Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 6th:
Black Panthers #24 - Repulsed at Millingen Road to Berlin #41 - Spring Awakened
New Zealand Division #3 - Rommel's Last Battle Road to Berlin #42 - Children of Vienna
Road to Berlin #40 - Clash of Giants
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Indian Unity #1
(Attacker) Hyderabad vs Gurkha (Attacker)
India (Attacker)
Formations Involved
Gurkha 2/5th Gurkha Rifles
Hyderabad Razakar Militia
India Northern Madras Police
India Poona Horse

Overall balance chart for InUn001
Side 1 2
Draw 0
Side 2 6
Overall Rating, 10 votes
Scenario Rank: 847 of 953
Parent Game Indian Unity
Historicity Historical
Date 1948-09-06
Start Time 07:30
Turn Count 16
Visibility Day
Counters 34
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 2
Maps 1: 4
Layout Dimensions 43 x 28 cm
17 x 11 in
Play Bounty 139
AAR Bounty 148
Total Plays 8
Total AARs 4
Battle Types
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Urban Assault
Joint Forces Battle
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Desert Rats Counters
Eastern Front Maps
Indian Unity Base Game

Across the Deccan highlands that included the princely state of Hyderabad, Communist insurgents beheaded Muslim landlords and encouraged peasants to seize their land and form communes. In retaliation, a powerful Hyderabad politician, Qasim Razvi, formed a Muslim militia known as the Razakars. Razvi's men burned villages that had turned out their landlords and murdered those they thought might be communists. According to Indian accounts, a force of Razakars crossed into Indian territory at the village of Chillakallu. The Indian Army then sent a force of tanks and Gurkhas to "investigate" the incident.


The Razakars shot up the police station, and were still attacking the town when Indian infantry and tank reinforcements appeared. The militia fled back across the border into Hyderabad with the Indians in hot pursuit, leaving a number of dead police and militants behind.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables. Do not take step losses from Direct or Bombardment Fire. If X or #X result on Fire Table, make M morale check instead (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Provide the +1 modifier on the Assault Table when combined with infantry. (Modifier only applies to Germans in all scenarios; Soviet Guards in scenarios taking place after 1942; Polish, US and Commonwealth in scenarios taking place after 1943.) (ACC)
  • Tank: all are closed-top and provide the +1 Assault bonus, when applicable

Display Order of Battle

Gurkha Order of Battle
Hyderabad Order of Battle
  • Foot
India Order of Battle
  • Foot
  • Mechanized

Display AARs (4)

Mob Rule
Author Matt W (Hyderabad)
Method Face to Face
Victor Gurkha, India
Participants Hugmenot (AAR)
Play Date 2012-09-22
Language English
Scenario InUn001

Played ftf with Hugmenot.

Something like 100,000,000 crazed fanatics attack a police station in a town. They gain complete control of the town with the exception of the police station itself where the police calmly hold off the fanatics but the police captain, losing his nerve runs away after calling the army to come save them.

The army arrives and chases away the fanatics after a surprising amount of difficulty due to the fanatics surviving morale checks. In all of this the army and police avoid any losses but the fanatics suffer severe losses as their supporters begin drifting away and looking to all intents and purposes as though they are innocent bystanders.

But enough about Pittsburgh and the last time the Steelers won the Super Bowl. This is about a Panzer Grenadier scenario where about 100,000,000 Razakars attack an Indian police station...

It really did go just about as described. The Razakars were unable to effectively dislodge the Indian Police and were rousted late in the game by the Indian Army. While they have lots of steps the Razakars with only a 2-1 DF on their full strength side, were unable to cause any losses or indeed to cause much disorder, amongst the Indians. What difficulties the Indians incurred were due to the Razakars ability to maintain their morale in assault hexes thus causing delays to the Indians throughout the scenario.

It was a perfectly fun scenario given the asymmetric situation. I felt that my Hyderabadi nutcases were almost able to pull it out, but I had exceptional luck with my rolls on morale checks so this tilts towards the Indians. I give it a "3".

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Reversal of Fortune
Author Hugmenot (Gurkha, India)
Method Face to Face
Victor Gurkha, India
Participants Matt W (AAR)
Play Date 2012-09-22
Language English
Scenario InUn001

Played ftf against Matt W in about 75 minutes.

A short, straightforward scenario. The Hyderabad forces will take over part of a town defended by two Indian platoons and then try to hold on against the Indian/Ghurka reinforcements.

The Hyderabad force stood their ground for 10 or so turns but then collapse inn like 2 turns after they suffered from decapitation. The Indians seemed to catch a second wind and quickly gained complete control of the town.

Indian major victory.

I rate this one a "3". A good introductory scenario and also a decent 1-session Skype scenario.

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Help! Police! The Razakars are coming!
Author tlangston28 (Gurkha, India)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Gurkha, India
Participants waynebaumber (AAR)
Play Date 2017-11-05
Language English
Scenario InUn001

This was a short scenario (by PG standards) as Wayne and I were able to complete the game in a little under 3 hours. Wayne mentions it and I have to agree that this boils down to a puzzle for both sides. where the Razakars must figure out how to possibly eliminate the police units and take the town while the Indians need to hold on until the reinforcments come in.

The Hyderabadi split their forces and grouped about 4 hexes from the town on both the east and west sides, south of the road. They started their attack by moving towards the north end of the town, which would prevent the Op fire from the Indians (setup in 0710) and force them to move if they wanted to engage. The Police did split up to try and achieve op fire opportunities but ultimately ended up in the same area of town (0610) where they were assaulted and remained there the rest of the game.

In the meantime, Wayne setup a defensive perimeter on the north side, digging in 2 units and attempting to dig in a third just outside of the town. The remaining Razakars filled in positions in the town. Unfortunately for the Hyderabadis, the Indians received their reinforcements on the first eligible turn and so they moved in. The tanks rolled right up to the dug in units while the infantry followed behind and were able to clear out one dug out but then they stalled as they could not clear the other. The infantry following split, with a CAPT and LT leading 2 Gurkha RIF units and a WPN unit moving to attack the one unit that was in the process of digging in while the MAJ and his 2 RIF units skirted the town to meet up with the Police force in 0610. The digging in unit stopped and was able to inflict the lone Indian casualty. The tanks meanwhile moved around the town to the west and then entered in 0810. They then assaulted into 0710 and held that unit in place until the Major and his Gurkha RIF were able to join them in a combined arms assault that essentially cut through the town. After several turns of assaults, the Indians were in control of 3 town hexes, had lost only 1 step while the Hyderabadis were down to 14 steps out of 32 and most of those were in disrupted or demoralized status in assaults that were being battled at 13, 24 or 30 to 1 or 2 in the Indians favor. They conceded on turn 13.

The key here for the Indians is how to structure their attack to take maximum benefit from the combos offered (better morale, leader, Gurkha and combined arms) in assault. Time plays a factor if the reinforcement rolls are not in the Indian favor. Wayne played to the best that he could, given the circumstance and did offer that it may have been better for him to stop attacking after the initial assault against the police as that would have forced the Indians to make the attacks at better odds for the Hyderabads.

In all, an ok scenario that I wouldn't play again unless I was teaching someone the game.

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An exercise in futility
Author waynebaumber (Hyderabad)
Method Dual Table Setup + Voice Chat
Victor Gurkha, India
Participants tlangston28 (AAR)
Play Date 2017-11-05
Language English
Scenario InUn001

Played in one session against Tony L, this scenario shows the Hyderabad militia provoking the Indians with an attack on a Indian town just over the border. The town is defended by two police units who telephone for help and are reinforced by a Gurkha company with Heavy Weapons and Sherman's in support. This is a game of two puzzles, how can the Hyrerabad player seize the town without losing to many casualties, how doe the Indian player take the town back within the time scale. The answer to the first is he can't take the whole town because unless he is very lucky or the Indian player is inept he wont eliminate the police units. For the Indian player the puzzle is slightly more complex but should the reinforcements arrive on time then its just a case of planning some combined assault to sweep through the town in fairly short order. The problem with this scenario once the Hyderabad force take the majority of the town there is little else to do, I pushed a few units one hex North of the town to provide some form of defense in depth but really I spent most of the latter part of the game rolling recovery rolls. Not one for the connoisseur.

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