Panzer Grenadier Battles on March 31st:
An Army at Dawn #40 - Task Force Benson Conquest of Ethiopia #27 - Salt Spring
An Army at Dawn 2nd Ed #39 - Restless Energy Spearhead Division #19 - The Cats Return
Afrika Korps #8 - Ambush! Spearhead Division #20 - Wewer
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Black Sea Riviera
Panzer Grenadier #12
(Attacker) Germany vs Soviet Union (Defender)
Formations Involved
Germany 73rd Infantry Division
Soviet Union 103rd Rifle Brigade

Overall balance chart for PaGr012
Side 1 0
Draw 1
Side 2 2
Overall Rating, 4 votes
Scenario Rank: --- of 957
Parent Game Panzer Grenadier
Historicity Historical
Date 1942-08-19
Start Time 12:00
Turn Count 20
Visibility Day
Counters 61
Net Morale 1
Net Initiative 1
Maps 2: 3, 8
Layout Dimensions 56 x 43 cm
22 x 17 in
Play Bounty 128
AAR Bounty 154
Total Plays 3
Total AARs 3
Duplicates EFDx106
Battle Types
Urban Assault
Off-board Artillery
Terrain Mods
Scenario Requirements & Playability
Panzer Grenadier Base Game

NORTH CAUCASUS FRONT: In the summer of 1942, Axis troops reached the very edge of the Caucasus mountains, the line between Europe and Asia. German and Romanian troops fought their way toward the port of Novorossisk, while the Soviets threw in all possible reserves to stop them. While Red Army troops dug in around Abinskaya, the Black Sea Fleet sent its famous armored train "Death to the Hitlerite Invaders" to help.


The Germans attacked furiously, but spurred on by their kommissars the Soviet riflemen threw back the invaders. Three days later a Romanian cavalry division relieved the German infantry and drove the Soviets out of Abinskaya, opening the door to Novorossisk.

Display Relevant AFV Rules

AFV Rules Pertaining to this Scenario's Order of Battle
  • Vulnerable to results on the Assault Combat Chart (7.25, 7.63, ACC), and may be attacked by Anti-Tank fire (11.2, DFT). Anti-Tank fire only affects the individual unit fired upon (7.62, 11.0).
  • AFV's are activated by tank leaders (3.2, 3.3, 5.42, 6.8). They may also be activated as part of an initial activating stack, but if activated in this way would need a tank leader in order to carry out combat movement.
  • AFV's do not block Direct Fire (10.1).
  • Full-strength AFV's with "armor efficiency" may make two anti-tank (AT) fire attacks per turn (either in their action segment or during opportunity fire) if they have AT fire values of 0 or more (11.2).
  • Each unit with an AT fire value of 2 or more may fire at targets at a distance of between 100% and 150% of its printed AT range. It does so at half its AT fire value. (11.3)
  • Efficient and non-efficient AFV's may conduct two opportunity fires per turn if using direct fire (7.44, 7.64). Units with both Direct and AT Fire values may use either type of fire in the same turn as their opportunity fire, but not both (7.22, 13.0). Units which can take opportunity fire twice per turn do not have to target the same unit both times (13.0).
  • Demoralized AFV's are not required to flee from units that do not have AT fire values (14.3).
  • Place a Wreck marker when an AFV is eliminated in a bridge or town hex (16.3).
  • AFV's do not benefit from Entrenchments (16.42).
  • AFV's may Dig In (16.2).
  • Armored Trains: see Rule 15.2 ~ 15.22

Display Order of Battle

Germany Order of Battle
Soviet Union Order of Battle
Army (RKKA)
  • Misc

Display Errata (5)

5 Errata Items
Overall balance chart for 20

The reduced direct fire value of the Heer HMG became 5-5 starting with Fall of France.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 63

The morale and combat modifiers of German Sergeant #1614 should be "0", not "8".

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)
Overall balance chart for 54

The movement allowance on the counters in Airborne is misprinted. It should be "3."

(rerathbun on 2012 Jan 30)
Overall balance chart for 951

The reduced direct fire value in Kursk: Burning Tigers is 4-4.

(plloyd1010 on 2015 Jul 31)
Overall balance chart for 993

Kommissars never get morale or combat modifiers. Ignore misprints.

(Shad on 2010 Dec 15)

Display AARs (3)

Three Bricks Shy of a Load
Author Matt W
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2012-09-26
Language English
Scenario PaGr012

I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where the local American football team is revered. After they had won a couple championships the pre-season predictions were all quite sure that they would win the championship again. A journalist asked for the ability to follow the team during the season and chronicle what was supposed to be another championship. As you would expect with a build-up like that, the team did not win the championship that year due to several small but ultimately critical failings. The book that resulted from the journalist's observations was titled "Three Bricks Shy of a Load" and was received quite well in sports and critical circles.

In this scenario, the Germans will probably find themselves three bricks shy as well. Their job is to cross two boards of open ground, dislodge a larger force than their own and take a town. They do have a morale advantage and they do have decent OBA but the task is difficult. While I found that the Germans had the strength to get into the town they were just a little short of having the force to "take" the town. I ended up with two hexes of the town controlled by Germans, two hexes contested and one held by the Soviets.

There were a number of points in the game at which a better roll would have meant a better chance at German victory but there were also four straight Kommisar morale checks in the early game which led to "reeducations". This despite the fact that the Kommisar was a "10" rated Komissar, so luck would seem to have been pretty even.

Don't get me wrong, with another 4-6 turns the Germans would probably have taken the town but the attackers would have been completely fought out. As it was, they were not full of vim and vigor at the end of turn 20. Only the comparative weakness of the Soviets kept the Germans from being ejected from the town. Lots of choices for both sides in this one. I give it a "4".

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Panzer Grenadier Scenario 12
Author triangular_cube
Method Solo
Victor Soviet Union
Play Date 2017-01-01
Language English
Scenario PaGr012

The Germans have a ton of tools to work with in this scenario, even a 150, but it just isnt enough to crack the Russian defenses in the town. The Germans are slow moving, relying on wagons in this one, so it becomes difficult to focus their weaponry on a single point without being blown apart by the large amount of mortars the Russians have. The Russian train arrived on turn 3, and was able to intercept the German advance, slowing and unravelling it before they could get their AT guns in place to receive it. The German attack really just dissolved once it emerged from the treeline on board 3, not much else to say. It was the Russians day.

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Victory Conditions are Flawed
Author Tubac52 (Soviet Union)
Method Face to Face
Victor Draw
Participants treadasaurusrex
Play Date 2022-05-08
Language English
Scenario PaGr012

This was a supposed to be an introductory lesson in how to play Panzergrenadier. It turned into a bloody fight for town hexes that was too long to play comfortably over 4 evening get togethers. We decided on a draw when both sides were nearly running out of troops at the end of turn 18: although a draw is not allowed by the written instructions for this "all or nothing" game. We used the smoke, excess initiative and Fog of War rule which helped my side as the Russian player, but this ended 7 of our turns before either of us were ready.

I give this one a 3 because I learned how Soviet Commissars and armored trains work in the game, and had fun doing it with a knowledgeable and more experienced friend to show me how. But really, it deserves a lower rating because either side should have the possibility of a drawn game. There are not enough German units provided for the Axis to win IMHO. That side is handicapped by having to take every single town hex on Map 33. That may be what really happened, but when we played it, there were very few Soviets left by the end of turn 16, so I was happy to offer a drawn game.

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