Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 28th:
Big Red One #4 - Hill 482 Spearhead Division #15 - Dillenberg
Big Red One #5 - This Place is Hell

PG-HQ After Action Report Depository

AARs 6,178
Authors 212
AAR / Person 29
AAR Coverage 62.63%

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  • - Found 6120 AARs for neutral filter
  • - 6120 valid AARs remaining
  • - Found 27 AARs for game filter
  • - 26 AARs passed all filters selected

Broken Axis (26 AARs)
2018-02-22 pixelgeek English BrAx001 4/5 Damn the mud
2023-04-27 Grognard Gunny English BrAx001 3/5 Unbroken line!
2023-06-11 Grognard Gunny English BrAx002 4/5 Not bad for a lost cause
2023-06-14 Grognard Gunny English BrAx003 4/5 Right up to the last minute!
2023-03-05 Juiceman English BrAx009 4/5 Into the Hun's Teeth
2022-10-30 JayTownsend English BrAx014 4/5 Broken Axis: Scenario Three, Sledge Hammer of the Proletariat
2020-03-09 TFGA73 English BrAx015 4/5 Defying history
2017-08-03 Blackcloud6 English BrAx021 4/5 A delay stops the advance
2020-01-19 JayTownsend English BrAx021 4/5 Broken Axis: scenario #10: The Lion’s In Town
2022-01-18 John_S1973 English BrAx022 4/5 Excellent One-Mapper
2016-10-25 J6A English BrAx027 4/5 How not to overrun the Soviets
2016-11-06 J6A English BrAx028 4/5 When everything goes right except the dice
2016-11-19 J6A English BrAx029 4/5 The 75mm AT of DOOM!
2020-12-11 TFGA73 English BrAx029 4/5 The Closest of Margins
2023-03-05 Juiceman English BrAx035 4/5 Commence Operation Katja
2023-03-19 Juiceman English BrAx037 3/5 North of Vulturi
2023-03-25 Juiceman English BrAx038 5/5 South of Iepureni
2023-03-26 Juiceman English BrAx040 4/5 Broken Axis #40 - Operation Katja Scenario 8: Zahorna
2017-08-03 Poor Yorek English BrAx041 4/5 Oh Dear oh Die
2018-09-06 leonard English BrAx041 4/5 Hunting JSII
2018-09-08 JayTownsend English BrAx041 4/5 Broken Axis, scenario 41: Bloodletting
2023-04-07 Juiceman English BrAx042 3/5 #42 - Romania Mare Scenario 2: Beyond the Beautiful Valley
2020-12-29 JayTownsend English BrAx043 3/5 Broken Axis, Scenario Three: Zmev: Glory or Shame
2023-04-06 Juiceman English BrAx045 3/5 Romania Mare Scenario 5: Hero of Stalingrad
2020-06-18 Blackcloud6 English BrAx049 4/5 Smashed in the Dark
2017-04-29 JayTownsend English BrAx050 4/5 Broken Axis, scenario #10, Sabaoani Crossroads
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