Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

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Conquest of Ethiopia (58 AARs)
2015-07-02 leonard English COOE001 4/5 the trick of the trail
2015-11-02 petermc English COOE001 2/5 Tough Nut
2015-12-30 Coniglius English COOE001 3/5 The Dubious Dubat
2017-05-07 JayTownsend English COOE001 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #1: Initial Troubles
2018-07-19 Blackcloud6 English COOE001 5/5 Followed History
2019-11-15 wleonard1 English COOE001 3/5 Born disrupted
2020-06-19 Cleburne3 English COOE001 4/5 Initial Troubles
2020-08-07 Juiceman English COOE001 3/5 Now for Something Completely Different
2022-01-10 Markm50 English COOE001 3/5 Not Much Action
2022-07-25 treadasaurusrex English COOE001 3/5 Ethiopian Onslaught!
2016-01-15 Coniglius English COOE002 3/5 Regia Nautica saves the day
2018-01-07 JayTownsend English COOE002 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #2: Prelude: The Wal Wal Incident
2018-07-22 Blackcloud6 English COOE002 5/5 A Killing Field
2019-11-15 wleonard1 English COOE002 4/5 Up Against the Wal Wal
2021-01-12 Juiceman English COOE002 4/5 Beau Geste
2022-01-17 Markm50 English COOE002 3/5 Lopsided Affair!
2022-07-29 treadasaurusrex English COOE002 3/5 Some forts and a lot of Air Support
2016-01-24 Coniglius English COOE003 3/5 When properly led, men do great things....
2018-09-01 JayTownsend English COOE003 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #3: The First Clash: Rama’
2020-08-08 wleonard1 English COOE003 4/5 An Opportunity to Excel
2021-01-16 Juiceman English COOE003 4/5 Down to the Wire
2022-01-20 Markm50 English COOE003 4/5 I teresting Fight
2022-08-01 treadasaurusrex English COOE003 3/5 Il Duce's Boys were Ill-prepared-and-led
2018-09-01 JayTownsend English COOE004 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #4: Passo Gashorche
2020-08-20 wleonard1 English COOE004 4/5 Everyone’s invited to this infantry party
2021-01-21 Juiceman English COOE004 3/5 Cosi` e` la vita!
2022-01-27 Markm50 English COOE004 4/5 Not Close….
2022-08-03 treadasaurusrex English COOE004 3/5 Ethiopia 1, Italy 0 in Take the Pass
2020-10-25 wleonard1 English COOE005 4/5 Fight or Flight?
2021-01-26 Juiceman English COOE005 3/5 Circle the Wagons
2022-08-04 treadasaurusrex English COOE005 3/5 A Quick Fight in the Mountains
2022-12-27 JayTownsend English COOE005 3/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #5: Surprise at Mount Gundi
2020-11-06 wleonard1 English COOE006 4/5 Taking the long way around
2021-02-16 scrane English COOE006 4/5 Waves of Italian Colonials crash against the amba
2020-11-25 wleonard1 English COOE007 4/5 This editor doesn’t allow corrections
2023-08-15 treadasaurusrex English COOE007 4/5 Two Battles in One
2023-08-15 CavDo English COOE007 3/5 A Frustrating Loss
2021-01-18 JayTownsend English COOE008 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, Scenario Eight: Graziani’s War: A Sorrowful Victory
2022-11-10 treadasaurusrex English COOE008 3/5 A Sorrowful Draw
2024-09-11 treadasaurusrex English COOE009 3/5 Almost a Draw in the Rugged Ethiopian Hills!
2023-02-19 treadasaurusrex English COOE010 3/5 Balanced and Fun to Play
2024-09-14 treadasaurusrex English COOE011 3/5 Another East African Slugfrest in the Rocky Hills of Ethiopia
2019-09-21 waynebaumber English COOE013 2/5 Slug-fest in Africa
2023-03-12 JayTownsend English COOE013 2/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario # 13: Graziani’s War: Olol Dinle Strikes Again
2016-02-01 waynebaumber English COOE014 3/5 A one sided tussle
2025-01-21 treadasaurusrex English COOE018 3/5 Yet another . . .
2015-08-23 Hugmenot English COOE021 4/5 More Balanced Tan At First Sight
2017-11-14 J6A English COOE021 5/5 Poor choices lead to poor outcomes
2021-11-13 JayTownsend English COOE021 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario 21: Enderta: Dawn Fighting at Adi Sembet
2023-02-13 treadasaurusrex English COOE021 3/5 A Near Draw - A Costly Ethiopian Win
2021-02-10 scrane English COOE022 4/5 Tense battle interesting amba terrain
2023-12-30 JayTownsend English COOE022 3/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #22: Second Tembien: Uork Amba
2022-12-28 JayTownsend English COOE028 4/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, scenario #28: Second Ogaden: Battle of Gianagobo
2015-12-30 waynebaumber English COOE030 3/5 Italian disaster
2016-02-12 Hugmenot English COOE031 2/5 Impossible Task
2021-01-18 JayTownsend English COOE038 3/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, Scenario Thirty-Eight: Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway VI
2015-08-23 Hugmenot English COOE039 3/5 Excellent Introductory Scenario
2021-01-18 JayTownsend English COOE039 3/5 Conquest of Ethiopia, Scenario Thirty-Nine: Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway VII
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