Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
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  • - Found 41 AARs for game filter
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Workers and Peasants (41 AARs)
2011-08-11 enrique English WoaP001 3/5 The Leningrad Militia resists
2012-05-05 campsawyer English WoaP001 3/5 By the hair of their chinny-chin-chin
2012-05-05 vince hughes English WoaP001 3/5 To Win As Germans - Get Gamey
2013-04-21 Hugmenot English WoaP001 4/5 Numbers Beat Quality
2020-03-04 J6A English WoaP001 4/5 Soviet Artillery Carries the Day
2012-03-08 campsawyer English WoaP002 5/5 Demoralized in the Swamps
2013-04-28 Hugmenot English WoaP002 4/5 A Hole in the Line
2020-12-15 waynebaumber English WoaP002 4/5 Score draw?
2014-05-29 campsawyer English WoaP003 5/5 Masterpiece
2012-03-31 campsawyer English WoaP004 4/5 Too cold to fight
2012-10-13 campsawyer English WoaP005 4/5 Just one more turn
2012-04-13 campsawyer English WoaP006 5/5 Demoralized
2013-02-27 Matt W English WoaP006 4/5 By the hair of my chinny, chin, chin
2020-11-25 waynebaumber English WoaP006 3/5 Fighting Retreat
2011-01-27 Matt W English WoaP008 4/5 We may be lousy but there are a whole lot of us...
2014-02-08 campsawyer English WoaP009 5/5 Fortified but not impregnable
2012-04-16 campsawyer English WoaP010 4/5 When at first you don't succeed, try and try and try
2014-03-09 campsawyer English WoaP011 3/5 Hope is about it for this one
2013-09-23 waynebaumber English WoaP012 5/5 The Panzer Myth destroyed but still a German victory
2013-09-23 vince hughes English WoaP012 4/5 My Word ! Panzers Pounded, But Germans Cling On For Win
2014-05-22 campsawyer English WoaP012 5/5 T-34: The queen of the battle, at least in July 1941
2012-03-18 campsawyer English WoaP013 5/5 A Soviet Counter-Attack
2012-03-19 armyduck95 English WoaP013 5/5 A Long Road and Bitter Fight
2015-09-06 thomaso827 English WoaP013 4/5 Reds Bled White
2011-08-09 waynebaumber English WoaP015 4/5 Opening Moves
2013-12-02 campsawyer English WoaP016 4/5 The future will need to wait, but...
2012-04-14 Diocletian English WoaP017 4/5 Overcoming the Blocking Force
2022-02-04 campsawyer English WoaP017 2/5 Best as solo and training
2023-08-15 waynebaumber English WoaP017 5/5 Super scenario
2022-02-12 campsawyer English WoaP018 3/5 Swarm over the River
2012-05-22 campsawyer English WoaP019 3/5 SS in training
2013-02-28 Matt W English WoaP019 4/5 Too much to ask
2012-05-29 campsawyer English WoaP020 3/5 Wehrmacht tanks win the day
2013-07-15 campsawyer English WoaP021 4/5 SS in training
2013-07-20 campsawyer English WoaP022 4/5 A stiffening defense
2010-09-26 rerathbun English WoaP023 3/5 A Stronger Effort Succeeds for Germany
2013-07-29 campsawyer English WoaP023 4/5 Stronger, but still not enough
2013-10-27 campsawyer English WoaP024 5/5 Strength renewed and drained
2011-04-25 JayTownsend English WoaP025 3/5 Workers and Peasants, scenario #7: Déjà vu
2013-11-02 campsawyer English WoaP025 4/5 Experience gained
2015-09-30 tlangston28 English WoaP025 2/5 Deja Vu All Over Again Before It Starts?
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