tanks pulled back slightly.

At this point the German panzer grenadiers entered the board and advanced about a third of the way toward the Soviet town. They came under artillery fire, which disrupted some truck-borne HMGs and even a platoon of halftrack-carried infantry. Brave Lt. Peshkov led another infantry assault on the remaining Panther platoon and wiped it out. Another Soviet Lt. tied up the PzIV company in an assault. Then, the Soviets played their ace in the hole. The T70 company, which had been kept in reserve, advanced. Over the course of 30 minutes it took out a company of panzer grenadiers in their halftracks, firing at extreme range. With fully half their force eliminated, the Germans retreated after only two hours.

Summary of Character Status:

  • Lt. Gluckwunch, reprimanded for cowardice AGAIN, LP -15
  • Lt. Kammerer, killed in action
  • Lt. Linberg, LP 4

  • Capt. Severin, LP 9

  • Lt. Peshkov, LP 8
  • Lt. Ossipov, LP 4

Campaign Victory Point Totals:

  • Germany, Scenario 1: 7
  • Germany, Scenario 2: 21

  • Germany, Campaign Total to Date: 28

  • Soviet Union, Scenario 1: 78

  • Soviet Union, Scenario 2: 38

  • Soviet Union, Campaign Total to Date: 116

Things aren't looking good for the Germans right now, but there are more scenarios to play. Perhaps a new leader in next game will start to turn things around for them.

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