Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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The Road to Raseiniai
Raseiniai #1
(Defender) Soviet Union vs Germany (Defender)
Formations Involved

Overall balance chart for TBRa001
Side 1 0
Draw 0
Side 2 3
Overall Rating, 4 votes
Scenario Rank: --- of 958
Parent Game Raseiniai
Historicity Historical
Date 1941-06-23
Start Time 06:00
Turn Count 18
Visibility Day
Counters 121
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 4
Maps 2: 4, 6
Layout Dimensions 56 x 43 cm
22 x 17 in
Play Bounty 182
AAR Bounty 154
Total Plays 3
Total AARs 3
Battle Types
Exit the Battle Area
Inflict Enemy Casualties
Road Control
Off-board Artillery
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Fire in the Steppe Maps + Counters
Raseiniai Base Game

Maj. Gen. Franz Landgraf’s 6th Panzer Division took up positions on the right of 41st Motorized Corps, just east of the border city of Tauroggen. While the neighboring 1st Panzer Division became tangled in fighting for the city, the 6th Panzer Division had a much easier time. The Soviet 48th Rifle Division had been ordered forward from its station at Raseiniai on 18 June, but by the 22nd only the division’s recon battalion had deployed on the border. Sixth Panzer Division encountered the rest of the formation on the next day.


A May 1941 inspection declared 48th Rifle Division’s state of readiness and training “worse than bad.” The entire division staff (86 people, including both Red Army and political officers) had been executed in the late 1930’s for crimes ranging from chronic alcoholism to treason, and their replacements seem to have been less than eager to be noticed for any reason. After the inspection the division was ordered to move to Raseiniai to build fortifications, which were not complete when the Germans attacked. Following devastating air attacks, 6th Panzer Division blew through the hapless division, but then halted to secure its supply lines.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Open-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables, but DO take step losses from X and #X results (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT). If a "2X" or "3X" result is rolled, at least one of the step losses must be taken by an open-top AFV if present.
  • Closed-top AFV's: Immune to M, M1 and M2 results on Direct and Bombardment Fire Tables. Do not take step losses from Direct or Bombardment Fire. If X or #X result on Fire Table, make M morale check instead (7.25, 7.41, 7.61, BT, DFT).
  • Closed-top AFV's: Provide the +1 modifier on the Assault Table when combined with infantry. (Modifier only applies to Germans in all scenarios; Soviet Guards in scenarios taking place after 1942; Polish, US and Commonwealth in scenarios taking place after 1943.) (ACC)
  • APC – Armored Personnel Carrier: These are Combat Units, but stack like Transports. They can transport personnel units or towed units. They are not counted as combat units for the +1 stacking modifier on the Direct Fire and Bombardment Tables (4.4). They may be activated by regular leaders and tank leaders (1.2, 3.34, 4.3, 5.43). They do not provide the +1 Assault bonus (ACC).
  • Armored Cars: These are Combat Units. They are motorized instead of mechanized. All have their own armored car leaders, who can only activate armored cars (6.85). Do not provide the +1 Assault bonus (ACC).
  • Reconnaissance Vehicle: 8.23 Special Spotting Powers Both foot and vehicle mounted recce units (1.2) possess two special spotting abilities. The first ability is that they can spot enemy in limiting terrain at one hex further than the TEC specifies for other units and leaders. For example, an enemy unit in town can normally be spotted at three hexes or less, but a recce unit can spot them at four hexes.Their second ability is that they can place a Spotted marker on any one enemy unit they can spot per turn, just as if the enemy unit had "blown its cover" by firing. Such Spotted markers are removed as described earlier.

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
  • Mechanized
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)

Display Errata (5)

5 Errata Items
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 47

All SPW 251s have an armor value of 0.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 993

Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)

Display AARs (3)

A little more to the left...
Author goosebrown (Germany)
Victor Germany
Participants Grognard Gunny (AAR)
Play Date 2024-10-20
Language English
Scenario TBRa001

This was a tremendous game with my esteemed opponent Grognard Gunny.

This is the first time we've played Raseinai and I don't normally play Russian front games so this was really a treat. I played the Germans and I played a pretty heavily motorized column with a solid recon element, including armored cars, and my mission was to clear the road through the forest and to Exodus many troops as I could.

The Russian player placed a solid defense across the bottom of the forest where I had to enter the board. The road meandered slightly off center east through the forest, forcing the Germans to pass in front of the forest and the Russian defenses. I wasn't about to do that so I decided to run my motorized units and my recon unit up the right of the forest along a well prepared defense that the Russians had placed including a 76 mm gun.

Over the first couple turns things went relatively well and then I got a very good role and knocked out the 76 mm. My initial plan had been to move around the east of the forest and then attack into the forest doubling back to the west to bypass the Russians and then clear that road.

But the opportunity presented itself for me to wheel to my right and head directly into the forest itself with all my infantry where they just slowly went through couple hexes at a time and handled Russian defenders as they found them. The Russian player handled this well and did what they could, but frankly, this is the biggest force of German infantry I've ever commanded and they had a lot of fire power and so I would get clos, fire and then I would assault and the morale differences just made the day. So by the end of the game I cleared the forest on the on my left and cleared the road hexes fulfilling the objective.

I like the scenario and I would love to play Grognard Gunny again, and I believe we are set to do that for the second scenario of of Raseinai.

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#1 The Road to Raseiniai
Author Juiceman
Method Solo
Victor Germany
Play Date 2022-09-01
Language English
Scenario TBRa001

Purchased this campaign study to get me over the minimum for free shipping, decided to play the scenarios since I was playing Fire in the Step. This was an OK booklet, couple of decent scenarios, think there are others that are more worthy of your time and money.

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Utter defeat in the woods
Author Grognard Gunny (Soviet Union)
Victor Germany
Participants goosebrown (AAR)
Play Date 2024-10-20
Language English
Scenario TBRa001

The Soviet Commander had decided to hold the woods in the South given the forces available, giving the Germans free access to the road to the North, but blocking complete control of the road from the South to the North. Thus, the Soviets could have stopped the German onslaught cold, if all went well. The Germans pulled a quick left flank through the bulk of the woods, as expected, as it was hoped that they would bog down there. Unfortunately, the Germans were buoyed up by their leadership and their greater morale that did them well in the close action in the woods and the Soviets didn't do nearly as well as could have been expected. It rapidly turned into a rout and the victorious Germans wrapped up the fight with ample time to go. (A good fight for a matched pair with the onus being on the defender.)

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