Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
Reds Bled White
Author thomaso827
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2015-09-06
Language English
Scenario WoaP013

This scenario is number 6 of the second part of the newer version of Workers and Peasants but appears to be the same scenario as 13 in the older edition so I am reporting against that. The scenaro has a German battalion spread out trying to stop roughly a regiment of Russian infantry with a BT-7 company, a heavy mortar and a 45mm AT gun. The Germans get points for causing casualties, for limiting the number of Russians getting off the board to 15 or less, and for holding town hexes. The Russians have points for exiting troops off the board, for each town hex they can take, and for German casualties. This takes place accross the width of 1 board and depth of 2 boards, so the Germans really can't form much of a line, depending instead on a series of outposts and building up as strong as possible in the town and making it as costly as possible for the Russians to take. My attack with the Russians started out well, but the German 37mm AT guns reached out and killed BT-7s, first on the German left flank, nailing the BT-7 with the tank leader and polishing it off just in time before a Russian OBA bombardment destroyed it. The second 37mm AT was in the edge of the town making it a lot tougher, and it succeeded in taking out the second tank leader at long range (randomly selecting targets on the first shot but then continuing to fire at the aquired unit). The remaining BTs managed to slip out of range of the remaining 37mm and kept out of AT range of the 75mm Infantry gun, which was defending the southern edge of the town, and managed to make it off the board with 5 steps. The Russians sent the SMG elements with good leaders to attack the town supported by Russian OBA and the 3 82mm mortars, but were decimated by adjacent hex fire before they could assault, losing both a captain and lieutenant along with 5 of the 6 platoons. The main Russian column had already committed to trying for an exit victory, and managed with several losses each turn while Russian OBA and Mortars tried to destroy or demoralize the German outposts. Russians avoided assaults except for the northernmost outpost, which had tied down a much larger force of Russians than it was really worth, so the stream of Russians just kept their heads down and headed south. In the end, the Russians got 21 steps off the board, exceeding the limit for the Germans to make points on, but the Germans had eliminated 30 steps, including leaders as listed in the casualty information of the scenario, while only losing 9 steps of thier own force. The German Major was among the casualties, having left the safety of the town to try to chase down Russians and finding himself with 2 platoons in range and sight of the Russian mortars, who managed a spectacular roll of 12 for a 2X followed by a leader loss roll of 2. In the end, exit points couldnt keep up with casualty points, and the Germans win the scenario, 52 points to 30. Great game.

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